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Arturo Perez-Reverte - Purity of Blood

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Arturo Perez-Reverte Purity of Blood

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The second swashbuckling adventure in the internationally acclaimed Captain Alatriste series Captain Alatriste, Madrids most charismatic swashbuckler, returns in P?rez-Revertes acclaimed international bestseller. The fearless Alatriste is hired to infiltrate a convent and rescue a young girl forced to serve as a powerful priests concubine. The girls father is barred from legal recourse as the priest threatens to reveal that the mans family is not of pure blood and is, in fact, of Jewish descentwhich will all but destroy the family name. As Alatriste struggles to save the young hostage from being burned at the stake, he soon finds himself drawn deeper and deeper into a conspiracy that leads all the way to the heart of the Spanish Inquisition. A literary thriller that delivers adventure and rich historical detail, Purity of Blood captivates to the final page.

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ARTURO PREZ-REVERTE is the internationally bestselling author of The Queen of the South and Captain Alatriste . He lives near Madrid, Spain.

Hardboiled, mordantly funny, unapologetically entertaining.


Wonderful, stirring entertainment.

The New York Times Book Review

Its great fun in the tradition of historical swashbucklers such as The Three Musketeers or The Scarlet Pimpernel.

The Boston Globe

Few contemporary writers conjure up derring-do as well as Arturo Prez-Reverte, a Spanish literary maestro. The true thrill lies in Prez-Revertes deft plotting and thread-the-needle resolutions.

The Christian Science Monitor

Thrillingwe have to persuade Putnam to release them as quickly as possible.

Detroit Free Press

Grabs the reader from the get-go with its moody evocation of a lost time.

USA Today

In between the flash and clanging of swordplay, Alatriste navigates the perilous dungeons of Inquisition-era Madrid. Absolutely riveting from beginning to end.

Entertainment Weekly

Prez-Revertes pacing is swift and suspenseful, the narrative voice both crisply cinematic and true to the setting of seventeenth-century SpainA feast of dark historical detail and believable danger.

The Denver Post

Purity of Blood hits the high note of Captain Alatriste and sustains the series uncommon verve.

The New York Times

Intrigue and double-dealing in seventeenth-century MadridPrez-Reverte is a master at evoking the particular color of the times, with brothels, taverns, torero arenas, and dark alleyways.

Los Angeles Times


Captain Alatriste

The Flanders Panel

The Club Dumas The Seville Communion

The Fencing Master

The Nautical Chart

The Queen of the South

Arturo Prez-Reverte


Margaret Sayers Peden

Picture 1



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Published by Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Putnam edition.

Copyright Arturo Prez-Reverte, 1997

English translation copyright Margaret Sayers Peden, 2006

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The Library of Congress has catalogued the Putnam edition as follows:

Prez-Reverte, Arturo.

[Limpieza de sangre. English]

Purity of blood / Arturo Prez-Reverte;

translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden.

p. cm.

ISBN: 1-4295-2325-5

I. Peden, Margaret Sayers. II. Title.

PQ6666.E765L5613 2006 2005050984


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For Carlota,
for whom there is no choice
but to fight

Glory and honor blazoned on the quarters of the escutcheon, hidalgos, poets, priests, fabulous Americas, ladies-in-waiting,

galleys that apprehend the infidel, gibbets by the roadside, adventures, and swords flashing on every corner.



That day there were bullfights in the Plaza Mayor, but constable Martn Saldaas festive fire had been doused. A woman had been found in a sedan chair in front of the church of San Gins, strangled. In her hand was a pouch containing fifty escudos and a handwritten, unsigned note bearing the words, For masses for your soul.

A pious old woman on her way to early church had found the body. She advised the sacristan, and he had informed the parish priest who, after a hurried absolution, sub conditione, made a report to the authorities. By the time the chief constable showed up to make his token appearance in the small plaza of San Gins, local residents and curious bystanders were milling around the sedan chair. The chair and its contents had become the object of a local pilgrimage, and a number of Saldaas catchpoles were needed to hold back the crowd while the judge and the scribe drew up their documents and Martn Saldaa made his cursory examination of the corpse.

The chief constable set about his task in the most leisurely fashion, as if he had time to burn. Perhaps it was because of his history as a former soldierhe had served in Flanders before his wife (at least it was said it had been she) obtained his present position for him. In any case, Madrids chief constable went about his duties at a pace that a certain satiric poetthe gifted-in-wealth-as-well-as-talent Ruiz de Villasecahad described in a poisonous dcima as paso de buey, an oxs pace. It was a clear allusion to the lethargy with which the chief constable picked up his staff of office, or attempted to parry the staffs his wife welcomed.

In any case, if it is true that Martn Saldaa was slow in certain things, he was definitely not so when it came to drawing his sword, or dagger, or poniard, or the well-oiled pistols he was wont to wear in his waistbandall of which clanged like sounds issuing from a smithy. On the night of the third day after the aforementioned dcima had circulated among the gossipers gathered at the mentidero of San Felipe, the most popular of Madrids rumor mills, this same now-not-so-gifted Villaseca had been found at the very door to this house with three sword-tailored buttonholes in his body. He was now extremely well qualifiedwhether from Purgatory, Hell, or whereverto confirm exactly how swiftly the constable could move.

The fact is that from the calm and collected inspection the head constable made of the cadaver, almost nothing was learned. The dead woman was mature, nearer fifty than forty, dressed in a voluminous black gown and a headdress that lent her the look of a duenna, or a ladys companion. Her purse held a rosary, along with a key and a crumpled religious card depicting the Virgin of Atocha. Around the victims neck was a gold chain bearing a medallion of Saint gueda. Her own features suggested that in her younger days she had been well favored. There were no signs of violence other than the silk cord still cutting into her neck, and her mouth, frozen in the rictus of death. From her color, and the rigor, the constable concluded that she had been strangled the preceding night, in that same sedan chair, before being carried to church.

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