The Sins of the Cities of the Plain
Jack Saul
The writer of these notes was walking through LeicesterSquare one sunny afternoon last November, when his attention wasparticularly taken by an effeminate, but very good-looking youngfellow, who was walking in front of him, looking in shop-windowsfrom time to time, and now and then looking round as if to attractmy attention.
Dressed in tight-fitting clothes, which set off hisAdonis-like figure to the best advantage, especially about whatsnobs call the fork of his trousers, where evidently he wasfavoured by nature by a very extraordinary development of the maleappendages; he had small and elegant feet, set off by pretty patentleather boots, a fresh looking beardless face, with almost femininefeatures, auburn hair, and sparkling blue eyes, which spoke asplainly as possible to my senses, and told me that the handsomeyouth must indeed be one of the "Mary-Ann's" of London, who I hadheard were often to be seen sauntering in the neighbourhood ofRegent Street, or the Haymarket, on fine afternoons orevenings.
Presently the object of my curiosity almost halted and stoodfacing the writer as he took off his hat, and wiped his face with abeautiful white silk handkerchief.
That lump in his trousers had quite a fascinating effect uponme. Was it natural or made up by some artificial means? If real,what a size when excited; how I should like to handle such a manlyjewel, etc. All this ran through my mind, and determined me to makehis acquaintance, in order to unravel the real and naked truth;also, if possible, to glean what I could of his antecedents andmode of life, which I felt sure must be extraordinarilyinteresting.
When he moved on again I noticed that he turned down a littleside street, and was looking in a picture shop. I followed him, andfirst making some observations about the scanty drapery on some ofthe actresses and other beauties whose photographs were exposed forsale, I asked him if he would take a glass of wine.
He appeared to comprehend that there was business in myproposal, but seemed very diffident about drinking in any publicplace.
"Well," I said, "would you mind if we take a cab to mychambersI live in the Cornwall Mansions, close to Baker StreetStationhave a cigar and a chat with me, as I see you are evidentlya fast young chap, and can put me up to a thing ortwo?"
"All right. Put your thing up, I suppose you mean. Why do youseem so afraid to say what you want?" he replied with a mostmeaning look.
"I'm not at all delicate; but wish to keep myself out oftrouble. Who can tell who hears you out in the streets?" I said,hailing a cab. "I don't like to be seen speaking to a young fellowin the street. We shall be all right in my own rooms."
It was just about my dinner hour when we reached my place, soI rang the bell, and ordered my old housekeeper to lay the tablefor two, and both of us did ample justice to a good rumpsteak andoyster sauce, topped up with a couple of bottles of champagne of anextra sec brand.
As soon as the cloth was removed, we settled ourselvescomfortably over the fire with brandy and cigars, for it was asharp, frosty day out.
"My boy, I hope you enjoyed your dinner?" I said, mixing acouple of good warm glasses of brandy hot, "but you have notfavoured me with your name. Mine you could have seen by the littleplate on my door, is Mr. Cambon."
"Saul, Jack Saul, sir, of Lisle Street, Leicester Square, andready for a lark with a free gentleman at any time. What was itmade you take a fancy to me? Did you observe any particularlyinteresting points about your humble servant?" as he slyly lookeddown towards the prominent part I have previouslymentioned.
"You seem a fine figure, and so evidently well hung that Ihad quite a fancy to satisfy my curiosity about it. Is it real ormade up for show?" I asked.
"As real as my face, sir, and a great deal prettier. Did youever see a finer tosser in your life?" he replied, opening histrousers and exposing a tremendous prick, which was already in ahalf-standing state. "It's my only fortune, sir; but it reallyprovides for all I want, and often introduces me to the best ofsociety, ladies as well as gentlemen. There isn't a girl aboutLeicester Square but what would like to have me for her man, but Ifind it more to my interest not to waste my strength on women; thepederastic game pays so well, and is quite as enjoyable. I wouldn'thave a woman unless well paid for it."
He was gently frigging himself as he spoke, and had aglorious stand by the time he had finished, so throwing the end ofmy cigar into the fire, I knelt down by his side to examine thatfine plaything of his.
Opening his trousers more, I brought everything into fullviewa priapus nearly ten inches long, very thick, and underhung bya most glorious pair of balls, which were surrounded and set off byquite a profusion of light auburn curls.
How I handled those appendages, the sack of which was drawnup so deliciously tight, which is a sure sign of strength, and thatthey have not been enervated by too excessive fucking or frigging.I hate to see balls hang loosely down, or even a fine prick withvery small or scarcely any stones to itthese half-and-half toolsare an abomination.
Gently frigging him, I tongued the ruby head for a minute ortwo, till he called out, "Hold, hold, sir, or you will get it inyour mouth!"
This was not my game; I wanted to see him spend, so removingmy lips, I pointed that splendid tool outwards over the hearthrugand frigged him quickly. Almost in a moment it came; first a singlethick clot was ejected, like a stone from a volcano, then quite ajet of sperm went almost a yard high, and right into the fire,where it fizzled on the red-hot coals.
"By Jove, what a spend!" I exclaimed, "we will strip now, andhave some better fun, Jack. I want to see you completely naked, myboy, as there is nothing so delightful as to see a fine youngfellow when well formed and furnished in every respect. Will yousuck me? That is what I like first; frigging you has only given mehalf a cockstand at present."
"You must be generous if I do, or you will not get me to comeand see you here again," he answered with a smile, which had almosta girlish sweetness of expression.
We were soon stripped to the buff, and having locked thedoor, I sat down with my beautiful youth on my knee, we kissed eachother, and he thrust his tongue most wantonly into my mouth, as myhands fairly travelled all over his body; but that glorious prickof his claimed most attention, and I soon had it again in a finestate of erection.
"Now kneel down and gamahuche me," I said, "whilst I can frigyour lovely prick with my foot."
Seemingly to enter thoroughly into the spirit of the thing,he was on his knees in a moment, between my legs, and began tofondle my still rather limp pego most deliciously, taking the headfully into his voluptuously warm mouth, and rolling his tongueround the prepuce in the most lascivious manner it is possible toimagine.
I stiffened up at once under such exciting tittillations,which seemed to have a like effect upon his prick, which I couldfeel with my toes to be as hard as a rolling-pin, as my foot gentlyfrigged and rolled it on his bended thigh, and he soon spent overmy sole as it gently continued the exciting friction.
I now gave myself more and more to his gamahuching, now andthen seizing his head with both hands, and raising his face tomine, we indulged in luscious love kisses, which prolonged mypleasure almost indefinitely. At last I allowed him to bring me toa crisis, and he swallowed every drop of my spendings with evidentrelish.
After resting awhile, and taking a little more stimulant, Iasked him how he had come to acquire such a decided taste forgamahuching, to do it so deliciously as he did.
"That would be too long a tale to go into now," he replied."Some other day, if you like to make it worth my while, I will giveyou the whole history."