First published in 2006 by Red Rocket Readers, an imprint of Flying Start Books Ltd.
Reprinted 2007, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018.
13/45 Karepiro Drive, Auckland 0932, New Zealand.
story John Lockyer
Printed in New Zealand
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Word Count = 495
The Arctic and Antarctica are the wildest places on Earth.
After millions of years, they have hardly changed.
In the oceans, there are huge icebergs and tiny sea creatures.
On the ice, there are polar bears, penguins and people.
The Arctic and the Antarctic are important, special places.
Would you like to go there?
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becomes different keep stay still turn water year
ISBN 978-1-776853-74-8
written by John Lockyer
Contents Page
Arctic and Antarctic 2
North Pole and South Pole 3
Summer and winter 4-5
Icebergs 6-7
Arctic animals 8-9
Polar bears 10-11
Emperor penguins 12-13
The Inuit 14
Scientists 15
Ice deserts 16
Arctic or Antarctic?
The Arctic and the Antarctic both have ice ,
mountains , blizzards , and wild oceans . They are
the two coldest places on Earth , but they are
different from each other .
The Arctic is at the top of the world , and the
Antarctic , ( which is called Antarctica) , is at the
bottom of the world . The North Pole is at the
middle of the Arctic and the South Pole is at
the middle of Antarctica .
The Arctic is an ocean covered with ice and surrounded
by land . Antarctica is land that is covered with ice and
surrounded by oceans . When it is winter in the Arctic ,
it is summer in Antarctica .
Both places have long , freezing winters when the sun
doesnt shine at all . But in the summer , the sun shines
all day and all night . The sunlight is so bright that
people must wear sunglasses , even at midnight !
Arctic summer
Icebergs are large blocks of ice that float in the
sea . They are made from fresh water because they
come from frozen rivers called glaciers .
The biggest part of an iceberg is under the water .
They are different sizes and different shapes .
Sometimes they are called ice islands , because they
can be as big as enormous buildings .
From the Arctic , some icebergs float away to the
south , where they can become a danger to ships .
Antarctica has huge icebergs that look like big ,
square blocks . There are also old , rounded icebergs
that have turned over in the water .
Arctic foxes , wolves , and hares have white fur
that matches the snow in winter . In summer ,
when the ice melts , their fur turns brown like
the land . Large herds of reindeer , (which are
also called caribou) , live in the Arctic , too .
arctic fox
Polar bears live only in the Arctic along the
shores and on the sea ice . They hunt for seals
by waiting for them to come up at holes in the
ice . They are fast runners and good swimmers .
polar bears
Their thick white fur has hollow hairs that
trap warm air close to the polar bears body .
Their huge paws are furry and rough to stop
them slipping on the ice and snow .
Emperor penguins live only in Antarctica , where they
live on the ice and feed on fish in the sea . Their thick
waterproof feathers help to keep them warm . For extra
warmth , they huddle together to keep out the cold air .
Antarctica is much colder than the Arctic . The
only animals that can survive there are seabirds ,
seals , whales , and tiny insects called midges .
emperor penguins