Smart Pop Explains Marvel Movies and TV Shows copyright 2022 by Smart Pop Books
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First E-Book Edition: July 2022
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021058210
ISBN 9781637740552 (trade paper)
ISBN 9781637740569 (ebook)
Copyediting by Michael Fedison
Proofreading by James Fraleigh and Cape Cod Compositors, Inc.
Indexing by Amy Murphy
Text design and composition by Aaron Edmiston
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After more than ten years, there isnt anyone in a Marvel movie or TV show who hasnt heard the name Captain America. However, youre not a fictional super soldier, Asgardian, or robot, youre a real person (but just to be safe, click here if youre not Ultron), so you may not know how to approach the big Marvel film and TV Universe. And its big. So big, in fact, that it dwarfs even Iron Mans armor polish budget... and thats a pretty hefty line item for Stark Enterprises. Since it is so vast and complex (how complex? Lets just say youre going to have to keep track of how many Lokis there are!), it can be super challenging to keep up with it all, especially if youre a casual viewer, a new viewer, or even a diehard fan.
Never fear! The unauthorized book you hold in your gauntlet explains more than could ever be found in any part of the multiverse. Whats an Infinity Stone? How did Bucky buck death? Where is Gamora? Who is Gamora? Why is Gamora? Well explain it all! So, grab your popcorn, get ready to settle in for an all-week marathon or assemble a watch party. Because after reading this friendly neighborhood explainer, youll not only see the Marvel Universe in a totally new way, but you also wont have to hit the PAUSE button to ask your snarky fanboy friends what Groot is saying all the time. Spoiler: hes saying Groot, but he means, well, different things. Think of this book as your friendly bestie, the Happy to your Tony, who will, well, happily introduce you to new perspectives, new understandings, and new ways to talk about everything Marvel.
So, with that:
Readers, Assemble!
What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe and why should I care?
Lets take the second part first. How could you not care?! Aside from the fact theyre more than just superhero entertainment, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU, is so wildlydare I say ridiculouslyfinancially successful that it totally upended the way movie studios function. As of 2020, the total gross of the MCU films was $22.6 billion. Thats billion with a b. Which may be almost as much money as Tony Stark has (and if you dont know who that is then youre going to be really glad to have this book). Back to the first part of your question: The MCU is the broad name for the content coming out of Marvel Studios (and, for a time, 20th Century Fox but still, as of this writing, also Sony Pictures but only for some things), based on the iconic characters and stories inspired by the ones from Marvel comic books. It began with films, and expanded into television shows and shorts. While there were television shows and films based on Marvel comic books before the official start of the MCU, they are not currently considered canon (though upcoming releases may change that!). And I mean canon as in the established rules of a fictional universe, not cannon as in Im defending a castle, boom boom boom. But once you get into the MCU, youll surely defend the canon against all naysayers yourself.
Everything that falls within the MCU exists in a shared universe (see for more), and while each film can be seen and enjoyed as its own stand-alone thing, theyre all interconnected and share characters and plot events, so they get so much more entertaining and layered if youve seen at least some of the other ones so you know whos who and whats what.
How many Marvel movies and TV shows are there?
As of July 2021, there are twenty-three films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and fourteen Marvel TV shows. (See sidebars.)
Iron Man(2008)This one starred (surprisingly at the time but completely perfect in retrospect) Robert Downey Jr. and gave audiences their first taste of a mid-credits scene (I promise, well get there).
The Incredible Hulk(2008)This is different than Hulk, which was directed by Ang Lee way back in 2003. The MCU wasnt a green gleam in Bruce Banners eye back then.
Iron Man 2(2010)The first appearance of Natasha Romanoff! The second guy to play Rhodey! The third mid-credits scene!
Thor(2011)Technically its Thors movie, but lots of people think it should have been called Loki. Because... Loki. Plus, we meet Hawkeye!
Captain America: The First Avenger(2011)Starring Chris Evans, who was also Johnny Storm in two pre-MCU, Marvel-based Fantastic Four films that arent canon (and shouldnt be!).
The Avengers(2012)Imagine all your favorite superheroes in one place at one time, and theyre all fighting Loki! Phase One ends with what becomes known as the Battle of New York, when an alien army attacks Earth, and the Avengers assemble to defeat the invaders.
Iron Man 3(2013)Iron Man suffers from PTSD, he reconnects with his roots thanks to a kid from Tennessee, Pepper (briefly) has superpowers, and there are a ton of suits of flying armor.
Thor: The Dark World(2013)Thor faces the loss of his mother and his adopted brother, Loki. Of course, with Loki, death has the sting of an over-fabric-softened Snuggie, so hell be back.
Dr. Selvig loses his pants, and Jane merges with an Infinity Stone.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier(2014)Steve reconnects with Bucky, his old BFF whos now a frenemy called the Winter Soldier, and meets his new BFF, Sam, a United States veteran who will become his high-flying new ally, the Falcon. Cap also jogs and Natasha suspects she gave Steve his first kiss in seventy years.