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Dan Gingiss - The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share

Here you can read online Dan Gingiss - The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2021, publisher: Morgan James Publishing, genre: Business. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Dan Gingiss The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share
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    The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share
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Competition is tougher than ever these days and competing on price or product just doesnt work as well anymore. So how can companies stand out in a crowded marketplace that is constantly evolving?

The answer is customer experience, and the best part about customer experience is that its delivered by human beings which are unique to a company. The Experience Maker helps managers and executives focus on customers who are already spending money with their company rather than spending more money on marketing new customers. In The Experience Maker, Dan Gingiss teaches that creating a remarkable experience for customers will ensure they become a companys best marketers and salespeople. By learning from the successes of other companies and applying the proprietary WISER method (Witty, Immersive, Shareable, Extraordinary, Responsive), managers and executives learn to create remarkable experiences that their customers will want to talk about with friends, family, and social media followers.

Dan Gingiss: author's other books

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The Experience Maker


When it comes to customer experience, you have to be amazing or go home. And thats exactly what Dan Gingiss has accomplished with his new book, The Experience Maker . This will become your go-to resource for creating amazing experiences for your customers, and then watching as they tell everyone about it. Dans professional background, remarkable storytelling ability, and practical advice make this your must-read CX book!

Shep Hyken , customer service/experience expert and New York Times bestselling author of The Amazement Revolution

For every business that suspects their only true differentiator is customer experience, this is the indispensable playbook for making it work.

Jay Baer , founder of Convince & Convert and co-author of Talk Triggers

If an experience happened to you and you never shared it, did it actually happen? The answer is yes. Dan is The Experience Maker. After years of designing experiences, Dan shares with you everything hes learned to help you become an experience maker now and in a post-disruption world.

Brian Solis , world-renowned digital anthropologist, futurist, and bestselling author

Despite the fact that Im a sales and marketing guy, I feel its time we all started talking a LOT more about customer experience. Thats why this book by Dan Gingiss is so very important. And whats great about this work is that he has systematized CX, something very few have done well up to this point. So if youre looking for a clear, proven system that will elevate your customer experience, retention, and ultimately sales, this book is a MUST read.

Marcus Sheridan , partner at Marcus Sheridan International/IMPACT and author of They Ask, You Answer

From in-person interactions to digital conversations, any business that hopes to succeed in the future must combine strategic insights with tactical application to deliver remarkable customer experiences. In The Experience Maker , Dan Gingiss brings to bear over twenty years of overseeing customer engagement at Discover, Humana, McDonalds, and dozens of small- and medium-sized businesses. His WISER methodology offers a playbook for creating raving fans in a consistent, scalable fashion that will be valuable to your business regardless of your size, scale, or industry. Stop reading blurbs and just buy this bookyou wont be disappointed.

Joey Coleman , speaker, consultant, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Never Lose a Customer Again

Remember that one experience that made an impression on you for life? That is this book! Meta, right? Lets face it, if you are a human being, youre in the experience business. Buy this book, make it your bible, and learn how to create big and micro human moments your customers will never forget.

Bryan Kramer , TED Talk speaker and USA Today bestselling author of Human-to-Human

Dan Gingiss crushes it with his new book. The Experience Maker is about competing in experience wars not price wars. That is how to build brand loyalty in an economy. This is a great book!

John R. DiJulius III , chief revolution officer of The DiJulius Group and author of The Customer Service Revolution

Is your brands customer experience remarkable? If not (or even if it is), this is your go-to book to up your game! Dan provides a thought-provoking model for you to employ to design and deliver a remarkable experience for your customers. This book is not based on theory; you will find practical and actionable examples that not only bring the concepts to life but also allow you to translate the proprietary model to your business.

Annette Franz , founder/CEO of CX Journey Inc. and author of Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the Customer in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business)

In The Experience Maker , Dan Gingiss delivers a playbook that CMOs have been waiting for to implement industry-leading customer experience marketing. Providing a clear and powerful framework with his WISER model, Dan helps companies in this post-pandemic economy to design the right digital experience to ensure they adapt to changing trends. Strategically focusing on the customer experience in the digital age is no longer an option: Market share will be determined more and more by customer experience. That is what makes The Experience Maker all the more timely and important for every CMO and CEO to read.

Neal Schaffer , president of PDCA Social and author of The Age of Influence

A great book on the importance of building a shareable (contagious!) customer experience; another winner from the wise and sparkling pen of Dan Gingiss.

Micah Solomon , customer service turnaround expert and author of Ignore Your Customers (and Theyll Go Away)

Dan Gingiss makes a compelling case for using customer experience as your top marketing strategy. The Experience Maker reveals a helpful model and shares numerous examples to help you discover how to get customers talking about your business.

Jeff Toister , author of The Service Culture Handbook

Dan Gingiss has found the secret to building a company that breaks through the competition. In The Experience Maker , Dan lays out the blueprint for standing out and succeeding in business today by winning with customer experience. Stop competing and start creating remarkable experiences one customer at a time. This is a book that needs to be shared over and over again. Bravo, Dan Gingiss, for paving the way for the future of customer experience.

Jesse Cole , owner of The Savannah Bananas and author of Find Your Yellow Tux

2020 changed the customer experience landscape in ways most of us couldnt predict. Dans WISER approach not only addresses the shifts in the economy and customer behavior, but it also thrives in a world where customer lifetime value is the essential business fortification of every company. This book serves as a perfect blueprint for companies that wish to grow amidst economic calamity.

Dennis Wakabayashi , VP of CX Solutions Delivery at RR Donnelley

Dans passion for the power of a memorable customer experience is inspiring, and his ideas for how organizations can routinely deliver it are direct and actionable. In todays hyper-connected world, good news travels as fast as bad news, so every organization has even more incentive to create repeatable processes that make ordinary customer experiences extraordinary. This book will help you lead your organization in building a customer-first growth strategy.

Chuck Cohen , managing director of Benco Dental Company

Dan approaches customer service like no one else. He puts the heart and purpose into it. I truly believe he was born to teach all the major companies we buy from how to provide an experience leading to customer service on another level. In addition, if you ever experience his style of sharing his custom process via his talks, consulting, and hosting, you will be mesmerized and changed for a lifetime. If you have a team that needs inspiration and process, it needs The Experience Maker hands down!

Marquesa Pettway , lifestyle business mastermind creator and Zoom strategist

Dan Gingiss understands every aspect of customer experience, having worked in corporate environments and advising leaders as a successful entrepreneur. His book provides a wealth of actionable information based on proven best practices. Regardless of skill level, youll learn a lot and be glad you invested the time to be a better experience maker!

Stacy Sherman , founder of DoingCXRight






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