The Truth About
Strategic Business Networking, The Facts You Should Know
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The information in this book is distributed on an "As Is" basis without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the products described in it.
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This book gives you more than just "tired and true" networking tips. What's more, it helps you understand how and why networking works in both business and interpersonal relationships, and provides real insight about interacting with one another. You will pick up many new ideas and use them to build your own network of contacts, increase your client base and expand your market. No matter what business you're in, this book can help you uncover new business and customers. It should be right up there on the bookshelf with all your other business reference books!
The techniques in this book are business saving. It covers new and novel approaches to marketing that are smart and effective.
It addresses problems that many people have with meeting people, building relationships, and projecting a professional image. In an era where cradle-to-grave job security is a thing of the past, it is beneficial to continue building relationships throughout your career. Excellent Advice for any Networker and a wonderful resource for everyone. Even if you don't think you need networking skills for your work, trust me, you'll get a lot out of this book. It is filled with specific, lively examples that spark your imagination and build your confidence that you too can be a great conversationalist. Excellent resource.
Table of Contents
Sales Techniques - Setting Goals for Gaining Clients by
Selling Accessories Online Using Social Networking For Fun and
Profit .......................................................................................................14
SEO Cheats - Video Networking Your Way Into Google's Top 1016
Serious Business Networking .............................................................18
Sharpen Your Business Networking Skill To Grow Your Small
Business ..................................................................................................20
Six Obstacles to Networking and How to Overcome Them ..........21
Small Business Networking: An Overview ......................................26
Small Talk Savvy For Effective Small Business Networking .........27
Social Engineering Bots Trick Social Online Networking Folks to
Giving Personal Information ..............................................................29
Social Media & Networking For the Anti Social ..............................30
Social Networking - A Marketing Tool .............................................32
Social Networking - A Quick and Easy Way to Build Your
Business ..................................................................................................35
Social Networking - Discussed Thoroughly .....................................36
Social Networking - How to Communicate Effectively Using
Twitter and Other Social Media For Business ..................................38
Social Networking - How to Have WordPress Blog Posts Auto-loaded to Facebook Notes................................................................... 40
Social Networking - It's a Party, Stupid ........................................... 42
Social Networking - Protecting Kids................................................. 45
Social Networking - Stay Connected All the Time ......................... 46
Social Networking - Using Facebook and Twitter to Build Your
Business As Part of the Conversation ............................................... 47
Social Networking and How to Use It I ........................................... 49
Social Networking and Online Dating ............................................. 50
Social Networking Basics 101 - How to Get Started Right Here
Right Now............................................................................................. 51
Social Networking Brings Out the Best and Removes the Dark
Side of Humanity-Baloney! ............................................................... 53
Social Networking For HR - Driving Recruitment and
Engagement .......................................................................................... 54
Social Networking On Squidoo - Review......................................... 57
Social Networking is Relationship Building - Tips From a Serial
Networker! ............................................................................................ 58
Social Networking Sites Can Generate Money................................ 61
Social Networking Sites Can Help You Find a Job ......................... 62
Social Networking Sites For Business in Six Easy Steps ................ 64
Social Networking Skills - Are We Becoming Socially Inept?....... 66
Social Networking Tips - Using Online Services to Build a Sense of Community - Part I .............................................................................. 68
Social Networking Websites - Your Connection to Online
Communications & Relationships......................................................69
Social Networking Websites and Job Search - Solving the Puzzle 70
Social Networking, Football Style ......................................................72
Social Networking, Negative Attitudes and Business Change
Management ..........................................................................................73
Social Networking, The Pros and Cons of Social Networks ..........74
Social-Networking Sites MySpace and Facebook - It's Time For
Some Change .........................................................................................76
Stand Out in Networking Circles By Becoming a Subject Matter
Expert .....................................................................................................78
Strategic Networking: Take the Shortest Path to Success ...............82
Structured Networking is Far More Effective Than Traditional
Sure Fire Ways to Meeting New People When Networking .........88
The 10 Biggest Networking Mistakes ................................................89
The 2006 Independent Amazon Booksellers' Convention and the
Value of Professional Networking .....................................................93