I am most delighted to welcome David Twickens new book, I Ching AcupunctureThe Balance Method . This book lays a solid foundation for understanding the background theories of acupuncture. The simplicity and clarity of presenting a profound subject is truly fantastic.
Joseph Yu, founder of Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada
There have been many books on the I Ching and acupuncture, but rarely with such clear integration of a deeper and thorough understanding of this ancient philosophy and wisdom. David Twickens book has given the readers what we need to know, The Balance Method, in learning and partaking in these treasures from the sages of the old China.
Master Chungliang Al Huang, founder of Living Tao Foundation and author of Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain , Essential Tai Ji , Quantum Soup and The Chinese Book of Animal Powers
I have followed David Twickens work since 1998. He has authority of lineage and direct knowledge, which brings clarity and accuracy. This work is mature and it is my number one recommendation when learners ask me what resources there are for Yijing theory as it pertains to acupuncture.
William R. Morris, PhD, President, AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Austin, Texas
In classical Chinese medicine, the highest level doctors utilize the Yijing to deepen their understanding of the medicine itself, and to enhance their clinical results. In his book, I Ching AcupunctureThe Balance Method , David Twicken provides the serious practitioner with a method for far-reaching healing through the guidance of the Yijing .
Master Zhongxian Wu, lineage holder of four schools of Qi Gong and martial arts, and author of Vital Breath of the Dao , Seeking the Spirit of the Book of Change and Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong
The most brilliant, concise, penetrating synthesis of Taoist cycles ever done. Suddenly, the I Ching trigrams, Ten Stem/Twelve Branch Chinese calendar, YinYang, Five Phase, twelve hour body clock and Six Channel medical theories all leap into sharp, unified focus. More amazingly, Twicken turns theory into easily grasped how-to practice. Finally we have a clear map of Taoist body channels, natural models of healing and life-balance that acupuncturists, Taiji and Qi Gong players, energy healers, and feng shui and astrology adepts cannot do without.
Michael Winn, founder of HealingTaoUSA.com and co-author of seven Tao books with Mantak Chia
of related interest
Seeking the Spirit of The Book of Change
Eight Days to Mastering a Shamanic Yijing (I Ching) Prediction System
Master Zhongxian Wu
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Yijing, Shamanic Oracle of China
A New Book of Change
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Wans Clinical Application of Chinese Medicine
Scientific Practice of Diagnosis, Treatment and Therapeutic Monitoring
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![I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method Clinical Applications of the Ba Gua and I Ching - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/122254/Image00000.jpg)
First published in 2012
by Singing Dragon
an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers
116 Pentonville Road
London N1 9JB, UK
400 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA
Copyright David Twicken 2012
Illustrations copyright Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 610 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Applications for the copyright owners written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher.
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 84819 074 0
eISBN 978 0 85701 064 3
Printed and bound in the United States
Classical Diagram of Ancient Chinese Cosmology
The Early Heaven Ba Gua
The Eight Trigrams Grouped by their Yang-Yin Polarity
The Eight Trigrams: Their Names and Positions in the Ba Gua
The Eight Trigrams: The Number of Strokes in each Trigram
The Early Heaven Ba Gua and Nine
The Early Heaven Ba Gua and the Human Body
The Five Phases
The Five Phase Promotion Cycle
The Five Phase Controlling Cycle
The Five Phase Reduction Cycle
The He Tu Diagram
The He Tu Diagram with Numbers
The He Tu Pairings
The He Tu and the Human Body
The Nine Palaces
The Nine Palaces and the Human Body
The Later Heaven Ba Gua
The Later Heaven Ba Gua and the Five Phases
The He Tu
The He Tu Expanded to the Nine Palaces
The Later Heaven Ba Gua
The Later Heaven Ba Gua with Numbers and Five Phases
The Early Heaven Ba Gua and Trigrams Positions
The Nine Palaces Numbers for the Later Heaven Ba Gua Trigrams
The Five Phases are Integrated into the Nine Palaces and Each Palace Contains an Element
The Geographical Locations are Integrated into the Nine Palaces
The Nine Palaces Combines Numbers, Five Phases and Geographical Directions
The Integrated Nine Palaces
The Nine Palaces: Early Heaven Ba Gua
The Nine Palaces: Later Heaven Ba Gua
The Nine Palaces: Early and Later Heaven Ba Gua Combined
The Early Heaven and Later Heaven Ba Gua Combined
The Twelve Earthly Branches
The Twelve Branches
The Branches and Hidden Elements
The Twelve-Stage Growth Cycle
The Nine Palaces and He Tu
Nine Palaces Showing Acupuncture Channel Correspondences
The Twelve Branches, Elements and Directions
The Twelve Branches and the Times of Day
The Twelve Branches, Channels and Internal Organs
The Fire Branch Trinity
The Wood Branch Trinity
The Metal Branch Trinity
The Water Branch Trinity
The Nine Palaces
The Early Heaven Ba Gua
The Ba Gua with the 12 Acupuncture Channels
The Daily Meridian Clock in a Circular Format
The Daily Meridian Clock in a Grid
Two Trigrams and their Corresponding Lines
Hexagram Composed of Two Trigrams
Hexagram with the Six Stages
The Favorable Hexagrams
The Later Heaven Ba Gua
Chinese Dynasties
Yin-Yang Correspondences
The Five Phases Table
The Eight-Trigram Correspondences
The Ten Heavenly Stems
The Twelve Earthly Branches
The Stem and Branch Cycle of 60
The Twelve Branches and their Name, Element, Season, Time of Day and Direction
The Branches and Hidden Elements
The Five Phases Elements and Seasons
The Twelve-Stage Growth Cycle
The 24 Seasons
The Arm and Leg Channels
The 12 Joints and Acupuncture Channels
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