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Bagdasar - Concise Computer Mathematics: Tutorials on Theory and Problems

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Bagdasar Concise Computer Mathematics: Tutorials on Theory and Problems
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    Concise Computer Mathematics: Tutorials on Theory and Problems
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    Springer International Publishing : Imprint : Springer
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Sets and Numbers -- Relations and Databases -- Functions -- Boolean Algebra, Logic and Quantifiers -- Normal Forms, Proof and Argument -- Vectors and Complex Numbers -- Matrices and Applications -- Matrix Transformations for Computer Graphics -- Elements of Graph Theory -- Elements of Number Theory and Cryptography -- Elements of Calculus -- Elementary Numerical Methods.;Adapted from a modular undergraduate course on computational mathematics, Concise Computer Mathematics delivers an easily accessible, self-contained introduction to the basic notions of mathematics necessary for a computer science degree. The text reflects the need to quickly introduce students from a variety of educational backgrounds to a number of essential mathematical concepts. The material is divided into four units: discrete mathematics (sets, relations, functions), logic (Boolean types, truth tables, proofs), linear algebra (vectors, matrices and graphics), and special topics (graph theory, number theory, basic elements of calculus). The chapters contain a brief theoretical presentation of the topic, followed by a selection of problems (which are direct applications of the theory) and additional supplementary problems (which may require a bit more work). Each chapter ends with answers or worked solutions for all of the problems.

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Ovidiu Bagdasar SpringerBriefs in Computer Science Concise Computer Mathematics 2013 Tutorials on Theory and Problems 10.1007/978-3-319-01751-8_1
The Author(s) 2013
1. Sets and Numbers
Ovidiu Bagdasar 1
University of Derby, Derby, UK
Ovidiu Bagdasar
Sets are defined as collections of objects of the same kind and are among the fundamental notions in many Mathematical subjects, including Algebra and Calculus. Operations involving sets play a key role in many applications and sets of numbers have been created for solving numerous problems inspired from real life. In this chapter we present some of the key concepts in the theory of sets such as basic set operations, Venn diagrams, set cardinals and motivations for the number systems.
Sets Set operations Venn diagrams Number systems
1.1 Brief Theoretical Background
1.1.1 Set Definitions and Notations
  • set - collection of similar objects (numbers, symbols, etc)
  • Picture 1 - element Picture 2 is a member of set Picture 3
  • Picture 4 - element Picture 5 is not a member of set Picture 6
  • Picture 7 - universe - contains all the elements of a kind
  • Picture 8 - empty set - contains no element
  • Picture 9 - inclusion - set Picture 10 is included or equal to set Picture 11 (for all Picture 12 , Picture 13 )
  • Picture 14 (or Picture 15 ) - strict inclusion - Picture 16 is included, but not equal to Picture 17
  • Picture 18 - set equality - (sets Picture 19 and Picture 20 are equal when Picture 21 and Picture 22 )
  • Picture 23 - power set - set of all subsets of Picture 24
  • Picture 25 - cartesian product - all pairs Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 26 s.t. Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 27 and Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 28
Example: Let Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 29 and Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 30 be two sets. Then
1111 Set Operations For the sets and taken from the universe - photo 31 Set Operations
For the sets Picture 32 and taken from the universe we define intersection - photo 33 taken from the universe we define intersection union - photo 34 we define
  • intersection union difference - photo 35 (intersection)
  • union difference symmetric difference - photo 36 (union)
  • difference symmetric difference complement Example For su - photo 37 (difference)
  • Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 38 (symmetric difference)
  • Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 39 (complement)
Example: For subsets Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 40 , Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 41 of universe Concise Computer Mathematics Tutorials on Theory and Problems - image 42 the previously defined operations give
1112 Venn Diagrams Set and operations can be represented by Venn diagrams - photo 43 Venn Diagrams
Set and operations can be represented by Venn diagrams like in Fig. a) is divided into four distinct regions, which can be related to the previously defined set operations.
Fig 11 Venn diagrams for a two sets and b three sets For example in the - photo 44
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