Dear Reader,
Whether youve picked up this book to help yourself, help a family member or friend, or just to learn something new, I commend you. You have just taken one of the most important steps to improving your quality of life.
I speak to you as someone who knows the importance of having a healthy gut firsthand. Ive dealt with chronic issues in my own life. It took me a long timeand many visits to the doctorto realize that what I was dealing with all started in my gut, but as soon as I did, I took action and started making the necessary changes to fix my health.
While reading this book, you should realize that your health is in your own hands. Whether you jump right in and take every bit of advice in the book or you decide to incorporate a little bit at a time, youre moving in the right direction.
I wish you all the best in gut health and in life.
Lindsay Boyers, CHNC
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Boost Your Immune System
Eliminate Disease
Restore Digestive Health
Lindsay Boyers, CHNC
Avon, Massachusetts
To my mom, Aurora (Lola).
Thank you for always being there for me, for keeping me motivated, and for believing in me even when I didnt believe in myself. I love you.
YOUR GUT IS ITS own complex ecosystem. Its home to 100 trillionyes, trillionmicroorganisms, including about 400 different species of bacteria. The bacterial cells in your body actually outnumber the human cells. It may be unsettling to know that youre carrying around so many bugs, but they are absolutely essential to your health and your life.
Researchers have discovered that the microorganisms in the gut play crucial roles in digestion, metabolism, and immunity. Without microbes in your gut, your body couldnt break down the food you eat or use the energy it creates for body processes. Your gut is responsible for more than 75 percent of your immune system. The intestinal flora in your gut communicate with the rest of your immune system to alert your body to the presence of a potentially harmful invader.
The gut has also been nicknamed the second brain because it controlsat least in partyour mental state. Your gut contains 100 million neurons that respond to environmental threats, potential danger, and excitement. Thats why you feel butterflies in your stomach when youre nervous or your stomach drops when youre scared. This intricate set of nerves is responsible for your gut instincts and subconsciously tells you how to react to environmental stimuli. Because it plays a role in so many areas of your body, a healthy gut is absolutely critical to your well-being.
If your gut is in disarray and the bacterial environment is out of balance, youre going to feel it. If youre not eliminating properly, youre going to feel it. Although digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome are common indicators of a damaged gut, they are only the beginning. A damaged gut is also connected to autoimmune diseases like thyroid disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and lupus. Damage in your gut may be responsible for hives, skin rashes, eczema, acne, bad breath, joint pain, and muscle pain. An imbalanced gut leads to chronic fatigue and low energy levels. The list really goes on and on and on.
Unfortunately, todays modern lifestyle is toxic to your gut health. Processed foods, refined sugar, chronic stress, use of medications, and a fast-paced lifestyle have become the norm, and these are all things that can destroy your gut. Regular exposure to chemicals and toxins kills off the good bacteria in your gut and gives the bad bacteria a chance to thrive. When bad bacteria take over, your gut goes into a state of dysbiosisor bacterial imbalance. Although you may not feel anything at first, eventually this dysbiosis can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and chronic health problems.
Fortunately, changing the way you eat and the way you live can help restore gut health and put you on the path to being the best you that you can be. If youre experiencing any chronic symptoms or health problems or you just dont feel right, then its time to take a look at the health of your gut. Its never too late to change your life and start on the path to restoring your gut health.
Assessing Your Gut Health
When it comes to overall wellness, maintaining your gut health is just as important as maintaining your heart health, bone health, and the health of the rest of your body. Although digestive symptoms like heartburn, gas, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain are common with an unbalanced gut, they are not the only warning signs. An unhealthy gut can also present as food intolerances, skin rashes, arthritis, headaches, and chronic fatigue. Learn what normal digestive health looks like and why you shouldnt ignore those gut feelings.
How the Digestive System Works
The food you eat is not in a form that your body can use as nourishment. It must be broken down into smaller molecules before it can be absorbed into your blood and carried to cells throughout your body. Digestion allows your body to get the nutrients and energy it needs from the food you eat. The process of digestion begins the moment you even start thinking about food.