Renal Diet Plan: The SimpleNatural Remedy Tips for Managing Kidney Disease Symptoms to AvoidTotal Kidney Failure Due to Renal Cell Carcinoma or RenalCalculi!
By Stephanie Ridd
Copyright 2016 byStephanie Ridd
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Table OfContents
Overview of Kidneyfunction
From a research I havecarried out, I learnt that our Kidney remove wastes from the body,which makes it a very important part of our body system. The entirebody's blood supply circulates through the kidneys every twominutes.
Yes, there are just aboutone million tiny units called nephrons inside each of our kidney.The job of the Nephrons are simple they filter as well as, get ridof waste products and excess fluid from the blood.
When the fluid is filteredthrough the intertwined mass of each nephron, it enters thetubules; its act of combining is slowly changed in the absorptionand discharge of solutes, and in the course of time leaves eachnephron as urine.
Besides that, healthykidneys also get rid of extra water and waste products we don'tneed. These waste products are substances made from the remains ofprotein in foods that you eat and from normal muscleactivity.
When I look at our kidneys,I realized that they carry out crucial tasks in our body to stop usfrom having kidney stones, kidney infections and diseases, as wellas kidney cancer. So, I know I have to protect my kidneys, which isthe most effective way of avoiding these diseases.
As a matter of fact, thehealthy sense of balance of my body's chemistry is due in largepart to the work of our kidneys. They are two bean-shaped organslocated just above the waist in your back, just below the rib cage,one on each side of the spine. Both kidneys are about the size ofyour fist.
Also, regulating bloodpressure is associated with the kidneys ability to eject enoughsodium chloride (salt) to maintain normal sodium balance,extracellular fluid volume and blood volume. However, kidneydisease is the most common hypertension (high blood pressure) thatis secondary.
The truth is that evenminor disruptions in kidney functions play a role in most cases ofhigh blood pressure and increased injury to the kidneys. Yes, thisinjury can eventually cause stroke or even death.
Yes, studies show that innormal people, the body adjusts when there's a higher intake ofsodium chloride (salt) by excreting more sodium without raisingmajor pressure. However, many outside influences can decrease thekidneys' ability to send out sodium.
The truth is that, if thekidneys are less able to send out salt with regular or higher saltintake, chronic increases in extracellular fluid amount and bloodamount will emerge, which will eventually lead to high bloodpressure on the long run.
Nevertheless, normalworking kidneys have other jobs too. They make chemicals calledhormones that help you make red blood cells, build strong bones,and keep your blood pressure under control.
When kidneys arefunctioning normally and are healthy, the major kidney functionswill continue. However, you must realize that our continuedexistence depends on these vital organs, even though you can live anormal life with only one kidney.
Yes, when kidneys stopworking, waste products that are harmful to your body build up andmake you feel sick. This buildup happens in the blood streambecause the kidneys can no longer clear the waste products in yourbody.
However, a good way toincrease the kidney and liver purpose, particularly the overallkidney function is by improving the immune function and supportingin the evacuation of the kidneys and liver's waste products bytrying RENACARE.
Well, this is simply aformulation that enhances the immune function to promote betteroverall kidney health.
How to Recognize KidneyFailure
Without doubt, we know thatKidneys have a very important function in our bodies. These specialorgans filter blood to remove fluid waste from the body and controlfluid and electrolyte balances. In fact, the role that kidneys havein our lives is vital to keeping us going, moving and basicallyliving as earlier mentioned in the previous chapter.
Yes, without them, we wouldbe full of waste instead of vitality. However, people mayexperience Renal (kidney) failure, which ultimately might lead todeath if not treated properly.
Sometimes, this kind ofdisease wont even have symptoms, even if the kidneys have lostmost of its functioning ability! Here are some symptoms of kidneyfailure, in case they occur.
Urine Problems
As one of the mainfunctions of the kidneys is to filter blood, it produces urine tolead wastes out of our bodies. But when there are problems doingthis effectively, then the change in urine is probably one of thefirst symptoms of renal failure.
There are multiple ways bywhich urine or urinating changes. One of them is the feeling ofpressure or having difficulties when emptying your bladder. And itis a very unpleasant feeling when you have to put too much effortin it.
Even then, one may noturinate as much as he/she normally would. It is tiring when thepressure remains. It is unpleasant when you have to go to thebathroom very frequently, but no urine coming out at all. In worstcase scenarios, peeing blood is a very real thing.
Fatigue andSwelling
Fatigue and swelling mayhave two very different reasons for occurring; they can be linkedto each other in some ways. Why? Because too much fluid in the bodymost likely causes swelling in different parts of the body, makingthem feel like they are significantly heavier.
And moving heavier parts ofthe body (particularly limbs) is just an extra energy usage,leading to quicker exhaustion. Swelling may not always lead tofatigue (like once I personally had hugely swollen arm, but noexhaustion), but this kind of kidney failure symptoms should not gounnoticed. Thus, going to the doctor will be the bestoption.
Out of Breath
When breathing troublesoccur, then undoubtedly this is a very bad feeling. Yes, havingdifficulties in breathing is a very tough thing to overcome andwhen this occurs suddenly (without swallowing too much at once),and then seeing the doctor is a must.
Seriously, from personalexperience, I can tell that not getting enough oxygen and having tobreathe very loudly is bad. Yes, if you cant sleep, walk, andclimbing the stairs feels like conquering Mount Everest plus youcan barely sit, then you must see your doctor at once! I meanwithout further delay.