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James Wilson - How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall--13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks

Here you can read online James Wilson - How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall--13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2014, publisher: James Wilson, genre: Children. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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James Wilson How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall--13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks
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    How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall--13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks
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How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall--13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks: summary, description and annotation

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Have you tried and failed to will your short body to dunk a basketball? Learn how even the most vertically challenged players can slam the ball home with ease.

Have you been told youre far too short to touch the rim, let alone throw the ball down? Having trouble increasing your vertical leap no matter how much weightlifting you do? Author James Wilson is a 30-year veteran of basketball coaching in 20 different countries. Hes cracked the scientific code to allow players of any height to dunk like a pro, and now hes here to share his secrets with you.

In How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall: 13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks, youll learn the meticulous science behind increasing your vertical leap. Through his proven step-by-step plan, youll find out the exact techniques necessary to dunk your first basketball in just four weeks. Without weightlifting or special equipment, youll soon be able to jam in front of your friends with either one hand or two.

In How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall, youll discover:

  • The best exercise techniques for increasing your vertical jump in just four weeks
  • The best basketball shoes to make you jump higher
  • How shorter people can go from barely touching the rim to dunking with one or two hands
  • How to jump higher without lifting weights
  • The precision mechanics of the perfect jump and dunk and much, much more!
  • How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall is an established experts ultimate guide to increasing your vertical jumps and making slam-dunks a reality. If you like a step-by-step programs, scientifically-backed exercises, and making rapid progress, then youll love Wilsons landmark book.

    Buy How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall to make those rim-rattling slams a reality today!

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    How to Dunk if Youre Under 6 Feet Tall - 13 Proven Ways to Jump Higher and Drastically Increase Your Vertical Jump in 4 Weeks

    James Wilson

    Published by James Wilson, 2014.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. January 17, 2014.

    Copyright 2014 James Wilson.

    ISBN: 978-1533720931

    Written by James Wilson.

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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    I nstead of spending your weekends going to the movies, hanging out with your friends, or maybe going on a road trip or two, you hang out at the gym or are glued to your computer, tablet, phone, or television watching every clip of video you can on dunks. Heck, your home is a shrine to the performances of Dr. J, Dominique Wilkins, Shaq, Michael Jordan, and Clyde Drexler. The dunk is your obsession, your passion, and its an integral piece of all things important in your world .

    Alas, there is a problem and its a mighty big, or, shall we say, small, one? Its your stature. At under six feet tall, there is no hope you will ever know the true exhilaration of slamming one down through the net. You fantasize about it. You wake from vivid dreams at night in a cold sweat imagining your head above that rim, but you truly despair it will never happen. You will never be able to check that one all-important item off your bucket list.

    Keep your chin up; there is hope for you yet! Sure, there are tons of programs hawked on the internet to improve your vertical leap so that even someone as short as 55 will be able to dunk the ball with ease, but you have a healthy dose of skepticism when you hear their claims. That cant really be true!!! Im vertically challenged, and that is that; but, what if it was true? What if there was a way to increase your vertical leap to the necessary level that you could dunk? Wouldnt that be one of the most fantastic, powerful feelings you have ever experienced in your life? Of course it would; so pick up this book and start turning the pages, because all the information you need to achieve this esteemed goal lies within these paragraphs. Dont waste one more precious minute. Start reading!!!

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    CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS A VERTICAL JUMP O n May 23 2 - photo 7
    O n May 23 2013 DJ Stephens who hailed from the University of Memphis was - photo 8

    O n May 23 2013 DJ Stephens who hailed from the University of Memphis was - photo 9

    O n May 23, 2013, DJ Stephens , who hailed from the University of Memphis, was officially charted as possessing a 46-inch vertical leap while trying out for the Brooklyn Nets. It was the highest leap ever recorded by the NBA draft combine, but still didnt necessarily put the 22-year-old on the path to a career in the pros.

    W atch how DJ Stephens puts one down at Memphis Madness while his teammates - photo 10

    W atch how DJ Stephens puts one down at Memphis Madness while his teammates watch :


    The previous vertical jump champ, at least in the NBA, was thirteen years ago and his name happened to be Kenny Gregory . The former University of Kansas guard never played a minute in the NBA and spent his entire career either in D-League or abroad. Just to put it in perspective, Michael Jordan and LeBron James both can jump about 44 inches . At age 50, Michael still possesses some hops. The video below is of him at his camp at the University of Santa Barbara over the summer. I guess he just had to show everyone hes still got it!


    Looking at Gregory as an example and also referring to Earl The Goat Manigault , whom Michael Jordan, Earl Monroe, and Kareem Abdul Jabbar all said was The Greatest Player to never make the NBA and had a 52-inch vertical leap, this physical skill is not necessarily a requirement for a successful professional career rife with accolades, but as with anything in life, every little bit helps.

    So lets take a look at exactly what a vertical leap is, how it is measured, and if it indeed is something that can be improved .

    A vertical jump , or leap , is when a person lifts his or her center of gravity when moving vertically through the use of their own musculature. It simply is a quantification of how high an athlete can jump off the ground while standing still. There is also a running vertical jump.

    The easiest way to get a handle on how high someones vertical jump is , is to have that person stand with their feet flat on a level surface and have them reach with their hands as far up as they can on a nearby wall with their feet remaining on the ground. Mark this point. Then have the person jump several times and mark those heights on the wall. When you measure the height between the two, that is the persons vertical jump . Of course, there are more scientifically advanced ways to obtain this measurement by using sensors, lasers, and pressure pads, but more than likely, most of us will not simply have this lying around in the garage or in the locker room at the gym.

    T here are also applications on your smartphone you can use to measure your - photo 11

    T here are also applications on your smartphone you can use to measure your vertical jump. One example is the FitnessMeter by Stan Kaiser. You do have to purchase it for $1.99, but you can also use it for other fitness-related activities. It uses your camera to measure the distance between the two points to calculate your jump.

    T here is also some more advanced equipment to measure your vertical jump - photo 12

    T here is also some more advanced equipment to measure your vertical jump.

    A ccording to most published information here are the average figures for men - photo 13

    A ccording to most published information, here are the average figures for men and women when it comes to their vertical leap . It increases from about the age of 10 until just after high school and levels off the in the 20s for both genders. It is an excellent measure of lower body power.

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