Ultimate Island Travel Galpagos Islands By HerbertHoward SMASHWORDS EDITION ******* Publishedby Herbert Howard at Smashwords Ultimate IslandTravel - Galpagos Copyright 2012 Herbert Howard SmashwordsEdition, License Notes This ebook is licensedfor your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold orgiven away to other people. If you would like to share this bookwith another person, please purchase an additional copy for eachrecipient. If youre reading this book and did not purchase it, orit was not purchased for your use only, then please return toSmashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respectingthe hard work of this author. Content
A trip to theGalapagos (UNESCO World Heritage Site) is a unique andunforgettable nature experience.
What this destination requires isa spirit of adventure and a love of nature. The cruise ships areexploration vessels and are very comfortable, but do not expect aCaribbean-style cruise ship. The highlights are nature,conservation, bird watching. These Islandsare a living museum of evolutionary changes, come along with me anddiscover a wide variety of exotic species exclusive to thisArchipelago. As you wanderover boulders, lava flows, sandy beaches, brush, and more, youllobserve the unique and often unusual characteristics of islandbirds, reptiles, mammals, and fish species not found anywhereelse in the world witnessing firsthand the subtleties ofevolution that helped to inspire Darwin. There are 15islands to visit in this wonderful travel vacation.
To explorethese islands, you go by water. You can go on cruises or go by boatto different islands.
The Galpagos Islands are anarchipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the equator inthe Pacific Ocean west of continental Ecuador. Wildlife is its mostnotable feature with it forming a national park and biologicalmarine reserve. Each island has a variety of different animals.
The islands have a population ofapproximately 23,000 people.
The GalapagosIslands Are A Group Of Islands
14 Major Islands, 6Minor Islands And 42 Islets Baltra Island/ South Seymour Island BartolomIsland / Bartholomew Island Darwin Island/ Culpepper Island EspaolaIsland / Hood Island FloreanaIsland / Charles Island / Santa Mara Island GenovesaIsland / Tower Island Isabela Island/ Albemarle Island (Ecuador) MarchenaIsland / Bindloe Island North SeymourIsland Pinzn Island/ Duncan Island Pinta Island /Abingdon Island Rbida Island/ Jervis Island San CristbalIsland / Chatham Island Santa CruzIsland / Indefatigable Island Santa FIsland / Barrington Island SantiagoIsland / San Salvador Island / James Island Wolf Island /Wenman Island DaphneMajor South PlazaIsland NamelessIsland
The Humboldt Current brings cold waterto the Galpagos islands causing frequent drizzling.
The GalapagosIslands Are A Group Of Islands
14 Major Islands, 6Minor Islands And 42 Islets Baltra Island/ South Seymour Island BartolomIsland / Bartholomew Island Darwin Island/ Culpepper Island EspaolaIsland / Hood Island FloreanaIsland / Charles Island / Santa Mara Island GenovesaIsland / Tower Island Isabela Island/ Albemarle Island (Ecuador) MarchenaIsland / Bindloe Island North SeymourIsland Pinzn Island/ Duncan Island Pinta Island /Abingdon Island Rbida Island/ Jervis Island San CristbalIsland / Chatham Island Santa CruzIsland / Indefatigable Island Santa FIsland / Barrington Island SantiagoIsland / San Salvador Island / James Island Wolf Island /Wenman Island DaphneMajor South PlazaIsland NamelessIsland
The Humboldt Current brings cold waterto the Galpagos islands causing frequent drizzling.
June To November (TheGarua) Thetemperature by the sea is 72 F Steady andcold winds blow from south and southeast Frequentdrizzling lasting most of the day Dense fogconceals the islands December To May The sea andair temperature is 77 F No wind Sporadic,strong rains Sunshine
Wildlife Found InThe Galapagos
Like theanimals on land, the creatures that inhabit the waters around theGalapagos have not evolved with a sense of fear of humans, and yourpresence will seem no more than a curiosity to them.
Land iguanas,lava lizards, geckos and harmless snakes can also be found on theGalpagos islands.
Tortoises The mostpopular of the reptiles are the Galapagos Tortoises, which havebeen featured on television shows and magazine articles. TheGalpagos tortoise is the largest living species of tortoise and10th-heaviest living reptile. The Galpagostortoise has a life span in the wild of over 100 years.
Turtles The Galpagosgreen turtle is a subspecies of the green sea turtle.
It is endemicto the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. Land Iguanas The GalapagosLand Iguana is a species of lizard. It is endemic to the GalpagosIslands. It is primarily foundon the islands of: FernandinaIsland IsabelaIsland Santa CruzIsland North SeymourIsland HoodIsland South PlazaIsland Marine Iguanas The dragons ofthe Galapagos the marine iguanas clamber over each other andsettle to sun themselves piled claw on head and spurting salt waterfrom their nostrils. The MarineIguana is an iguana found only on the Galpagos Islands that hasthe ability, unique among modern lizards, to live and forage in thesea. The Iguana candive over 30 ft into the water.
It mainly lives on the rockyGalpagos shore, but can also be spotted in marshes and mangrovebeaches. Lava Lizards There are 22species of Lava Lizards, 9 of these are endemic to the GalpagosIslands.
The Galpagosislands have everything that range from sea lions, humpback whales,sperm whales, killer whales, bottle nosed dolphins and the commondolphin.
Humpback Whales The humpbackwhale is a species of baleen whale. The humpback has a distinctivebody shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobblyhead.
Sea Fur Lions The Galpagossea lion is a species of sea lion that exclusively breeds on theGalpagos Islands.
Their loud bark, playful nature, and gracefulagility in water make them the "welcoming party" of theislands.
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