How to Fix Acid Reflux:Fast Acid RefluxTreatment and Diet
Christopher Teller, NaturalNutritionist
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013
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Chapter 1 Introduction-Acid Reflux, What isit?
If you have acid reflux, heartburn, acidregurgitation, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, youprobably have been abusing your stomach, of course your body also,by eating poorly, taking medication, using excess pain killers, ornot exercising much.
It is easy to seek out a doctor to get relieffrom severe heartburn, which is a symptom not a disease, or to headover to the drugstore for some off the shelf products. But, it ismore practical to use natural remedies than drugs, since remedieshave curing power and drugs do not. Drugs have some nasty sideeffects that are not always visible or experienced. Some sideeffects are internal and disrupt the natural workings of yourbody.
Recently I got an email from a woman whosaid her male friend was taken to the emergency and was found tohave bleeding in the esophagus lining. This was a result ofadvanced heartburn.
Apparently, he also had been taking Aleve fora year or so and the doctors found he had severe liver damage. Hetypically drank 2-3 beers a day, so the combination of unhealthyliving finally caught up with him and now his liver may beirreparable.
You may think that this just couldnt happento you. You dont do these types of things. But, if you look aroundyou, most people as they age are coming down with a variety ofdeadly diseases that eventually cut their lives short. What kind oflifestyle do they have?
Most diseases occur when there is adeficiency in minerals or vitamins in the body and this deficiencystarts weakening a part of the body that eventually becomesdiseased.
Heartburn and acid reflux is one of thediseases that prevents certain minerals and vitamins from beingabsorbed into your body and, especially if you start takingdrugstore heartburn relievers that reduce the acid in yourstomach.
Heartburn or acid reflux doesnt happen whenyou eat a healthy diet. And, with a healthy diet, it doesnt mean adiet where you need to deprive yourself of the foods you like.
Most of us developed our eating habits fromour parents. As we grew, we watched how they ate, when they ate,and what they ate. And, we did the same thing.
Acid Reflux Symptoms
There are many body conditions or diseasesthat can give the same symptoms of acid reflux. Some of theconditions are acid indigestion, gastritis, heartburn, acid reflux,esophagitis, dyspepsia, asthma, laryngitis, and hiatus hernia.
Symptoms that these body conditions have incommon with acid reflux are:
Stomach ballooning
Uncomfortable fullness
Chest burning
Dull aching in stomach area
Chest or stomach pain
Lump in throat
Stomach ulcers
Neck pain
Constant coughing
Sore throat
Bad breath
Because of the many symptoms that are commonto diseases or conditions listed above, doctors sometimes have ahard time knowing when you might have acid reflux.
Acid Reflux
Heartburn or acid reflux occurs when stomachcontents, which is acidic, flows into the esophagus or throat andstarts to burn the sensitive tissue there. The burning is feltbelow the collar bone. Sometimes this burning or pain can bemistaken for heart pain.
So how does stomach content move back intothe esophagus where it should not go. There is a valve between theend of your esophagus and the start of your stomach. This valve iscalled the Lower Esophagus Sphincter, LES. If this valve is weakand there is increase pressure in your stomach, this pressure canopen this valve.
Stomach Acid
Your stomach was made to be an acid chamber.This means that your stomach acid needs to be around 2.0 to 2.5 pH,so that it can perform all the functions that it needs to.
When your stomach's pH moves above 3.0, yourstomach automatically produces more acid to bring the pH down below3.0.
Its pH moves above 3.0 pH when you take anacid reducer, acid blocker or drugstore Tums.
Your stomach is happy and working like itshould when its pH is 3.0 or less, because it can do the job it wasintended to:
Grind and break protein into its individualamino acids with the aid of HCl and enzyme pepsin
Prepare vitamins and minerals to be absorbedin the intestines
Destroy incoming bacteria and pathogens
Reduce chances of coming down with stomachcancer
Keep stomach content acidic, so when it goesinto the duodenum, it triggers pancreas digestive juices
Reduce the chances of having allergies, skindisease, asthma, depression, lupus, grave's disease, osteoporosis,accelerated aging, and other conditions.
Kill bacteria or pathogens that get into yourfood or drink.
The Real Cause of Acid Reflux
The cause of acid reflux is not an excess ofstomach acid, but a lack of it. Here is what happens. When a mealsits too long in your stomach, your stomach will attempt to get ridof it. It does this when your stomach acid is weak or when you haveeaten a large or varied meal.
Since your stomach is unable to completelydigest this food in the normal time, the gases and pressure thatbuild up open the LES valve. Food is then forced back into youresophagus. You stomach is trying to get rid of this food by causingyou to vomit, but is sometimes not able to do it so some of yourstomach content just reaches the esophagus. There it can start todestroy tissue, if this reflux happens often.
Testing If You Lack Stomach Acid
Here is a way for you to test if you haveweak stomach acid. If you get acid reflux regularly, this is thetime to do the test.
Add 2 to 3 teaspoons of vinegar or applecider vinegar to your salad. See if this decreases the symptoms ofacid reflux or eliminates them completely. If it does, then youknow that you have too little acid in your stomach to digest yourfood properly. You can continue adding apple cider vinegar to yoursalads, until you start using some of the remedies listed in thisbook.
In this book, you will find a new way ofeating. Most of the problems that occur with eating are overeating. Most people eat more than their body needs to keep themhealthy and active.
Being Overweight
If you are overweight, it would be a goodidea to lose some weight, so that you can gain more control overyour reflux problem. Its not necessary to go into a full blownweight lost program. In this book, you will find the tools to loseweight. Follow the recommendations given and you will start to loseweight.
Chapter 2: Do you Have Acid Reflux orHeartburn?
Acid reflux is a condition where your stomachacid has gone into areas where it does not belong. Specifically, ithas moved into your esophagus, which is the long tube that comesfrom your throat to your stomach. There, this acid will burn anddestroy tissue lining.
Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux.Heartburn refers to the burning sensation you feel when acid movesinto your esophagus through an acid reflux condition.
If you have heartburn or acid reflux, youwill feel a burning or painful sensation coming up your chest.Stomach acid has push back up into your esophagus through a valvethat is between your esophagus and upper stomach, the LESvalve.
What is the cause of heartburn or acidreflux?
Heartburn or acid reflux is occurs when theesophagus valve opens and allows acid to "reflux" or move up intoyour esophagus, where it burns your sensitive tissue. Heartburn isnot caused by excess stomach acid, as is promoted by the medicalcommunity. The major cause is incorrect eating or a faulty loweresophageal sphincter, LES, which allows acid back into an areawhere it does not belong.