Cock-a-doodle-doo! Rise and shine, the sun is coming up! There is so much to learn about farm animals. Farm animals help to provide lots of different foods, services, and products that we can use.
Do you know which farm animals like to squeal and roll in the mud? Turn the page to find out.
Pig families: A mother pig is called a sow, a father pig is called a boar, and a baby pig is called a piglet. A mother pig can give birth to - piglets. One mother pig gave birth to piglets at the same time! A whole group of pigs is called a herd.
What do pigs eat? Pigs eat plants or animals, like corn, potatoes, grains, grass, eggs, frogs, snakes, and fish. Pigs!
Fun Farm Facts: Pigs are sensitive to the sun and dont have any sweat glands, so they roll in the mud to keep cool.
Pigs have poor eyesight, but they have a highly developed sense of smell. They are used by some police departments to sniff out drugs.
The smallest pig is the pygmy pig. Foods and other products that come from pigs: Bacon Sausage Pepperoni Ham Pork chops Pig hair is sometimes used Ribs to make paintbrushes.
The largest pig is the giant forest pig. Do you know which farm animal eats for about hours each day and can weigh up to 1,400 pounds? Turn the page for the answer...
Cows! A Holstein cow has spots that are like a fingerprint or a snowflake; no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots. Cows are large farm animals. They eat a lot of corn, grass from the pasture, and hay. Cows regurgitate their food and re-chew the cud to help with digestion.
Farm Facts: Cows usually live for about or years, but they could live years if people let them. Cows can detect odors up to miles away.
Foods and other products that come from cows: Meat - hamburger, steak, roast, and sausage Milk - used in cheese, ice cream, sour cream, and yogurt Other parts of the cow are used to make butter, soup flavoring, chewing gum, leather, soap, cosmetics, buttons, photographic film, sandpaper, and violin strings The cow must be a mother before she will produce milk. A whole group of cows is called cattle. Female: heifer Baby: calf Male: bull What other animal gives us meat that we can eat? Turn the page...
Did you know... most chickens cant fly! Instead, feathers help protect the chicken from getting too cold or wet. most chickens cant fly! Instead, feathers help protect the chicken from getting too cold or wet.
The chicken also has a comb (growth on top of the head) and wattles (growths under the chin) to help keep the body cool in the hot summer months. There are over different breeds, sizes, and colors of chickens. A group of chickens is called a flock. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide! Do you know which female animal can grow a beard? Turn the page to find out...
A Goat! A female goat (a doe or a nanny ) can grow a beard! A female goat can have kids in a year and can weigh between and pounds. Baby goat: kid, just like a young girl or boy! Some Notes About Goats: Goats have excellent night vision.
Goats can run and climb, and can jump over feet high. Goats can stand on their back legs to reach tree branches. Some goats have horns and others do not. Goats eat corn, oats, hay, grass, alfalfa, and weeds.
Male goat: a buck or a Billy The male goat has a beard and can weigh between and pounds.
Sheep! Sheep wool is used in clothing (like sweaters, mittens, and pants).
Sheep! Sheep wool is used in clothing (like sweaters, mittens, and pants).
The sheep has a thick coat of fleece on its body. Wool is fire - resistant and will not burn. More products we get from sheep: Carpet and yarn from sheep wool Lamb chops, ribs, and sausage Yogurt and cheese from sheep milk Candles and soap from sheep fat Sheep are very gentle, and they are easily frightened, especially by other animals.
There are about different breeds of sheep. Sheep have poor eyesight, but an excellent sense of hearing. Sheep move in large groups called flocks.
A lamb knows its mother by her bleat, or the sound she makes. Female: ewe Baby: lamb Male: ram SHEEP BEWARE! Predators: coyotes, wolves, and domestic dogs
Give me a hand... A horses height is measured in hands one hand is equal to inches. How many hands (and inches) tall are you? What else can you measure in hands? Do you see a baby horse? It is called a foal, a colt (male) or a filly (female). The stallion is the adult male horse, and the adult female is called a mare. A group of horses is called a herd.
A pony is a small horse of course! Giddy - up! Here come the horses!
What do horses munch for lunch? Menu: Grass Hay Plant roots Barley Oats Fruits and vegetables Bran Maize (corn) (like carrots and apples) What do horses do? Turn the page to find out more about these hard - working animals...