Published in 2020 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010 Copyright 2020 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer. First Edition Editor: Elizabeth Krajnik Book Design: Reann Nye Photo Credits: Cover PR Image Factory/; p. 7 Rido/;p. 9 goodluz/; p. 11; p. 13 Branislav Nenin/; p. 15 Sharaf Maksumov/; p. 17 Sergey Maksienko/; p. 19 Ollyy/; p. 21 Monkey Business Images/; p. 22 GagliardiImages/ 22 GagliardiImages/
Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Morlock, Rachael. Title: I am smart online / Rachael Morlock. Description: New York : PowerKids Press, 2020. | Series: I am a good digital citizen | Includes glossary and index. Identifiers: ISBN 9781538349687 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781538349700 (library bound) | ISBN 9781538349694 (6pack) Subjects: LCSH: Internet and children--Juvenile literature. | Internet--Safety measures--Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC HQ784.I58 M673 2020 | DDC 004.6780289--dc23 Manufactured in the United States of America CPSIA Compliance Information: Batch #CSPK19. For Further Information contact Rosen Publishing, New York, New York at 1-800-237-9932. ONE IN A BILLION When youre at home, youre a family member. When youre at school, youre a student. When youre playing a sport, youre a teammate. But what are you when you go online? Youre a digital citizen! Billions of people across the world use the Internet.
BE SMART! You can practice good digital citizenship by being fair, respectful, and smart online.
BE SMART! You can practice good digital citizenship by being fair, respectful, and smart online.
Smart digital citizens are ready to learn about the Internet by trying new things and asking for help. They learn how to find trustworthy websites. Most importantly, they are thoughtful about what they look at and do online.
KNOW THE RULES Smart digital citizens follow rules to keep themselves and others safe. Some rules are for everyone. Your school may have special rules for students, and your family may have special rules just for you.
Once you know the rules, the Internet is a great tool for finding information.
SMART SEARCHES How do you search for information online? The Internet is huge! It can be hard to find exactly what youre looking for. But there are ways to make your searches smarter. Use more than one
term to help narrow down your search, and always make sure your spelling is
Lets say youre looking for facts about
T. rex.
First, choose a search engine. Next, type your terms into the search bar. Instead of searching for T. rex, try T. rex dinosaur.
TRUSTWORTHY WEBSITES Trustworthy websites give you facts that you can count on.
TRUSTWORTHY WEBSITES Trustworthy websites give you facts that you can count on.
When you search for facts online, look for websites that end in .gov, .org, or .edu. These endings mean the government, organizations, or schools created those websites. Often, these sites have expert knowledge you can trust.
FACT OR OPINION? Can you tell the difference between facts and opinions? A fact is something that can be proven. An opinion is a belief or feeling about something. Some websites are more likely to share facts, while others share only opinions.
For example, a blog is usually a website for sharing opinions.
CHECK YOUR FACTS Once youve found information you think is factual, there are ways to make sure its true. Even trusted websites make mistakes sometimes. Its always smart to check your facts. See if you can find the same fact on three trustworthy websites.
STAY ORGANIZED Keep track of the websites you use.
STAY ORGANIZED Keep track of the websites you use.
Take notes about where you find information. If youre using your own computer, you can bookmark websites so you can find them again later and give them credit. If youre writing a paper, make sure you keep track of the websites you use as you go.
KEEP LEARNING! Being a smart digital citizen doesnt mean knowing everything about the Internet! The Internet is huge, and its always changing and growing. Being a smart digital citizen means learning from your mistakes and successes online.
GLOSSARYblog: A website on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities, and experiences.
correct: Free from mistakes.
credit: Recognition or honor received for some quality or work.
expert: Showing special skill or knowledge gained from experience or training.
information: Knowledge or facts about something.
organization: A group formed for a specific purpose.
search engine: A website or software used to search data for requested information.
term: A word or phrase that has an exact meaning.