Families with Allergies Children:
Boost Your Child's Immune System
Lisa Drake
Smashwords Edition
Copyright @ 2014 by Lisa Drake
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Allergies in children are one of the mostannoying yet difficult things to handle especially in youngchildren below the age of 3 years. Every parent who has a childallergic to something can tell how stressful it can be for both thechild and the parents as well. Allergies can be caused by quite anumber of things like food, dust, animal products or even oil orsoaps used in the children.
Some children will develop very severeallergic reaction as soon as they consume a certain food, and thiscan be different from each child. The children with food allergiesfor instance have higher rates of asthma and skin allergies likeeczema. Both asthma and eczema are one of the most difficultallergies to heal and they can be very stressful o both the parentand the child. The eczema for instance causes a lot of itching inchildren and the skin changes its texture making it look old andvery pale. The skin becomes very dry causing itching. For a childyounger than 3 years, it becomes a nightmare to both the child andthe parents because they can never tell where the child feels likeitching as the child will cry over and over due to discomfort. Inmost cases, you will find a child with eczema has asthma as wellanother condition that causes a lot of respiratory problems to thechild. Like any parents with an asthmatic child would say, this isa very complicated allergy especially to the young ones becausethey start to use the inhalers at a very young age, and the factthat they cannot inhale it on their own without help makes thingsmore difficult.
An allergy like any other condition can alsobe controlled to prevent recurrence and to also improve thecondition. This can be done by identifying what triggers theallergy and also look out on the symptoms. Some of the allergicfoods include eggs, soy, nuts and wheat. Once you have identifiedthe food that triggers the allergy, it will be easy to identify thesymptoms that the child gets so as to know how to handle thesituation. Always avoid foods that trigger the allergy and give onetype of food for starters and give it time to see how it reacts.Giving the child different types of food at the same time may bedifficult to identify the main cause of the allergy. How aboutincreasing the immunity of the child as a solution to some of theallergies?
One of the things many people will not tellyou is that allergies differ from one child to another. More oftenparents consult with their friends with similar conditions and endsup buying medication over the counter without factoring in quite anumber of things. As we through some of the tips we can do to ourchildren to prevent allergies and boost immune, it is important toseek medical advice from the doctor so that the allergy is examinedand treated with the right medication or supplement. Besides theexamination from the doctor and supplements, remember the firstthing to get rid of allergies, is to ensure your house is wellventilated and dusted every now and to have a healthy dies in everymeal.
In the next chapters, we shall look at someof the tips that can be used to boost the immune of the child andhow to fight the allergies. Analyze the tips and weigh out what youhave not done to say bye to allergies and to ensure your childsimmune system is at the top of the ladder. Our children ourfuture!
Chapter 2. What is an allergy and what causesallergies
An allergy is an immune response or reactionto substances that are usually not harmful. Both adults andchildren can have allergies, but the good thing is that the allergysymptoms can be prevented if not cured. When a child is allergic tosomething, the immune system mistakenly believes that the substanceis harmful to the childs body. As a way of protecting the body,the immune system produces IgE antibodies to that allergen. That iswhy it is very important to ensure that you boost your childsimmune system to enable it fight the allergies on its own withoutusing medications. Most adults are able to manage their allergiesunlike children who depend on parents to monitor them. Allergiesare cause by coming into contact with allergens. Allergens can beinhaled, eaten or injected and they can also come into contact withthe skin. Common allergies come from pollen tress grass and weedespecially during the pollen season. During the pollen season, mostchildren get allergies. Common allergies also come from mold bothindoors and outdoors. Ensuring clean environment both indoors andoutdoors is one way of controlling allergies. We also have dustmites which are commonly found in our beddings carpets and otherdust areas in the house. Dust mites and molds do not have a seasonlike the pollen. For as long as the house and compound is bushy anddusty, the mites will be found. This allergy is very commonespecially in children who are exposed to dusty things and placesin the house. Dust mites as well as pollen can bring asthmaallergies with symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest tightnessand trouble breathing. This can be very uncomfortable for childrenand especially the young children who are so young to inhale themedication. Furred animals like dogs and cats are also commonallergies especially in children. Dogs and cats are mostlyassociated as pets for the children, and the children love the petsso much. The so called pest can be an allergy to the childespecially if the furred animal is not cleaned more often. It isimportant to ensure the animals are free from dust and givenvaccine more often. We also have certain foods which are a commoncause for allergies. For food, it is not easily to determine whatkind of food is causing allergy to your child until the child haseaten and symptoms of allergy seen in the child. For foodallergies, you can always look for symptoms like vomiting,diarrhea, eczema or any other related food symptoms. If a childvomits immediately after eating a certain meal, do not be quick tocall it an allergy, try giving the same type of food again and ifshe vomits it again, then one can easily conclude it is an allergy.Food allergies can easily be controlled because as a parent youwill just ensure that your child does not eat the food thattriggers the allergy. If it is a grown child, explain to them whythey cannot eat that kind of food so that even in your absence theywill not insist to have the food. With an idea of what an allergyis and the possible symptoms we shall look at the tips we can useto ensure safety for our children and how best we can boost theirimmune system. As you read on, you will notice that if consider thegiven tips; you will not need to worry anymore about allergies andlow immunity for your children. You will have an idea of how tohandle the allergies and how best to boost the immune of both thechild and you as a parent.