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Calculus Essentials For Dummies
by Mark Ryan
Calculus Essentials For Dummies
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About the Author
Mark Ryan, a graduate of Brown University and the University of Wisconsin Law School, has been teaching math since 1989. He runs the Math Center in Winnetka, Illinois (, where he teaches high school math courses including an introduction to calculus and a workshop for parents based on a program he developed, The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Math Students. He also does extensive one-to-one tutoring for all levels of mathematics and for standardized test preparation. In high school he twice scored a perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT, and he not only knows mathematics, he has a gift for explaining it in plain English. He practiced law for four years before deciding he should do something he enjoys and use his natural talent for mathematics. Ryan is a member of the Authors Guild and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Calculus Essentials For Dummies is Ryan's sixth book. Everyday Math for Everyday Life was published in 2002, Calculus For Dummies (Wiley) in 2003, Calculus Workbook For Dummies (Wiley) in 2005, Geometry Workbook For Dummies (Wiley) in 2007, and Geometry For Dummies, 2nd Ed. (Wiley) in 2008. His math books have sold over a quarter of a million copies.
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T he mere thought of having to take a required calculus course is enough to make legions of students break out in a cold sweat. Others who have no intention of ever studying the subject have this notion that calculus is impossibly difficult unless you happen to be a direct descendant of Einstein.
Well, I'm here to tell you that you can master calculus. It's not nearly as tough as its mystique would lead you to think. Much of calculus is really just very advanced algebra, geometry, and trig. It builds upon and is a logical extension of those subjects. If you can do algebra, geometry, and trig, you can do calculus. Read this jargon-free book, get a handle on calculus, and join the happy few who can proudly say, "Calculus? Oh, sure, I know calculus. It's no big deal."
About This Book
Calculus Essentials For Dummies is intended for three groups of readers: students taking their first calculus course, students who need to brush up on their calculus to prepare for other studies, and adults of all ages who'd like a good introduction to the subject. For those who'd like a fuller treatment of the subject, check out Calculus For Dummies .
If you're enrolled in a calculus course and you find your textbook less than crystal clear, Calculus Essentials For Dummies is the book for you. It covers the two most important topics in the first year of calculus: differentiation and integration.