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Mike McGrath - Python in Easy Steps, 2nd Edition

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Mike McGrath Python in Easy Steps, 2nd Edition
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Python in Easy Steps, 2nd Edition: summary, description and annotation

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Python in easy steps, 2nd edition instructs you how to program in the powerful Python language, giving complete examples that illustrate each aspect with colorized source code.

Python in easy steps, 2nd edition begins by explaining how to install the free Python interpreter so you can quickly begin to create your own executable programs by copying the books examples. It demonstrates all the Python language basics before moving on to provide examples of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and CGI scripting to handle web form data. The book concludes by demonstrating how you can use your acquired knowledge to create and deploy graphical windowed applications.
Python in easy steps, 2nd edition makes no assumption you have previous knowledge of any programming language so its ideal for the newcomer to computer programming. It has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to programmers moving from another programming language, and to the student who is studying Python programming at school or college, and to those seeking a career in computing who need a fundamental understanding of computer programming.

The Python 3.x language is under active development so frequent new releases are made available as small improvements are added to the language and Python in easy steps, 2nd edition features the very latest versions of Python at the time of publication. Python development is one of evolution, rather than revolution, so the examples provided in the book can be used in subsequent releases simply download the latest version of Python then follow the easy steps.

Python is the language used to program the Raspberry Pi - covered by Raspberry Pi in easy steps and Raspberry Pi 3 in easy steps.

This second edition is updated to cover Python 3.7

Mike McGrath: author's other books

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In easy steps is an imprint of In Easy Steps Limited 16 Hamilton Terrace Holly - photo 1 In easy steps is an imprint of In Easy Steps Limited 16 Hamilton Terrace Holly Walk Leamington Spa Warwickshire United Kingdom CV32 4LY www.ineasysteps.com Second Edition Copyright 2018 by In Easy Steps Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Notice of Liability Every effort has been made to ensure that this book contains accurate and current information. However, In Easy Steps Limited and the author shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by readers as a result of any information contained herein. Contents Preface The creation of this book has been for me, Mike McGrath, an exciting personal journey in discovering how Python can be used today for procedural and object-oriented programming, to develop applications and to provide online functionality. Contents Preface The creation of this book has been for me, Mike McGrath, an exciting personal journey in discovering how Python can be used today for procedural and object-oriented programming, to develop applications and to provide online functionality.

Example code listed in this book describes how to produce Python programs in easy steps and the screenshots illustrate the actual results. I sincerely hope you enjoy discovering the exciting possibilities of Python, and have as much fun with it as I did in writing this book. In order to clarify the code listed in the steps given in each example I have adopted certain colorization conventions. Components of the Python programming language are colored blue, programmer-specified names are red, numeric and string data values are black, and comments are green, like this: # Write the traditional greeting. g reeting = Hello World! print( greeting ) Additionally, in order to identify each source code file described in the steps, a colored icon and file name appears in the margin alongside the steps: Python in Easy Steps 2nd Edition - image 2 script.py pagehtml imagegif For convenience I have placed source code files from the - photo 3 page.html imagegif For convenience I have placed source code files from the examples - photo 4 image.gif For convenience I have placed source code files from the examples featured in this book into a single ZIP archive. You can obtain the complete archive by following these easy steps: Picture 5 Browse to www.ineasysteps.com then navigate to Free Resources and choose the Downloads section Picture 6 Find Python in easy steps, 2nd edition in the list, then click on the hyperlink entitled All Code Examples to download the archive Picture 7 Next, extract the MyScripts and MyProjects folders to your home directory (such as C:\ ) and copy all contents of the htdocs folder to your web servers documents directory Picture 8 Now, follow the steps to call upon the Python interpreter and see the output You will also find updates, if any, to this book in the Downloads section for this book.

Getting started Welcome to the exciting world of the Python programming language. This chapter demonstrates how to install Python and create your first program. Introducing Python Python is a high-level (human-readable) programming language that is processed by the Python interpreter to produce results. Python includes a comprehensive standard library of tested code modules that can be easily incorporated into your own programs. The Python language was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late eighties and early nineties at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. Python is derived from many other languages, including C, C++, the Unix shell and other programming languages. Discover all the latest Python news online at wwwpythonorg The basic - photo 9 Discover all the latest Python news online at www.python.org The basic philosophy of the Python language is readability, which makes it particularly well-suited for beginners in computer programming, and it can be summarized by these principles: Beautiful is better than ugly. Discover all the latest Python news online at wwwpythonorg The basic - photo 9 Discover all the latest Python news online at www.python.org The basic philosophy of the Python language is readability, which makes it particularly well-suited for beginners in computer programming, and it can be summarized by these principles: Beautiful is better than ugly.

Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Readability counts. As Python is intended to be highly readable, it uses English keywords frequently where other languages may use punctuation. Most significantly, it uses indentation to group together statements into code blocks, whereas other languages may use keywords or punctuation for this purpose.

For example, in the Pascal programming language, blocks start with the keyword begin and end with the keyword end , and in the C programming language, blocks are enclosed within curly brackets ( { } braces). Grouping blocks of statements by indentation is sometimes criticized by programmers familiar with languages that group by punctuation, but the use of indentation in Python certainly produces code that has an uncluttered visual layout. Python in Easy Steps 2nd Edition - image 10 Programming languages that group blocks by indentation are said to adhere to the offside rule a pun on the offside rule in soccer. Some of Pythons key distinguishing features that make it an attractive choice of language for the beginner include: Python is free is open source distributable software. Python is easy to learn has a simple language syntax. Python is easy to maintain is modular for simplicity. Python is batteries included provides a large standard library for easy integration into your own programs. Python is interactive has a terminal for debugging and testing snippets of code. Python is portable runs on a wide variety of hardware platforms and has the same interface on all platforms. Python is interpreted there is no compilation required. Python is high-level has automatic memory management. Python is extensible allows the addition of low-level modules to the interpreter for customization. Python is versatile supports both procedure-orientated programming and object-orientated programming (OOP). Python is flexible can create console programs, windowed GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications, and CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts to process web data. Python in Easy Steps 2nd Edition - image 11 Python is named after the British television comedy series Monty Pythons Flying Circus you may encounter references to this in the Python documentation. Python in Easy Steps 2nd Edition - image 11

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