Acquisitions Editor: Mariann Barsolo
Development Editor: Kathi Duggan
Technical Editor: Romain Marucchi-Foino
Production Editor: Rachel McConlogue
Copy Editor: Judy Flynn
Editorial Manager: Pete Gaughan
Production Manager: Tim Tate
Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley
Vice President and Publisher: Neil Edde
Book Designer: Caryl Gorska
Compositor: Chris Gillespie, Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Proofreader: Nancy Bell
Indexer: Ted Laux
Project Coordinator, Cover: Lynsey Stanford
Cover Design: Ryan Sneed
Cover Image: The squirrel character on the cover is copyright Blender Foundation | Game images featured on the cover include images from Cerebrii 2009 Richard Stoner, Shootin Annie 2009 Tony Mullen, Black Sheep 2009 Rarebyte OG, Dropoly 2009 Inovaworks, Touch Ski 3D 2009 Michael Perl, Naquatic, Ivory Tower 2009 APC LLC (, Manic Marble 2009 Rich Olson, Guns of War 2009, iPunch 2009, iPentris 2009 Rarebyte OG, and Meditation Garden 2009 SIO2 Interactive.
Copyright 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-0-470-57492-8
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mullen, Tony, 1971
3D for iPhone apps with Blender and SIO2 : your guide to creating 3D games and more with open-source software / Tony Mullen.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-470-57492-8 (paper/website)
1. Computer gamesProgramming. 2. SIO2 (Electronic resource) 3. iPhone (Smartphone)Programming. I. Title.
QA76.76.C672M858 2010
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For Yuka and Hana
Im very grateful to everyone involved in the creation of this book and the software it deals with. In particular, Id like to thank Romain Marucchi-Foino, author of the SIO2 game engine, for his efforts in creating such a useful set of tools for the game-programming community as well as for his great help as tech editor of this book. Id also like to thank Ton Roosendaal and the Blender developers for their tireless work to make Blender the fantastic piece of software that it is. In addition to the developers, Id like to thank the many users and game creators who helped me directly or indirectly through their posts on the SIO2 forum. Im especially grateful to the game creators who allowed me to use images from their games in this book. Their work provides a great showcase for the power of the Blender/SIO2 pipeline. This book wouldnt have been possible without the collaboration of the editorial and production team at Sybex, and Im very grateful to everyone who had a hand in bringing it to publication, in particular Mariann Barsolo, Pete Gaughan, Kathryn Duggan, and Rachel McConlogue. These are just the people I interacted with most regularly on this project; there are many other people whose contributions I am also grateful for. Id also like to thank my students and colleagues at Tsuda College, Tokyo, for their support. In particular Id like to thank my colleague Associate Professor Akihasa Kodate for suggesting I take over teaching his computer graphics class. The deepening of my knowledge of OpenGL that I gained through preparing that class was a great help for me in coming to grips with SIO2 and game development for the iPhone. Finally Id like to thank my wife, Yuka, and our daughter, Hana, for their love, support, and patience!
About the Author