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Sams Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24 Hours
Fourth Edition
Greg Perry
Dean Miller
Sams Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24 Hours, Fourth Edition
Copyright 2020 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2019951973
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-583670-5
ISBN-10: 0-13-583670-0
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Contents at a Glance
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About the Author
Greg Perry is a speaker and writer in both the programming and applications sides of computing. He is known for bringing programming topics down to the beginners level. Perry has been a programmer and trainer for two decades. He received his first degree in computer science and then earned a Masters degree in corporate finance. Besides writing, he consults and lectures across the country, including at the acclaimed Software Development programming conferences. Perry is the author of more than 75 other computer books. In his spare time, he gives lectures on traveling in Italy, his second-favorite place to be.
Dean Miller is a writer and editor with more than 20 years of experience in both the publishing and licensed consumer products businesses. Over the years, he has created or helped shape a number of bestselling books and series, including Sams Teach Yourself in 21 Days, Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours, and the Unleashed series, all from Sams Publishing. He has written or cowritten 15 books on computer programming and professional wrestling and is still looking for a way to combine the two into one strange amalgam.
Dean: To Fran, Margaret, John, and AliceThanks for being the absolute best family someone could ask for.
Greg: My thanks go to all my friends at Pearson. Most writers would refer to them as editors; to me, they are friends. I want all my readers to understand this: The people at Pearson care about you most of all. The things they do result from their concern for your knowledge and enjoyment. On a more personal note, my beautiful bride, Jayne; my mother Bettye Perry; and my friends, who wonder how I find the time to write, all deserve credit for supporting my need to write.