First edition, copyright 2020 Prosper Consulting Inc., The Tech Academy
Computers and Technology Simplified
Written by:
Jack C. Stanley and Erik D. Gross,
Co-Founders of The Tech Academy
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
-Albert Einstein (German scientist, 1879-1955)
In 2014, we (Jack Stanley and Erik Gross) founded a school called The Tech Academy. Our purpose was to bridge the gap between general society and technology and to make computers understandable and usable for all. We felt this was needed due to the prevalence of computers in nearly every aspect of modern life.
To that end, we created boot camps (intensive training programs in technology) that prepare students for working in technical positions. While our services have since expanded beyond just delivering boot camps, our purpose has remained the same.
A couple of years ago, we wrote the Computer and Technology Basics Dictionary that defined technical terms in a way that the average person could understand. Though our classes, dictionaries and other books assist people in understanding technology, we realized it would be beneficial if we utilized our combined knowledge and experience to write a book that accomplished The Tech Academys purpose.
We are proud to say that you have that book here. You will remove the mysteries associated with tech and computers by simply reading this cover to cover. This book is useful to children and adults alike.
You may find parts of this book easy or simple. It was intentionally written that way. We erred on the side of simplicity. In fact, we attempted to write this at a Young Adult reading level. If anyone ever complained, This book is too easy and basic, wed take that as a compliment!
If you are already a tech expert, this book isnt for you. Youve already successfully climbed the mountain this book is an elevator for those still at the base.
Why would we write a book like this when there are already so many out there? Well, before we wrote this, we read several existing introduction to technology and computers for beginners type books and found the following issues:
Most were too advanced for beginners.
They utilized many technical terms without defining them.
They assumed prior tech knowledge on the part of the reader.
Inside definitions and explanations, other technical terms and concepts most readers dont understand were included without clarifications or descriptions, thereby making the material incomprehensible for the average person.
There just wasnt a resource that you could give to a normal person that would bring them up to speed with computers and technology.
The problem with most technology education (and educational materials in general) is that data is relayed as though the student already understands the subject. Meaning, to really grasp the content in existing technology educational resources, you must already be familiar with the basic terms associated with the subject and understand the fundamentals beforehand. If you dont believe this, go ahead and read some basic computer books or Google the definitions of tech terms. Unless youre a nerd already, you will most likely become lost because theyre strewn with undefined terms and unexplained concepts!
There is a strong demand for technology professionals, and the main reason we dont have more is because of how hard it has been to learn the subject. Students are immediately hit with nearly 1,000 terms and concepts they dont understand its quite a barrier.
People have a tendency to tease that which they dont understand. Why do you think that nerds were bullied so much in the past?
The problem is compounded by the fact that some technically trained people have had a tendency to flaunt their knowledge by talking down to others through use of esoteric terminology. Theres almost been a trend in the computer industry to prove how smart you are by spitting out terms only geeks know. Just watch any television show with a character who is a hacker or computer professional and listen to the words they throw out.
Theres nothing wrong with competence or using what one knows. But speaking in English to someone who speaks only Japanese and expecting them to understand you, is rude. As the saying goes, Arrogance is knowledge minus wisdom.
The Tech Academy breaks the subjects down to you we dont break you down to the subject.
This book was written with no assumptions of past knowledge on the part of the reader. Meaning, we wrote this as though you have no tech background or education. In it, we will cover all the major components of computers and thoroughly explain popular technologies. We will also provide you with a timeline and history so you can see how we arrived where we are today.
The history we provide throughout the chapters will bounce around somewhat meaning, this book doesnt start with the first computer development and sequentially move forward in time.
The book is sequenced in a logical order of concepts. Meaning, we start with the first piece of required knowledge, then the second, and so on, while covering important historical developments throughout. Towards the end of the book, we provide a historical recap that lays out major inventions in sequence so you can see it all with a deeper understanding.
We attempted to limit each chapter to the coverage of only one key concept. Considering there are so many interconnected parts to a computer, this was difficult. And while we would love to dive right into how computers display videos and how the internet works (both subjects are covered in this book), we must start with the most basic concepts and build from there.
We estimate that the average person has heard hundreds of technology terms in their life that they cannot properly define 90-95% of those words will be defined in this book.
There are two points wed like to ask you to keep in mind while reading this book:
This book is meant to be educational, not entertaining . Weve done our best to keep it interesting but computers and technology can be quite dry.
You might feel confused at points in this book. The source of this confusion is years of society barraging you with undefined words and subjects. The solution is to persist and continue on through the book because the confusion will subside and in its place will be confidence, clarity and comprehension. We know this because we wrote the book so that its virtually impossible to go past a word or concept you dont understand due to the fact that we explain them all along the way! Therefore, we recommend pushing through and finishing the book in its entirety when you get to the end, youll be glad you did.
It is our wish that this book will be widely used. From schools to companies to your home, we hope this book travels far and wide because we feel that everyone deserves this information.
No other book like this exists. There is nothing that covers every common technology term and concept in a way the average person can understand. This is a manual for surviving amidst technology on modern-day Earth.
Technology has evolved quickly and proper measures have not been taken to catch people up, until now.
Jack C. Stanley & Erik D. Gross
Co-Founders of The Tech Academy
Technology is anything that wasnt around when you were born.
-Alan Kay (American computer scientist, 1940-)
We place our lives in the hands of technology every day.