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Benjamin Baka - Getting Started with Qt 5: Introduction to programming Qt 5 for cross-platform application development

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Getting Started with Qt 5: Introduction to programming Qt 5 for cross-platform application development: summary, description and annotation

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Begin writing graphical user interface(GUI) applications for building human machine interfaces with a clear understanding of key concepts of the Qt framework Key Features Learn how to write, assemble, and build Qt application from the command line Understand key concepts like Signals and Slots in Qt Best practices and effective techniques for designing graphical user interfaces using Qt 5 Book Description Qt is a cross-platform application framework and widget toolkit that is used to create GUI applications that can run on different hardware and operating systems. The main aim of this book is to introduce Qt to the reader. Through the use of simple examples, we will walk you through building blocks without focusing too much on theory. Qt is a popular tool that can be used for building a variety of applications, such as web browsers, media players such as VLC, and Adobe Photoshop. Following Qt installation and setup, the book dives straight into helping you create your first application. You will be introduced to Widgets, Qts interface building block, and the many varieties that are available for creating GUIs. Next, Qts core concept of signals and slots are well illustrated with sufficient examples. The book further teaches you how to create custom widgets, signals and slots, and how to communicate useful information via dialog boxes. To cap everything off, you will be taken through writing applications that can connect to databases in order to persist data. By the end of the book, you should be well equipped to start creating your own Qt applications and confident enough to pick up more advanced Qt techniques and materials to hone your skills. What you will learn Set up and configure your machine to begin developing Qt applications Discover different widgets and layouts for constructing UIs Understand the key concept of signals and slots Understand how signals and slots help animate a GUI Explore how to create customized widgets along with signals and slots Understand how to subclass and create a custom windows application Understand how to write applications that can talk to databases. Who this book is for Anyone trying to start development of graphical user interface application will find this book useful. One does not need prior exposure to other toolkits to understand this book. In order to learn from this book you should have basic knowledge of C++ and a good grasp of Object Oriented Programming. Familiarity with GNU/Linux will be very useful though its not a mandatory skill.

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Getting Started with Qt 5 Introduction to programming Qt 5 for - photo 1
Getting Started with Qt 5
Introduction to programming Qt 5 for cross-platform application development
Benjamin Baka

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Getting Started with Qt 5 Copyright 2019 Packt Publishing - photo 2

Getting Started with Qt 5

Copyright 2019 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Commissioning Editor: Pavan Ramchandani
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Project Coordinator: Pragati Shukla
Proofreader: Safis Editing
Indexer: Tejal Daruwale Soni
Graphics: Alishon Mendonsa
Production Coordinator: Jisha Chirayil

First published: February 2019

Production reference: 1280219

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78995-603-0


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About the author

Benjamin Baka is a full-stack software developer and is passionate about cutting-edge technologies and elegant programming techniques. He has 10 years in different technologies, from C++, Java, Ruby, Python to Qt. Some of the projects he's working on can be found on his GitHub page. He is currently working on exciting technologies all from the camp of mPedigree Network.

I'd like to thank the Baka family for all of their support in my many endeavors. Another thanks to Samuel Afari for encouraging me to go beyond my limits.
To the entire Packt team, it's been a pleasure working with you.
And I continue to stay forever indebted to Guido Sohne and Lorenzo Cabrini for their amazing guidance and input in my life.
About the reviewer

Nibedit Dey is a techno-entrepreneur and innovator with over 8 years of experience in
building complex software-based products using Qt and C++. Before starting his
entrepreneurial journey, he worked for L&T and Tektronix in different research and
development roles. Additionally, he has reviewed The Modern C++ Challenge, Hands-on GUI programming with C++ and Qt5, and Hands-On High Performance Programming with Qt 5books for Packt.

I would like to thank the online programming communities, bloggers, and my peers from
earlier organizations, from whom I have learned a lot over the years.
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There are many buzzwords in computing today, most of which revolve around various software technologies and concepts. Browsers have become the preferred means of accessing information and consuming all manner of data. But there is still a void that can only be filled by standalone applications that must be installed and run on an operating system. The browser itself as an application cannot be accessed through a browser and bears witness to this assertion.

Applications such as VLC, Adobe Photoshop, Google Earth, and QGIS are a few examples of applications that run directly on an operating system. Interestingly enough, these well-known software brands are built with Qt.

Qt (pronounced "cute") is a cross-platform application framework and widget toolkit that is used in creating graphical user interface applications that run on a number of different hardware and operating systems. The aforementioned applications were written using this same toolkit.

The main aim of this book is to introduce Qt to the reader. Through the use of simple and easy-to-understand examples, it will walk the user from one concept to the next without focusing too much on theory. The size of the book requires us to be concise in our presentation of materials. Coupled with the ample examples presented, we hope to shorten the path to understanding and learning how to use Qt.

Who this book is for

Anyone looking to embark on the development of graphical user interface applications will find this book useful. No prior exposure to other toolkits is required in order to understand this book. However, having such skills will prove useful.

The book does, however, presume that you have a working knowledge in the use of C++. If you can express your thoughts in developing algorithms and the use of object-oriented programming, you will find the content easy to consume.

Expert or intermediate persons with Qt knowledge should seek more detailed materials that are available out there. This book is not a reference guide, and should only be used as introductory material.

What this book covers
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