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Don Jones - The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book

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Veteran PowerShell experts and authors Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks bring you an all-new, Agile-published book on PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking. Written in their inimitable, approachable style with plenty of examples, this book focuses on an all-new narrative based on their teaching experiences since 2010. Youll not only learn how to script in PowerShell, youll learn the far more important patterns and practices that will enable you to create reusable tools that look and work like native PowerShell commands. Youll also learn a world of related topics, including how to add database access to your tools, how to publish to public and private repositories, and even an introduction to key topics like Pester testing.Thousands of IT professionals have, after experiencing Don & Jeffs classes and books, remarked that, now I need to go home and rewrite everything Ive done! Thats what this book will do for you: change the way you think about coding in PowerShell. Youll find yourself producing more efficient, more reusable tools, more easily and more quickly. Youll cement a deep understanding of not only how PowerShell works, but why it works that way, helping you make better script design decisions, and helping you execute better PowerShell tools from now on.

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The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book Forever Edition Don Jones and Jeff - photo 1
The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book
Forever Edition
Don Jones and Jeff Hicks

This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/powershell-scripting-toolmaking

This version was published on 2020-06-30

This is a Leanpub book Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with - photo 2

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This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.

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2017 - 2020 Don Jones and Jeff Hicks
About This Book

The Forever Edition of this book is published on LeanPub, an Agile online publishing platform. That means the book is published as we write it, and that means well be able to revise it as needed in the future. We also appreciate your patience with any typographical errors, and we appreciate you pointing them out to us - in order to keep the book as agile as possible, were forgoing a traditional copyedit. Our hope is that youll appreciate getting the technical content quickly, and wont mind helping us catch any errors we may have made. You paid a bit more for the book than a traditional one, but that up-front price means you can come back whenever you like and download the latest version. We plan to expand and improve the book pretty much forever, so its hopefully the last one youll need to buy on this topic!

You may also find this book offered on traditional booksellers like Amazon. In those cases, the book is sold as a specific edition, such as Second Edition. These represent a point-in-time snapshot of the book, and are offered at a lower price than the Agile-published version. These traditionally published editions do not include future updates.

If you purchased this book, thank you. Know that writing a book like this takes hundreds of hours of effort, during which were not making any other income. Your purchase price is important to keeping a roof over our families heads and food on our tables. Please treat your copy of the book as your own personal copy - it isnt to be uploaded anywhere, and you arent meant to give copies to other people. Weve made sure to provide a DRM-free file (excepting any DRM added by a bookseller other than LeanPub) so that you can use your copy any way thats convenient for you. We appreciate your respecting our rights and not making unauthorized copies of this work.

If you got this book for free from someplace, know that you are making it difficult for us to write books. When we cant make even a small amount of money from our books, were encouraged to stop writing them. If you find this book useful, we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a copy from LeanPub.com or another bookseller. When you do, youll be letting us know that books like this are useful to you, and that you want people like us to continue creating them.

Please note that this book is not authorized for classroom use unless a unique copy has been purchased for each student. No-one is authorized or licensed to manually reproduce the PDF version of this book for use in any kind of class or training environment.

This book is copyrighted (c)2017-2020 by Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks, and all rights are reserved. This book is not open source, nor is it licensed under a Creative Commons license. This book is not free, and the authors reserve all rights.


This book is fondly dedicated to the many hardworking PowerShell users who have, for more than a decade, invite us into their lives through our books, conference appearances, instructional videos, live classes, and more. Were always humbled and honored by your support and kindness, and you inspire us to always try harder, and to do more. Thank you.


Thanks to Michael Bender, who has selflessly provided a technical review of the book. Any remaining errors are, of course, still the authors fault, but Michael has been tireless in helping us catch many of them.

About the Authors

Don Jones received the Microsoft MVP Award recipient for 16 consecutive years for his work with Windows PowerShell and administrative automation. He has authored dozens of books, articles, white papers, and instructional videos on information technology, and today is a Vice President in the Content team at Pluralsight.com. Don was also a co-founder of The DevOps Collective, which offers IT education programs, scholarships, and which runs PowerShell.org and PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit and other DevOps- and automation-related events.

Dons recent writing focuses on business, instructional design, self-improvement, and fiction, and can be found at http://leanpub.com/u/donjones. You can follow Don on Twitter @concentratedDon. He blogs at DonJones.com.

Jeff Hicks is a grizzled IT veteran with almost 30 years of experience, much of it spent as an IT infrastructure consultant specializing in Microsoft server technologies with an emphasis in automation and efficiency. He is a multi-year recipient of the Microsoft MVP Award. He works today as an independent author, teacher and consultant. Jeff has taught and presented on PowerShell and the benefits of automation to IT Pros worldwide for over a decade. Jeff has authored and co-authored a number of books, writes for numerous online sites, is a Pluralsight author, and a frequent speaker at technology conferences and user groups world-wide.

You can keep up with Jeff on Twitter (@JeffHicks) and on his blog at https://jdhitsolutions.com.

Additional Credits

Technical editing has been helpfully provided not only by our readers, but by Michael Bender. Were grateful to Michael for not only catching a lot of big and little problems, but for fixing most of them for us. Michael rocks, and you should watch his Pluralsight videos. However, anything Michael didnt catch is still firmly the authors responsibility.


After the success of Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Jeff and I wanted to write a book that took people down the next step, into actual scripting. The result, of course, was Learn PowerShell Toolmaking in a Month of Lunches. In the intervening years, as PowerShell gained more traction and greater adoption, we realized that there was a lot more of the story that we wanted to tell. We wanted to get into help authoring, unit testing, and more. We wanted to cover working with different data sources, coding in Visual Studio, and so on. These were really out of scope for the Month of Lunches series format. And even in the main narrative of building a proper tool, we wanted to go into more depth. So while the Month of Lunches book was still a valuable tutorial in our minds, we wanted something with more tooth.

At the same time, this stuff is changing really fast these days. Fast enough that a traditional publishing process - which can add as much as four months to a books publication - just cant keep up. Not only are we kind of constantly tweaking our narrative approach to explaining these topics, but the topics themselves are constantly evolving, thanks in part to an incredibly robust community building add-ons like Pester, Platyps, and more.

So after some long, hard thinking, we decided to launch this effort. As an Agile-published book on LeanPub, we can continuously add new content, update old content, fix the mistakes you point out to us, and so on. We can then take major milestones and publish them as snapshots on places like Amazon, increasing the availability of this material. We hope you find the project as exciting and dynamic as we do, and we hope youre generous with your suggestions - which may be sent to us via the author contact form from this books page on LeanPub.com. Well continue to use traditional paper publishing, but through a self-publishing outlet that doesnt impose as much process overhead on getting the book in print. These hard copy editions will be a snapshot or milestone edition of the electronic version.

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