Developing Enterprise iOS Applications
James Turner
Copyright 2011 James Turner
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Hello, and welcome to the exciting, frustrating, confusing, complexand ultimately rewardingworld of Enterprise iOS development. This book attempts to distill the lessons learned from more than a year of on-the-ground experience, moving an Enterprise iOS application from first concept to shipping product. Hopefully, I can help you avoid some of the hidden coral reefs that lie beneath the Sea of Apple, and help you find the fair winds to keep your sails full.
The relationship between businesses and Apple has always been a complex one, partially due to Microsofts traditional death-grip on the corporate market, and Apples sometimes ambivalent attitude toward corporate users. iOS has done a lot to change this, as it brought many new Apple users in through the mobile back door. The reality is that iOS is something to be taken seriously by corporate IT departments, and the old Blackberry or Bust mentality is all but dead. This presents a huge opportunity for developers versed in both the Apple and Fortune 500 philosophies.
Who This Book Is For
First things first: if youve never touched Objective-C or Cocoa before, you need to backfill some knowledge before you jump into Enterprise iOS. There are any number of good books out there to get you started with the basic Apple development tools such as Xcode. One good place to start is Learning iPhone Programming by Alasdair Allan, also published by OReilly. Apple also provides a number of good resources to members of their developer community.
Im also going to make the assumption in this book that you, the reader, are familiar with the ins and outs of Enterprise software development, including concepts such as SOAP, XML, REST, source control, continuous integration and regression, unit testing and code coverage, etc.
So, in short, this book is aimed at someone who expects to be (or already is) developing iOS software for use in Enterprise environments, and needs to know how to make the Apple development and deployment universe work smoothly with the requirements of corporate software methodologies. But many of the techniques laid out in this book may prove useful to you, even if you arent in a large company or trying to sell applications to Enterprise customers.
How This Book Is Organized
To get you on your way, well start with a basic overview of the challenges that face Enterprise developers working with iOS. We will then, in turn, address each one of this issues, starting with collaborative development problems, and finishing up with long term support issues for Enterprise apps.
Along the way, well look at a number of the more important topics you may run into, including testing and distributing apps, integrating apps with backend systems, and a handy check-list of things you need to remember to think about as the ship date for your app approaches.
Each chapter stands more or less alone, so if you only want to see how to call a SOAP service from an iPhone app, you can jump right to that chapter without having to wade through all the other stuff.
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