Powerful Social Media Marketing For Beginners
Master Social Media Marketing, Grow Your Successful Social Media Business
Sobia Publication
Copyright 2022 Sobia Publication
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
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Cover design by: Art Painter
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309
Printed in the United States of America
What you'll learn
Understand your own purpose within your career as a social media marketing professional
Create compelling content for social media platforms
Understand use of social media for business rather than personal use
Create an extensive and customised social media strategy, specific to individual client needs
Understand how to analyse your performance and make adjustments to your strategy
How to go from being a complete beginner in the world of social media to a pro social media manager, ready to take on any client!
About the book
I f you want to be successful with Social Media Marketing you will LOVE this Amazon Kindle! You will learn the principles and strategies that work for us and that we have used to build highly converting ads for over 500+ businesses and clients successfully!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger... any marketing via social media, we have you covered with this book! Stop wasting your money blindly running ads. MASTER paid online marketing once and for all!
The optimization of your social media accounts is a REQUIRED skill for ALL marketers and business owners. TAKE ACTION and learn social media marketing.
In this book, you will learn Social Media Marketing from beginner level to advanced!
Join this book now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Social Media Marketing!
Who this book is for
ANYONE looking to MASTER the most highly targeted and cheapest advertising strategies online!
New or Advanced MARKETERS looking to learn how to create ads on all the social media networks!
Business Owners
Influencers / Bloggers / Celebs / Public Figures
Social Media Marketing Employees
Detailed table of contents
Chapter 1
H i! I'm Sobia. I am the lifestyle blogger Wit and Delight. I'm here today to talk to you about using social media to build your online professional network. I started Wit and Delight in 2009. It was right after the stock market had its big meltdown, and I was a little bit worried about my job security, and I knew that with social media I could have a little bit of control as to who I was meeting, and build some freelance opportunities.
The blog itself did prove to do that, I just started writing about design, I wrote about my work, and slowly but surely that presence grew. It began to become its brand. And we've been able to parlay what was sort of a side project into a brand that now has a lot of great relationships with large corporations, we have our product lines that are growing, and we've been able to create something bigger than I ever really imagined. When I first brought up the word personal branding in my first job, my first agency job, a couple of people laughed at me, because they thought you know what that even means, that sounds a little gross.
I think really what it is that it's replaced the idea of networking. And it isn't about becoming internet famous. That's sort of the misconception when you hear the word personal brand. What's so important about it is that it replaced the resume. Your presence online says so much about who you are as a person, but also kind of the work that you do and the things that you find interesting. Putting your best face forward you can meet people and open opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have existed.
The chapter today is really about helping you understand what building a personal brand means, helping you navigate the hard question of, "What do I post about? "And then understanding how to achieve your voice, how to be your authentic person online, and then giving you a great posting cadence and posting kind of outline to help you decide what platform to be on, how to use them, and the best way to build an audience or reach people on these platforms.
Chapter 2
What is a Personal Brand?
P ersonal branding has become a loaded word mostly because it's become a bit of a buzzword, and anytime something becomes a buzzword, it kind of loses its meaning. Before we get into the chapter, I want to talk about what I mean by personal brand. Personal branding is really about making sure you're taking advantage of every opportunity to meet people and find opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have existed. Personal branding is not about self-promotion.
It is not about screaming to the top of your lungs about every great thing that you've done whether it be an amazing vacation that you went on or work that you've done. It's great to talk about these things, but it's important to know that personal branding is a lot more about the way you talk about them and the way that you weave it into the dialogue of what everyone else is consuming on a day to day basis. It's about thinking about yourself as a real person having communication like you would face to face versus on a platform.
The reason why personal branding has become so important and why you hear about it so much is the way that we work these days has changed. The Internet has changed everything. Being aware that your digital footprint is an opportunity to put yourself out there in a way that creates opportunity. As I've progressed in my career and I went from being at the bottom of the food chain as a designer to someone who recommends people to go to different agencies, we get a lot of emails like who would you recommend as a copywriter, who would you recommend as a photographer.
I have a network of people that I think of the top of mind often because I follow them on social media, and if I am looking for someone new or I am looking for another illustrator, the first thing that I do is open Instagram. I look at Twitter. I look at the professional website and I get a sense that the recommendation is going to look like a reflection of me. So, I think that there's this sort of social currency that comes with finding people online, being a huge fan of what they're doing or their work, and knowing that everyone is trying to help everyone else find great people.
Finding good people is still the hardest thing for employers. It is the number one issue. When you talk to CEOs is finding great people, people who are passionate about the work that they do, and getting them in the doors and helping them succeed. We're going to take the idea of personal brands and we're going to apply a more traditional branding exercise to it, and it becomes interesting when we do this because it is a little bit of an exercise into what you want and also how you see yourself.
It helps you take an objective look at what you've done in the past and where your successes have been and what you want for the future. So, we're going to break it down into three categories. We're going to talk about your purpose, and what I mean by purpose is figuring out how you define what you might do as a physical thing, whether it's shooting video or doing Google Analytics, or building sets for plays.
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