-SOCIALMEDIA www.youtube.com/c/teeniecrochets www.teeniecrochets.com -MATERIALS 3.5mm and 3mmcrochet hooks DK yarn invarious colours Toystuffing Darning needleand scissors Pipecleaners Black andwhite felt with glue -ABBREVIATIONS Magic Loop (Ichain two and crochet into first loop to create ring) CH Chain ST Stitch SL ST Slipstitch SK ST Skipstitch SC Singlecrochet HDC Halfdouble crochet DC Doublecrochet HTR Halftreble crochet TR Treblecrochet. SC2TOG Single crochet two together SC3TOG Single crochet three together HDC2TOG Halfdouble crochet two together DC2TOG Double crochet two together SSC Surfacesingle crochet JOIN and FO SL ST into next ST, chain one, cut yarn FO- Fastenoff FLO Frontloops only BLO Backloops only T Turn -CONSTRUCTIONNOTES -Do not jointhe yarn at the end of rounds unless stated to do so, just keepgoing in a spiral (if you struggle with the stitch count use astitch marker at the beginning of rounds.) -Numberswritten inside {} state the number of stitches at the end ofround. -Patternwritten inside () should be repeated the number of timesstated. -Whendecreasing use the invisible decrease method when possible.Instructions can be found at: https://youtu.be/_d-Wob7Hp3Y -When changingcolours use the invisible colour change method when possible.Instructions can be found at: https://youtu.be/7fNgNiUEmf0 -Always pinyour work into place before you sew together. -Pattern iswritten using US Crochet terminology. -PATTERNNOTES -Make all partswith 3.5mm hook unless otherwise stated.
![-METHOD Body beginwith blue yarn 1CH2 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook 6 22SC - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/345362/tmp_e39f5693c7c45946554b6e5f839b58c4_e_76Bl_html_m4e44d23f.jpg)
![-METHOD Body beginwith blue yarn 1CH2 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook 6 22SC - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/345362/tmp_e39f5693c7c45946554b6e5f839b58c4_e_76Bl_html_337b570d.jpg)
-METHOD Body beginwith blue yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook {6} 2.2SC intoevery stitch around {12} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {18} 4.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {24} 5.(SC3, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {30} 6.(SC4, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {36} 7.(SC5, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {42} 8.(SC6, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {48} 9.(SC7, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {54} 10-12. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook {6} 2.2SC intoevery stitch around {12} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {18} 4.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {24} 5.(SC3, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {30} 6.(SC4, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {36} 7.(SC5, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {42} 8.(SC6, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {48} 9.(SC7, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {54} 10-12.
SCaround {54} 13.(SC7,SC2TOG) 6 times {48} 14-15. SCaround {48} 16.(SC6,SC2TOG) 6 times {42} 17-18. SCaround {42} Change to tealyarn. 19.SC around{42} 20.(SC5,SC2TOG) 6 times {36} 21-22. SCaround {36} 23.(SC4,SC2TOG) 6 times {30} 24-25. 28.SC around{24} 29.(SC2,SC2TOG) 6 times {18} 30-31. 28.SC around{24} 29.(SC2,SC2TOG) 6 times {18} 30-31.
SCaround {18} 32.(SC1,SC2TOG) 6 times {12} 33-34. SCaround {12} Join andFO. Stuff MrKrabs. With yarn tailclose hole by picking up the front loops only of the remaining 12stitches in order, then pull tight to close. With black yarnsew mouth onto red part of body. With blue yarnSSC around the top of pants.
Belt makewith black yarn. 1.CH47, SC intothe 2nd CH from hook and all other chains across, CH1, T {46} 2.SC across{46} Join andFO. Sew around thetop of Mr Krabs pants joining at the back. With blue yarnsew lines over the belt to represent belt loops. With yellowyarn sew a buckle onto the front of belt. With black yarnsew zipper detail onto the front of pants.
Legs beginwith red yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook {6} 2.SC around{6} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (9) 4-5. SC around{9} Change to blueyarn. 6.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times {12} 7-8. SC around{12} Join andFO. Stuff legs thenpin and sew into place on the bottom of Mr Krabs.
Eyes make 2begin with red yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook {6} 2.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) twice {8} 3-7. SC around{8} Change to paleyellow yarn. 8-15. SC around{8} Change to redyarn. 16-17.
SCaround {8} Join andFO. Stuff eyes. With red yarnSSC around the top eye lid (between rows 7 and 8). With red yarnhook stitch, a small bit of red yarn onto the top of each eye foreyelashes and then trim to size. With black yarnsew a pupil onto the centre of each eye. Pin and seweyes into place on top of Mr Krabs.
Claws and Arms make 2 begin with red yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook {6} 2.2SC intoevery stitch around {12} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {18} 4-8. SC around{18} 9.(SC1, SC2TOG)6 times {12} Stuff claws 10.(SC2TOG) 6times {6} 11-16. SCaround {6} Change to tealyarn. 17-20. SCaround {6} Join andFO.
Stuff claws andarms. With black yarnsew zig zags around claws. Pin and sewarms into place on either side of body. Shirt Collar make with teal yarn. 1.CH28, SC intothe 2nd CH from hook and all other chains across, CH1, T {27} 2.SC across{27} Join andFO.
![-METHOD Legs make 2begin with pink yarn 1CH2 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/345362/tmp_e39f5693c7c45946554b6e5f839b58c4_e_76Bl_html_423332c6.jpg)
![-METHOD Legs make 2begin with pink yarn 1CH2 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/345362/tmp_e39f5693c7c45946554b6e5f839b58c4_e_76Bl_html_62d59355.jpg)
-METHOD Legs make 2begin with pink yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook 2.SC around{6} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (9) 4.SC around{9} 5.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (12) 6.SC around(12) Change to greenyarn. 7-10. 7-10.
SC around(12) Join andFO. Repeat rows 1 10 to make second leg, do not fasten off. CH5 and SL ST into thefirst leg you made. This is to join the two legs; we will nowcontinue to crochet around both legs and the CH5 to make thebody. Continuing withlime green yarn from the SL ST in the 2nd leg. {32} 12.(SC7, 2SCinto the next ST) 4 times {36} 13.(SC5, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {42} 14.(SC6, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {48} 15-20. {32} 12.(SC7, 2SCinto the next ST) 4 times {36} 13.(SC5, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {42} 14.(SC6, 2SCinto the next ST) 6 times {48} 15-20.
SCaround (48) Change to pinkyarn. 21.IN BLO (SC6,SC2TOG) 6 times {42} 22-27. SCaround (42) 28.(SC5,SC2TOG) 6 times {36} 29-32. SCaround (36) 33.(SC4,SC2TOG) 6 times {30} 34-35. SCaround (30) 36.(SC3,SC2TOG) 6 times {24} 37-38. SCaround (24) 39.(SC2,SC2TOG) 6 times {18} 40-41.
SCaround (18) 42.(SC1,SC2TOG) 6 times {12} 43.SC around(12) 44.(SC2,SC2TOG) 3 times {9) 45.SC around{9} Stufffirmly. Join andFO. With yarn tailclose hole by picking up the front loop only of the remaining 9stitches in order, then pull tight to close. 46.In the frontloops left from row 22 re-attach green yarn and SC around Short Detail make 4 with purple yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook, CH1, T {6} 2.(*SC1, DC1*all into the 1st ST, *DC1, SLST* all into the 2nd ST) Repeat ()twice more. Join andFO.
Pin and sewinto place on shorts. Arms make 2with pink yarn. 1.CH2, 6SC intothe 2nd CH from hook 2.SC around{6} 3.(SC1, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (9) 4.SC around{9} 5.(SC2, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (12) 6.SC around(12) 7.(SC3, 2SCinto the next ST) 3 times (15) 8-15. SC around(15) Join andFO. Stuff arms. Sew top of armstogether.
Sew onto eitherside of body. Eyes make 2with white yarn. Make eyes outof black and white felt. Use a black sharpie to draw on pupils. FaceDetail.
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