Become the Alpha Male: How to Be an Alpha Male, Dominate in Both the Boardroom and Bedroom, and Live the Life of a Complete Badass
By D. Mann
Table of Contents
Become the Alpha Male: How to Be an Alpha Male, Dominate in Both the Boardroom and Bedroom, and Live the Life of a Complete Badass
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Posture That Makes You Powerful
Chapter 2: Royally Relaxed
Chapter 3: Dominant Eyes
Chapter 4: Speaking with Strength
Chapter 5: Alpha Mindset
Chapter 6: Challenging and Disagreeable
Chapter 7: No Need to Prove Self
Chapter 8: Does Not Qualify Himself
Alpha males. From James Bond to Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), from Scarface to Tony Stark, from Frank Underwood to Hank Moody, from Vladimir Putin to Theodore Roosevelt, from Napoleon Bonaparte to Julius Caesar. Alpha males have always captured the admiration even jealousy of men, and the love and lust of women.
Men want to be them, women want to be with them.
These are the guys who act as if the world is theirs. They are always in leadership positions, in both their personal and professional lives. They often have swollen bank accounts. They always seem to be surrounded by a de facto harem of beautiful women.
They refuse to conform. They are unconventional. They are dominant. They are badass. They are everything that a man could wish to be.
The root of the alpha male is his mindset. His unshakable confidence, mental strength, and masculinity. Or, in slang terms, he has balls. All of this having balls and living life like a badass comes from within. Its a mindset. Being an alpha male is an attitude.
It is from this mindset this inner alpha attitude that everything else flows. The exciting lifestyle. The money. The women. The world.
The purpose of this book is to break down all of the components and traits that make an alpha male. This book uncovers, explores, and discusses the traits that are at the core of all alpha males. The very things that make them alpha. By internalizing these traits, one is able to evolve into the man that he truly desires to be. He can reach his true potential in life.
All men envy and desire to become alpha males. Alpha males have balls. They ooze power and authority, both in the boardroom and the bedroom. Their very presence commands respect and leaves others in awe.
In recent history, society has seen a dramatic decline in masculinity. Men are becoming increasingly emasculated. Men are becoming less assertive, less dominant, and much less manly.
Men are beginning to behave more like girls than they do men.
At the same time as men are becoming more and more emasculated and womanly, men are finding themselves increasingly hopeless around beautiful women, working jobs they hate, being walked all over by others, and becoming increasingly depressed.
This is why when men today stumble upon an (increasingly rare) alpha male, they are left in awe.
So lets dive right in and learn to adopt that awe-inspiring alpha attitude.
PART I: External
Chapter 1: The Posture That Makes You Powerful
Ever been at the club, a party, or social gathering, and noticed how when some men walk into the room, every woman automatically turns to check them out? What is it about men such as these that arouse the curiosity of the opposite sex?
Two words: Body language.
And its not just women. Often youll find that men turn their heads to snatch a glance, too. Some men are able to hold themselves in such a way that they bring with them an incredibly powerful presence. They are alpha to the core. Everybody turns and looks.
So what is it about their body language that creates such a powerful presence?
Well, lets take a look at a study that uncovers the secret to powerful body language.
In 2010, researchers from Columbia University and Harvard Business School did a study that found powerful body language makes you feel (and become) powerful. In other words, act as if, and you shall become.
Here is the studys abstract:
Humans and other animals express power through open, expansive postures, and they express powerlessness through closed, contractive postures. But can these postures actually cause power? High-power posers experienced elevations in testosterone, decreases in cortisol, and increased feelings of power and tolerance for risk; low-power posers exhibited the opposite pattern. In short, posing in displays of power caused advantaged and adaptive psychological, physiological, and behavioral changes, and these findings suggest that embodiment extends beyond mere thinking and feeling, to physiology and subsequent behavioral choices. That a person can, by assuming two simple 1-min poses, embody power and instantly become more powerful has real-world, actionable implications.
If youve ever seen a group of lions, chimps, or even humans, youll know exactly what the researchers mean by high power and low power poses.
The leader of the group whether it be humans, lions, wolves, or chimps is always the most relaxed. In the researcher's words, his body language is open and expansive. He takes up space, he doesnt fold his arms or legs, he doesnt use his limbs to cover his chest, face, neck, or groin. Conversely, the less powerful individuals in the group take up less space.
In the study, they found that those who did high power poses saw their testosterone levels skyrocket and their cortisol levels plummet. Testosterone is the hormone that makes men masculine and gives them strength and confidence. Cortisol, on the other hand, is the hormone that makes you stressed and anxious.
So what this means is that by acting powerful, you actually become powerful. Act like your favorite alpha male and adopt their body language, and you will begin to actually feel like them confident, strong, and badass.
The easiest way to get started doing this is by having a body language role model such as James Bond. This is easy because all you have to do is imitate his posture and the way he moves. Standing up straight, pulling your chest up, throwing back your shoulders, and so on.
In the study on high power poses, the high power poses they used included crest[ing] the table with his feet, fingers interlaced behind his neck, elbows pointing outward, and standing while leaning over a desk with both hands placed on it. As the researchers wrote , participants in the high-power-pose condition were posed in expansive positions with open limbs .
The bolded words are key. Expansive positions with open limbs . In other words, take up lots of space and spread your limbs out. Put your feet up on the desk, spread your legs apart, rest your arm on the back of the empty chair next to you, or put your hands behind your head with elbows pointing outward. Take up lots of room.
Heck, you can even spread your possessions around to take up more room on a conference table and mark your territory. You can stand up and walk around the conference table while talking to occupy even room and seem even more powerful.
Start using your body to act as if you are confident, relaxed, and powerful. Within minutes, your subconscious brain will be releasing testosterone and getting rid of cortisol. You will begin to actually be confident and powerful.
Act as if, and you shall become.
So the next time you are feeling nervous, insecure, or anxious, take a look at your body language. Are you doing, as the Harvard Business School researchers would call it, a low-power-pose? Are you posed in contractive positions with closed limbs? Are you shrinking your body language to take up as little space as possible? Is your chin down, your chest slumped, and your shoulders hunched over? All of this is exactly the opposite of what an alpha male would be doing.
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