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Rogers - On haunted ground: the green ghost and other spirits of Cemetery Road

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Rogers On haunted ground: the green ghost and other spirits of Cemetery Road
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    On haunted ground: the green ghost and other spirits of Cemetery Road
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On haunted ground: the green ghost and other spirits of Cemetery Road: summary, description and annotation

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New beginnings -- First year -- Growing family -- Confirmation -- Our green ghost -- A new venture -- Tucker -- The shop -- Saying good-bye -- Look at me -- Electrifying night -- The stage -- Hide and seek -- Ghost hunting 101 -- Dinner debate -- EVPs -- The tree bends -- The investigation -- Christophers secret -- Topsy-turvy -- Albert -- Blind eyes -- Gone -- Wedding bells -- Moving on -- The two of us? -- Unanswered questions -- Ponderings -- Back and forth -- OKPRI -- Impressions -- Kate -- Summation -- Epilogue: the next generation / by Keshia Swaim.

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Photography by Meagan Rogers About the Author Lisa Rogers has lived in a - photo 1

Photography by Meagan Rogers

About the Author

Lisa Rogers has lived in a haunted house for twenty-eight years. She attends paranormal seminars and pokes around old buildings in hopes of increasing her understanding of the unseen. Her young adult paranormal novel Angelinas Secret will be released in spring 2012. Visit her online at http://talkingaboutghost.blogspot.com and http://authorlisarogers.weebly.com.

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information On Haunted - photo 2

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

On Haunted Ground: The Green Ghost and Other Spirits of Cemetery Road 2012 by Lisa Rogers.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the authors copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

First e-book edition 2012

E-book ISBN: 9780738733784

Book design by Bob Gaul

Cover art: Ghost iStockphoto.com/Famke Backx

Tree iStockphoto.com/123render

Cover design by Kevin R. Brown

Editing by Patti Frazee

Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

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Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

2143 Wooddale Drive

Woodbury, MN 55125


Manufactured in the United States of America


A Letter to The Reader

New Beginnings

First Year

Growing Family


Our Green Ghost

A New Venture


The Shop

Saying Good-bye

Look at Me

Electrifying Night

The Stage

Hide and Seek

Ghost Hunting 101

Dinner Debate


The Tree Bends

The Investigation

Christophers Secret



Blind Eyes


Wedding Bells

Moving On

The Two of Us?

Unanswered Questions







The Next Generation by Keshia Swaim


A Letter to the Reader

We all know what they say about those who assume. Now, with that out of the way, Im still going to assume that either you believe in ghosts or youre at least open to the idea they may exist. It isnt my intention to try to prove their existence, but to relay to you true stories of ghostly encounters my family and I have experienced.

Its probably best to start by saying that we live in a haunted house. I understand the mere words haunted house conjure up images of an old, run-down two-story, with most, if not all, of the windows missing or broken and the window shutters precariously dangling out and slamming into the side of the house. Typically, there are bats flying all around, and lets not forget the ever-present full moon.

That isnt the case with our house. Our home is a one-story, with all, thank goodness, of the windows intact, no bats, and only an occasional full moon. In case you need the proper ambience to hear a good ghost story, Ill share with you that, at one time, we did have a black cat; of course, my dogs ran it off, but we did indeed have one.

As my husband Wes would say, these stories arent Hollywooded up. You wont be reading about headless horsemen riding through fog-filled valleys terrorizing the innocent. Instead, through our eyes, youll experience what its like to see a full-bodied apparition standing in your dining room, to hear your name called when youre alone, and to know that someone you cant see is tucking your young daughter into bed at night.

We bought this house with its first unseen occupant right before we were married in 1984. Over the years, many other entities have come and gone, with some staying for a very long time.

Weve raised two wonderful children at this house. Our children are two years apart in age; our daughter Keshia is now twenty-five, and our son Troy is twenty-three. My daughter and I always believed in ghosts while my husband and son did not. At one time, Wes was a self-proclaimed skeptic denying all things pertaining to the paranormal. He not only disbelieved in ghosts, but also thought those of us who did believe were perhaps a little on the unstable side.

Troy is harder to explain. Most of the time, he doesnt like to talk about ghosts or about the strange things hes seen in our home. He states, Ill admit theres something here. I dont know what it is, but I dont believe in ghosts.

You can probably imagine some fun and sometimes not-so-fun family discussions. For the most part, we try to respect each others views and opinions on all things, including ghosts, however difficult that sometimes proves to be.

It would be fair to say that Keshia and I share some common traits. Not only do we both believe in ghosts, but were also both sensitive to their presence. By that, Im not claiming we have any special abilities. When a ghost is present, we simply know were not alone.

On occasion, well receive impressions about the ghost. We might get a sense of whether the ghost is male or female, an approximate age, what time period the spirit might be from or even an ethnic background. I dont understand myself why, or even how, were able to do this, which makes it impossible for me to offer an explanation to anyone else. Its just something both of us have always been able to do.

Living with ghosts for twenty-seven years has taught my family and me that there are many things we cant explainof course, that doesnt keep us from trying. With Wes now also believing in ghosts, together we strive to learn more about those who share with us not only our home, but also our world. Weve attended seminars to try to understand what ghosts are and why theyre here. Weve learned to utilize todays technology by using EMF detectors, digital cameras, and voice recorders, all in hopes of understanding.

Over the years, we have taken quite a journey and I hope you enjoy reading about part of it here. I say part because we are still here, we still have ghosts, and were still learning.

1: new beginnings


In 1984, my fianc Wes and I began the exciting search for what would become our first home. Unlike other young couples, our needs were very specific and without a doubt a little unusual. We were looking for a house that we could move. Wess parents gave us ten of the eighty acres he had grown up on for a wedding present.

Our only other requirement for the house was that it needed to be cheap. The size didnt matter and the condition, I was told, didnt matter. Cheap, that would be the selling point. This type of house wouldnt be found through a realtor. No, this type of house would be found by hearing from a friend, who had a friend that had a cousin who had a friend

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