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Scott Ramsey - The Aztec UFO Incident: The Case, Evidence, and Elaborate Cover-up of One of the Most Perplexing Crashes in History

Here you can read online Scott Ramsey - The Aztec UFO Incident: The Case, Evidence, and Elaborate Cover-up of One of the Most Perplexing Crashes in History full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2015, publisher: New Page Books, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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The Aztec UFO Incident--the first ever widely publicized report of a recovered flying saucer--was derided as a hoax for decades. But now the Ramseys and Frank Thayer reveal the exact spot where the craft landed and show how the 100-foot diameter saucer was moved to a secret laboratory. Witnesses to the incident who were interviewed by the authors affirm that they were sworn to secrecy by the military. The authors also reveal the names of scientists who worked on the craft after its recovery.Also included are previously unseen documents from the CIA, FBI, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Army that constituted a cover-up whose sole purpose was to surround the Aztec story with a smokescreen of lies, misinformation, and destructive allegations.Roswell is no longer the only proven flying saucer recovery we know about. The Aztec UFO Incident is a must-read for historians and UFO students alike.

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The Aztec UFO Incident

The Case, Evidence, and Elaborate Cover-up of One of the Most Perplexing Crashes in History




Preface by Stanton Friedman

Copyright 2016 by Scott Ramsey Suzanne Ramsey and Frank Thayer All rights - photo 1

Copyright 2016 by Scott Ramsey, Suzanne Ramsey, and Frank Thayer

All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press.




Cover design by Ian Shimkoviak/thebookdesigners
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

CIP Data Available Upon Request.


I t is not possible to over-estimate the support and contributions of the individuals who and institutions that made this book possible. We offer our sincere thanks to all of those who encouraged us and who supplied critical information. We list the organizations first, followed by a partial list of who deserve our thanks. We particularly commend to the reader the works of Frank Scully, Chris Evans, Rich Ogden, and William Steinman while we commend the scientists who worked on this project. We salute the honesty and courage of the witnesses to the Incident and everyone who has shared a true story with us. Thank you for helping to document this amazing historical event.

United States Air Force Archives, Maxwell Air Force Base

Aztec Pioneer Museum

University of WyomingLaramie

University of MinnesotaMinneapolis

William S. Steinman

J. Andrew Kissner

Michael Price

Stanton Friedman

Frank Warren

Evelyn Beatty

Brooks Marshall

Donna Chadwick

Lee Crane

John Crane

Deputy Sheriff Gary McDaniel

Beth Suttle Estelle

Shawna Boddy Riley

Christa Caldwell

Manny Reynosa

Toby Jaquez

Judy Gillespie

Tommy Bolack

Kari Brawley

Leah Weaver

Dannielle Gozelski

Ed and Judy Cooper

Marte and Mary Jo Yerkins

Mark Fargen

James and Bernice Bowra

Mike Driscoll

Randy Donnelly

Carole Lanno

By William S. Bill Steinman

W ell, once again, I was asked to write the foreword to Scott and Suzannes new follow-up book on the Aztec Saucer case. As usual, their last book generated new and more revealing facts to follow up on.

Scott continues to pick my brain, which is 30-some-plus years removed from my own investigation. Scott admits that he is obsessively addicted to the Aztec case. I was once addicted, but went into years of rehab.

Scott and Suzanne, as usual, left no stone unturned, following each new lead to its very end. They must be congratulated for their very fine effort in solving this many-faceted and many-layered puzzle called Aztec.

My own book, UFO Crash at Aztec, just scratched the surface, but it did spark interest in the 1948 Aztec recovery all over again. I believe that the Ramseys investigation will once again prove without the shadow of doubt that an aircraft of unknown origin crash-landed on the rocky mesa 12 miles northeast of Aztec, New Mexico, and was recovered by a covert team of military, scientists, and security personnel and carted off to a top-secret base for analysis.

This new book may prove to be one of the most important ones written in the 21st century.

I once again commend the Ramseys on a job well done. Maybe now Scott can get out from under the Aztec yoke of bondage and be free at last to pursue more pleasurable endeavors.

William S. Bill Steinman
April 13, 2015

By Stanton T. Friedman

B ecause I have been lecturing and writing about flying saucers for more than 40 years and am the original civilian investigator of the 1947 Roswell crashed saucer incident, I am often asked about the supposed Aztec, New Mexico, crashed flying saucer recovery. Early on I had accepted the common wisdom that the Aztec story was just a myth. As I got to know Scott and Suzanne Ramsey and had access to their extraordinary work, I became more and more impressed. Their efforts are splendid examples of true research. As a nuclear physicist working on classified research and development projects for major companies for 14 years, I had ample time to evaluate scientific investigation. Their work meets all the tests I can suggest. They have spent a truly enormous amount of time, money, and effort to dig out new witnesses, relevant papers, and evidence. They represent the epitome of persistence, honesty, and careful investigation. They raise the false claims of UFO debunkers and carefully demolish them. Frankly, I wish there were many UFO-related investigations done as carefully and energetically. There is no question that an intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft was recovered by agents of the government of the United States near Aztec, New Mexico, in March 1948, and taken for classified study and evaluation. This is a fascinating and carefully done expos well worth reading.

Stanton T. Friedman


O n a crisp March morning in the high desert of northwest New Mexico, a goat rancher leaves the comfort of his house and walks toward the corral to let the sheep out to graze. As he opens the gate, he is stunned by a thunderous noise that draws his attention to the sky. Overhead, he sees a large object fluttering as if in distress. When it makes contact with a nearby cliff, sparks fly.

And so an incredible chain of events begin that will directly and indirectly impact hundreds of people throughout the world.

When people ask me about the topic of our book, I say it is the documentation of an historical event. Initially, I hesitate to use the words flying saucer, because it is so much more. Our research is a compilation of work gathered for almost 29 years. In that time, we have traveled to more than 28 states; personally spent $500,000; and archived 55,000 related documents from sources including the United States Army, United States Air Force, FBI, and CIA, and directly from the desk of J. Edgar Hoover. With our complete focus on the facts, our motive is clear. We provide the evidence; you will come to your own conclusions.

A number of researchers, media members, and television producers have encouraged us to sensationalize and speculate on the details of this event. That is not the path that we have chosen. The purity of this Incident is so spectacular that there is no need to alter or embellish it.

There are certain terms that lose their impact through misuse and overuse. Conspiracy and cover-up are good examples. However, in the case of the Aztec Incident, these terms are part of a factual description and are documented as such.

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