I am quite certain that any adult you might ask would be quick to tell you that what you are about to read is not real. No doubt, the idea of a green, yellow-spotted creature living at the center of the earth is pure silliness to their minds. But whether you believe it or not, I hope that you will agree with me that there is an undeniable truth to be found in this story. Of course, I will leave you to discover what it is for yourself.
It will not be told to you like a history lesson from your classes at school, because, unlike the dates and rules of the classroom, this bit of learning involves more doing than hearing. What I am about to share, if you will choose to find it, may give you a most joyful, cozy feeling; like the warmth of a never-ending, ginormous bear hug. For no matter if the world turns upside down and everyone on it seems to go crazy, there is one thing that you should always remember, and therein lies the discovery. So keep your eyes open, for you never know when you might find a treasure in the flamboyant adventure on which you are about to embark.
The button that must never be pressed, Carl bumped. Chaos and panic ensued. The destruction that followed wrought terror on the otherwise humdrum of a day. Just that morning, Carl had awakened to begin the sixty-seventh occurrence of his 23.934 hour cycles that year. At approximately 5.47 hours, Carl opened the valve marked Magma to heat his caffeinated morning nickel. Stepping into his steam bath, he savored the delicious aroma of his molten morning pickup. Finished with his regular washing, he toweled his leathery green skin dry and dressed in his typical red cap and pleated trousers. The unusual garb left the glowing yellow spots that covered his chest exposed; allowing his polka-dotted skin to illuminate the darkened room.
He snatched up his piping hot cup. With a long, sharp finger nail, he scratched at the walls to sprinkle iron filings over the frothy beverage. Today, after all, was the three hundred and seventy-third anniversary of his appointment to Terra37 by the Sustainable Interplanetary Maintenance Commission. Carl deserved an extra treat.
He took a sip as he stepped into the Control Center. With a sigh, Carl took a seat and looked around at the many flashing lights and screens that surrounded him. This was the life. Carl could not think of any place he would rather be. From his office at the center of Terra37, he could look out and see all that happened on the surface above.
A little red light flashed in the corner of Monitor #87. The atmosphere in Sector 298 was growing too hot. Glancing to the lower quadrant of the screen, Carl knew that the high pressure system in Sector 297 would soon cause a violent storm. Twelve inch long fingers stretched across the keyboard. Rapid typing was followed by the disappearance of the alert siren as the climate control returned to stable levels.
Another untimely weather disaster averted, Carls eyes turned to view the entirety of his office space. The numerous screens rose to form a dome above his head. The massive keyboard stretched in a semicircle around the room. The buttons flashed in a multitude of colors ranging from hues of refreshing green and blue to brilliant orange and violet. A small empty space at the edge of the keyboard separated the colorful control panel from the ominous button at the furthest most end of Carls desk.
A glowing, big red button shone in its solitary space. Set out of reach of his flexible arms, Carl rarely thought of the burning red button. He really did not know why it had ever been created, but it was a device Carl would never need to use.
His eyes turned back to the screens, and the cup again rose towards his large, purple lips. Carl yelped as the liquid metal spilled onto his pleated trousers. His hand swept across the desk, sending the spilled cup skittering to the opposite end of the shiny, button-covered board. Swatting at the burning stain, he hopped up and down, circling the small room in a strange and funny dance. His panic over the hot drink distracted him from the still rolling cup. Hot nickel had splashed over the monitors and was slowly seeping between the flickering buttons. The cup, however, rolled on; slowly, across the empty area of the desk. It steadily approached the lone, big red button.
Had Carl paid attention, he would not have cared if the hot metal beverage burned straight through his trousers. Instead, he would have dashed for the cup. If he had, the world might have gone on as any other day. But Carl did not see the cup, and Terra37 would never be the same.
The cup reached the glowing red button. It barely bumped it. In truth, you could say it hardly touched it, but the big red button activated. Immediately, alarms went off, lights started flashing, and every screen showed the same, terrifying warning: Gravity - Disabled. At the same time, three thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight miles above, every human on Terra37 began drifting into wild, open space.
Carls mistake could not immediately be seen on the surface. Old Mrs. Gordon stepped onto the scale and was delighted to see that the diet she had only begun yesterday had already yielded splendid results. She took a step back, but her bare foot did not feel the cold, hard tile of her bathroom floor. Instead, Mrs. Gordon was startled as her head bumped the ceiling of the little room.
Outside, the postman gaped as the letters he dropped did not fall to the ground, but instead floated in midair and slowly rose higher and higher. As he stared after the impossibly flying packages, he was astonished to feel his own truck lift off from the street. The man scrambled for the door handle, but his attempts to dive out of the vehicle resulted only in him hovering helplessly alongside. Across the street, Sammy watched the terrified postman from her sandbox, but was surprised to find the tiny grains of sand, the sandbox, and herself slowly drifting upwards.
All across the cities and countrysides, from the sweltering deserts to the frozen tundra, people, animals, objects, and anything not nailed down, slowly drifted towards the sky. The oceans themselves undulated; bulging upwards like large, soapy bubbles. The entire planet cried out in terrified screams.
As frightened as the surface dwellers might have been, their fear was small in comparison to the panic at the planets core. Far below the growing chaos, Carl worked frantically at his blinking keyboard. The entire panel glowed red as the many monitors flashed their warnings and strange scales and gauges rose and fell rapidly. Having been disconnected from the intergalactic gravitational network, Terra37 spun aimlessly. The monitors showed the two ice-capped poles rotate with the planet to swap their positions. It was the worst possible scenario.
Carls long fingers dashed across the keyboard. A large, dusty manual lay open beside him. His eyes scanned hurriedly over the instructions labelled System Reset.
In spite of Carls furious typing, there seemed to be no change in the clanging alarms or ominously flashing screens. After what seemed an eternity to Carl, three of the forward monitors moved. The screens suddenly thrust towards him, causing Carl to stumble back from the flickering monitors. The displays moved to the side, revealing a simple, large green button. A tiny thought flashed through Carls mind: Why was this button so well protected, while that terrifying red one was left unguarded?
Nevertheless, Carl lost no time as he reached forward to press down on the shining green button. Immediately, the warnings disappeared. Network Connection Established shown on the screens as they returned to their proper places, hiding that single green button. The monitors resumed their common displays and the keyboard became the multicolored panel once more. Yet no sooner had Carl breathed a sigh of relief, than he noticed something remained terribly wrong.