Stories in Spanish for Kids
Read Aloud and Bedtime Stories for Children
Bilingual Book 1
First published in Great Britain in 2022 by Midealuck Publishing Ltd.
The right of Christian J. Stahl to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright .
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Any name and content in this book is fiction and not related to any real person or event.
Table of Contents
Short stories for children offer excellent opportunities to improve reading and listening skills. Especially when the short stories are exciting, entertaining and educational at the same time, there is hardly a better learning and leisure activity for young children. The stories in this book are written specifically for children in these age groups, allowing children to improve their Spanish through play, reading and listening. The vocabulary of the stories is typical for the age and the themes are adapted to both Spanish and Anglo-Saxon culture. Each Spanish story is followed by an accurate English translation. The book is designed in such a way that the children can take something out of each story and learn, even childish humor can be found in each of the stories. All stories are suitable to be read aloud, the first 10 stories can also be used as bedtime stories.
Part 1
Spanish Short Stories for Kids
Age 4 8
La Abejita
The Little Bee
rase una vez una abejita, y su nombre era Dulce.
Dulce era una abeja rpida y ocupada. Como era primavera y estaban saliendo las flores la abejita estaba muy ocupada. Tuvo que volar de flor en flor y recoger el fino nctar.
Este nctar se convierte luego en una deliciosa miel.
Un da, era una hermosa maana de primavera, Caire zumbaba en el aire de nuevo. Disfrut del hermoso clima y el aroma de las flores. Ella cant: "... todas las flores ya estn aqu... !
Entonces, de repente, cuando estaba a punto de volar hacia un hermoso, colorido y exuberante campo de flores, vio desde arriba a un nio pisoteando todas las flores. Incluso arranc algunos y los arroj al suelo y luego los pisote. En realidad, el nio corri al campo y pisote todo en el suelo y destruy las hermosas flores.
Cuando la abejita Dulce vio esto, se sinti herida. No poda creer lo que vea. Las hermosas flores haban sido pisoteadas por todo el lugar!
Tena que hacer algo inmediatamente. Vol directamente hacia el chico, luego zumb alrededor de su cabeza.
El nio agit las manos. "Vete, estpido insecto", dijo malhumorado.
Pero la abejita Dulce ni se lo pens, sino que vol directamente sobre la nariz del nio.
Ella lo mir directamente a los ojos. "Por qu ests pisoteando las hermosas flores?" Dulce le pregunt lo ms fuerte que pudo.
"No sabes que estas pequeas flores son muy importantes para la naturaleza y para nosotros las abejas? Eres un nio tan estpido?
El chico se sorprendi y puso los ojos en blanco. Por qu importante? Esas son solo flores, dijo.
"No sabes de dnde viene la miel de las flores?", pregunt la abeja.
"Del supermercado, por supuesto", dijo el nio. Estaba bastante seguro de s mismo.
Ahora la abeja Dulce tuvo que sonrer un poco.
Ven, sintate en el pasto y te explico, dijo.
El nio se sent en el pasto y Dulce vol con un ligero balanceo sobre una flor sobrante que sobresala del pasto pisoteado justo en frente del nio.
Dulce ahora le explic al nio cmo las abejas chupan el nctar de las flores. Tambin las abejas agregan sus propios jugos al nctar, y en casa las abejas ponen el nctar en panales. All se quedar un tiempo para madurar.
Entonces viene el granjero, saca el panal y tira la miel. Lo hace con una mquina. Y luego puede poner la miel en frascos, y solo despus de eso se llevar a la tienda o al supermercado donde podr comprarla.
El nio mir hacia abajo cuando Dulce termin la historia. No se senta particularmente bien.
"Entonces estas no son flores estpidas en absoluto", murmur.
"Estas definitivamente no son flores estpidas", dijo la abeja. "Por el contrario, estas son flores tiles. Para la gente y para nosotros, las abejas. Tambin comemos el nctar. Si no lo tuviramos, nos moriramos de hambre. As que todas estas son flores muy buenas".
"Y ahora los he destruido", pregunt el chico en voz baja.
Por supuesto, la abejita Dulce ya haba pensado en una idea, porque ella tambin era una abeja inteligente.
"Necesito que hagas algo. Siempre mantn los ojos abiertos y si ves a alguien pisoteando o rompiendo flores, acude a esa persona y cuntale la historia de las abejas y la miel. Ahora sabes por qu las flores son importantes".
"Si yo hago eso!"
"Est seguro?"
"S, proteger las flores".
Bravo, aplaudi la abejita, y sali volando, vol alrededor de la cabeza del nio otra vez, y luego se fue. Porque la abejita Dulce tambin era una abeja muy ocupada.
El nio se qued quieto all por un rato y mir al cielo. Luego salud:
"Adis, adis, pequea abeja inteligente".
The Little Bee
Once upon a time there was a little bee, and her name was Dulce.
Dulce was a fast and busy bee. Since it was spring and the flowers were coming out, the little bee was very busy. She had to fly from flower to flower and collect the fine nectar.
This nectar is later turned into delicious honey.
One day, it was a beautiful spring morning, Caire whizzed through the air again. She enjoyed the beautiful weather and the scent of the flowers. She sang:"all the flowers are already here... !
Then suddenly, as she was about to fly towards a beautiful, colorful and lush field of flowers, she saw from above a little boy trampling on all the flowers. He even uprooted some and threw them to the ground and then trampled on them. Actually the boy ran into the field and trampled everything onto the ground and destroyed the beautiful flowers.
When the little bee Dulce saw this, she felt hurt. She couldn't believe what she saw. The beautiful flowers had been trampled all over the place!
She had to do something immediately. She flew straight to the boy, then buzzed around his head.
The boy waved his hands. "Go away you stupid insect, he said grumpily.
But little bee Dulce didn't even think about it, instead she flew directly on the boy's nose:
She looked him straight in the eyes. "Why are you trampling on the beautiful flowers?" Dulce asked him as loudly as she could.
"Don't you know that these little flowers are very important for the nature and for us bees? Are you such a stupid boy?
The boy was taken aback and rolled his eyes. "Why important? Those are just flowers, he said.
"Don't you know where the honey comes from flowers", the bee asked.
"From the supermarket, of course," the boy said. He was quite sure of himself.
Now the bee Dulce had to smile a little.
"Come on, sit down on the grass and I'll explain, she said
The boy sat down on the grass and Dulce flew with a slight swing onto a leftover flower that was sticking out of the trampled grass right in front of the boy.
Dulce now explained to the boy how the bees suck the nectar out of the flowers. Also the bees add their own juices to the nectar, and at home the bees put the nectar in honeycombs. There it will stay for a while to mature
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