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Hollywood Monsters
Kenny Abdo
An Imprint of Abdo Zoom
Published by Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO, P.O. Box 398166, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55439. Copyright 2020 by Abdo Consulting Group, Inc. International
copyrights reserved in all countries. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
form without written permission from the publisher. Fly! is a trademark and logo
of Abdo Zoom.
Printed in the United States of America, North Mankato, Minnesota.
Photo Credits: Alamy, Everette Collection, Shutterstock
Production Contributors: Kenny Abdo, Jennie Forsberg, Grace Hansen
Design Contributors: Dorothy Toth, Neil Klinepier
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018963569
Publishers Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Abdo, Kenny, author.
Title: Jason Voorhees / by Kenny Abdo.
Description: Minneapolis, Minnesota : Abdo Zoom, 2020 | Series: Hollywood
monsters set 2 | Includes online resources and index.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781532127465 (lib. bdg.) | ISBN 9781532128448 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781532128936 (Read-to-me ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Voorhees, Jason (Fictitious character)--Juvenile literature. |
Friday the 13th (Motion picture)--Juvenile literature. | Horror films-
Juvenile literature. | Motion picture characters--Juvenile literature.
Classification: DDC 791.43616--dc23
table of
Friday the 13th is a 1980s
movie about Jason Voorhees.
As a child, he drowned while at
summer camp. His counselors
were not watching him. After
many years, Jason comes back
for his revenge.
Known for his frightening
hockey mask and machete,
Jason Voorhees is one of the
most recognized slashers in
horror cinema.
Screenwriter Victor Miller saw
the success of the horror movie
Halloween. He had his own idea. His
was one that took place at a summer
camp where nobody was safe.
Director Sean S. Cunningham took
out an ad in Variety before they had
funding. The ad only showed the
movies logo. The response
was electric. Cunningham said
that everybody wanted
this film.
Jason was originally named
Josh. Producers thought that
wasnt scary enough. So, Miller
changed it to Jason after
someone who once bullied him.
Friday the 13th was not
supposed to be a franchise .
Because of that, Jason was not
the original villain. It was his
mother, Pamela Voorhees.
The movie was very unpopular with
reviewers. Gene Siskel, a film critic,
gave away the twist ending on his
popular TV show.
Despite the negative reviews, it
was a monster hit! Audiences went
wild for the twist ending. Special-
effects artist Tom Savani would go to
screenings just to watch viewers jump.
The studio decided to bring adult
Jason back as the antagonist for the
remainder of the sequels .
Jason is seen wearing his iconic
hockey mask for the first time an hour
into Friday the 13th Part III. It was
suggested by a crew member who was
an avid Detroit Red Wings fan.
There are movies in the Friday
the 13th franchise . Not all of them
take place at Camp Crystal Lake. One
took Jason to Manhattan, New York.
Another took him into space!
Jason claims more than
victims throughout the series.
That is more than any slasher in
horror movie history!
LeBron James is working on producing
a Friday the 13th reboot . He believes
Jason has unfinished business at Camp
Crystal Lake!