The Unauthorized True Story of the Demon Houseof Gary Indiana: A Hoax or a Happening?
By Zack Bosma
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The Demon House: A Hoax or a Happening?
As a writer, you hope to get the opportunityto write an article about a great story to give your audience, sowhen I was asked to write about The Demon House in Gary, Indiana, Icould not wait to get started on the research!
I have lived in Northwest Indiana my wholelife and have heard the legend but never fully looked into it. Ihave been a true believer of spirits and demons since I was a younggirl, however this story does not have me convinced.
I hope you enjoy this story and are able tomake your own conclusion regarding The Demon House.
Gary, a city in the northernmost corner ofIndiana, is very well known to households all across the world. Itis the childhood home of Michael Jackson; it was the location forfilming of the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street remake; it has held thetitle as Murder Capital of the World for many years. Gary is alsothe location of The Demon House.
My first step was to contact a knowledgeableand respected demonologist with experience in the field of theunknown, Lorraine Warren. I sent an email to The New EnglandSociety For Psychic Research, a group that Lorraine consults with,and was immediately contacted by the NESPR director Tony Spera.
While communicating with Tony, he said thatneither he nor Lorraine has visited or investigated the house. Thisraised my first red flag. Lorraine has always been involved withcases that appear to be as severe as this story, for fear of thefamilies safety. If this was truly as horrific as they claimed,she would have helped. However, even though the group has notinvestigated this story, Tony, who is an expert in paranormalphenomena, particularly in the area of ghosts, devils and demonsgave me some information to think about while doing my ownresearch. He educated me on two of the most common types of spiritsthat people encounter.
Human spirits cannot really hurt you. HumanSpirits may have been murdered or died tragically. They remain onthe earthly plane, either confused or perhaps not even knowing theyhave died. They remain earthbound to try and let others know whathappened to them.
A devil, or diabolical being, has neverwalked the earth in human form. They have the wisdom of the ages,and hate anything created by God, or in God's image. Human image isa hated image to the demonic. The whole purpose of the demonicentity is to cause chaos, mockery, confusion, distraction, and evendeath to humans. They have MUCH more power than an earthbound humanspirit. They can move heavy objects, such as refrigerators, andthey can toss you across the room. So let's begin shall we!
I want to start off with the so called"credible witnesses". Some of these witnesses include: The Ammon'sFamily physician Dr. Geoffrey Onyeukwa, Police Captain CharlesAustin, Father Mike Maginot, DCS Agent Valerie Washington, andnurse Willie Lee Walker.
While Dr. Onyeukwa, DCS Agent ValerieWashington, and nurse Willie Lee Walker seem to have only toldaccounts of what they saw or believe they had seen, they left it atthat. They have not made any actions, that I have found, to profitoff of this story and have replied no comment when approached bymany media outlets. The others don't seem to have the sameintentions. So, let's take a look at the other witnesses.
First, we have Police Captain Charles Austin,who has made many comments to reporters and has done interviewswith a few media outlets such as Soundcloud and The IndianapolisStar. Before this occurrence, he claimed to be a big believer inthe Supernatural. So was he seeing what actually happened or whathe wanted to see. According to the, he left his weaponon a stall in the Old Village Shopping Center, then exited therestroom. He left the area then later realized he left his firearmin the bathroom. When he returned, it was stolen/missing. I am notsure I trust his judgment to remember the events correctly if hecan't remember something like a gun in a public place.
Next, we have Rev. Michael Maginot, who isallegedly set to be making quite a profit off of this story.However, most of what he talks about he never actually saw and isjust going off of the stories he was told. He is pleased to becomea star though and is currently contracted with Zak Bagans fromGhost Adventurers to produce a documentary on the case. He also hasa signed contract with Evergreen Media Holdings, whose chairmanTony DeRosa - Grund, produced the supernatural movie The Conjuring.The Conjuring, which has been proven to only be a story, hasgrossed over $318 million. Rev. Maginot has also done interviewswith many media outlets including an on air interview with Fox'sBill O'Reilly.
Now, to the story.
Due to the exclusive accessibility LatoyaAmmons gave to The Indianapolis Star, one of the largest dailypapers in Indiana and the Midwest, I will be referring to the factsthey have written during their interview. Latoya was so eager tohave The Indianapolis Star print her article, that she gave them asigned release allowing them access to her family's medical recordsthat are normally restricted, and according to The Star's researchteam, they were "not always pretty."
In November 2011, Latoya Ammons, her motherRosa Campbell, and her 3 children moved into the Gary home. It wasas early as December that they claim the activity had begun. Itstarted off with the textbook scary movie scenes, black fliessuddenly swarming their screened in porch, a steady stomp offootsteps climbing the basement stairs, and the creak of the dooropening between the basement and kitchen.
Campbell also claims to have somehowwitnessed a shadowy figure of a man pacing the living room from herbedroom after it awakened her while sleeping. She then went toinvestigate and found large, wet, muddy boot prints on the floor.This is one of the first discrepancies between information given toThe Star and what I found in Rev. Maginots report seekingpermission of Bishop for Exorcism. In the report for the Bishop,they claim that it wasn't until the next morning that they woke upand saw the boot prints.