Also by Dennis Ford Fiction ~ Red Star ~ Land sman ~ Things Dont Ad d Up ~ The Watc hman Humor / Belles Lettres ~ Thinking About Everyt hing ~ Miles of Thou ghts Family History ~ Eight Generat ions ~ Genealogical Ja unts ~ Genealogical Mus ings Psychology ~ Lectures on Theories of Lear ning ~ Lectures on General Psychology ~ Volume One ~ Lectures on General Psychology ~ Volume Two GENEALOGICAL
GENEALOGICAL TROVES VOLUME ONE Copyright 2019 Dennis Ford. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain stock imagery Getty Images. The cover photograph is of the Virgin Rock in the Atlantic at Ballybunion. ISBN: 978-1-5320-8668-7 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-5320-8669-4 (e) Library of Congress Control Number: 2019917148 iUniverse rev. date: 10/24/2019 To the people of the past, that we remember them Contents On and off for the past quarter century Ive collected Irish genealogical records. Initially, these records pertained to my ancestors and their ancestral townlands. and Columbus Ave. in Manhattan. in Manhattan.
Records were also ordered from the Registrars Office in Ireland and from Heritage Centers in Counties Mayo, Roscommon and Kerry. A recent bloom of on-line resources allowed for a massive expansion of record collection. Using these on-line resources, I decided to collect as many records as possible pertaining to my surnames. These records were copied while seated at my kitchen table in front of my laptop. Unlike in previous years, almost everything can be collected without leaving the comforts of home. ~ Freeman families residing in the vicinity of Ballyhaunis in County Mayo. ~ Allen families residing in the vicinity of Ballybunion in County Kerry. ~ Linnane families residing in the vicinity of Ballybunion in County Kerry. ~ families in the townland of Laughil in Kiltullagh Parish, County Roscommon. ~ families in the townland of Derrynacong in Annagh Parish, County Mayo. ~ families in the townland of Derrynacong in Annagh Parish, County Mayo.
Roman Catholic parish registers are available on-line at . The records terminate circa 1880. (Microfilm records at the Family History Library continued into the 20 th century.) The records are searchable by event and date, not by name. The legibility of the records, which are in PDF format, varies greatly. Civil records of births, deaths and marriages are available at . The records extend roughly from 1864 into the 1950s.
They are searchable by name, date and civil registration district. (The latter facilitates searches, but is not required.) In addition, the website contains select Roman Catholic records searchable by name, year and parish. Luckily for my surnames, the records for North Kerry parishes are available on the website. Census records for 1901 and 1911 are available at . The records are searchable by name and townland. PDF images of the census forms are available to download and print.
Land records are available on-line at the Valuation Office at . The records are searchable by surname and parish. For North Kerry, these records slightly predate Griffiths Valuation. Records are scarce for the Mayo and Roscommon vicinities recorded in Troves. There are a number of websites pertaining to the Tithe Applotment books and to Griffiths Valuation. (Incredibly, records of dog licenses are available.) The records, which are available for a modest monthly fee, are searchable by name and townland. (Incredibly, records of dog licenses are available.) The records, which are available for a modest monthly fee, are searchable by name and townland.
All records in Genealogical Troves ~ Volume One need to be verified. There may be errors in transcriptioninformants may have provided inaccurate details; priests and civil registrars may have erred in recording events; researchers who digitized the records may have made errors; shamefully, I may have erred in copying names and dates. Older parish records, especially in Annagh Parish, Mayo, are often illegible in places. Reading them is a projective test of interpretation. In addition, dates in the older registers are frequently jumbled. Pages in the parish books are not always in chronological order.
I elected to include only the month and year of individual records, but both months and years need to be verified by users of this book. In some cases I was able to include only the year. Dates of births and deaths in civil records should be considered approximations of the actual events. Since families had several months to report events, it often happens that dates in civil records do not correspond with dates in the church registers. Irish babies are frequently found to be baptized before they are reported as born, a situation no less amazing than the Mormon practice of baptizing deceased people. In addition, ages in civil death records should be considered approximations of the actual ages.
Frequently, informants had only a rough idea of the decedents actual ages. Family records in Genealogical Troves should be considered incompletethis is especially the case with the older records. The records of baptisms and marriages of persons born before the commencement of church registers are permanently lost. Deaths and burials were not recorded by the churches included in this book. Illegibility of parish records may have resulted in missed or in faulty interpretations of names and dates. Pages may be missing from the extant registers.
Families may not have reported events to the civil authorities. Errors of transcription may have occurred. For the reasons listed above, townland records in Genealogical Troves should also be considered incomplete. Census records can be used to supplement church and civil records. Family records are in chronological order from the first occurrence of surnames in parish books and civil records. Similarly, records for Laughil and Derrynacong are in chronological order from the first occurrence of surnames.
The names of godparents and witnesses are in parentheses. Throughout, Ive used a question mark (?) to indicate uncertainties in copying names and dates. Forde Families in the Vicinity of Ballyha unis Bekan Parish books, 1832 1920 Kiltullagh Parish books, 1839 - 1880 Annagh Parish books, 1851 - 1920 Tuam Archdiocese Marriage books, 1820s Civil Records, 1865 1920 (marriages & deaths) Freeman Families in the Vicinity of Ballyha unis Bekan Parish books, 1832 1920 Kiltullagh Parish books, 1846 - 1880 Annagh Parish books, 1851 1920 Aghamore Parish books, 1864 1920 Tuam Archdiocese Marriage books, 1820s Civil Records, 1865 1926 (marriages), 1865 - 1964 (deaths) Allen Families in the Vicinity of Ballybu nion Ballybunion and Ballylongford Parish books, 1832 1920 Listowel Parish books, 1808 1920 Tarbert Parish books, 1796 1914 Valuation Office House & Tenure books, 1850 Civil Records, 1868 1952 (marriages & deaths) Linnane Families in the Vicinity of Ballybu nion Ballybunion and Ballylongford Parish books, 1832 1920 Listowel Parish books, 1808 1920 Valuation Office House & Tenure books, 1848 - 1852 Civil Records, 1864 1909 (marriages), 1879 1920 (deaths) Laughil Townland, Kiltullagh Parish, County Rosco mmon Kiltullagh Parish books, 1839 1880 Civil Records, 1864 1911 (marriages), 1871 1934 (deaths) Findmypast - Petty Court Records (1853 1901) Derrynacong Townland, Annagh Parish, County Mayo Annagh Parish books, 1851 1920 Civil Records, 1864 1931 (marriages), 1868 1959 (deaths) Findmypast - Petty Court Records (1856 1912) There are four origins of the surname Forde in Ireland. The likeliest origin for the Forde surname in the vicinity of Ballyhaunis derives from the Irish Mac Giolla na Naomh , which translates as son of the servant of the saint. This sept name, in turn, was rendered as Mac Giollarnath , which translates as son of the servant of the ford. A second Connacht sept derives from the Irish Mac Consnamha , which translates son of the expert swimmer.
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