I would like to thank my ever enthusiastic father Colin for some early conspiracy theory books, and a dossier of goodies from the ever perceptive Len Deighton. I would also like to thank some friends, associates and colleagues whose professional opinion regarding the assassination itself assisted my clarity: thanks to a dear friend, and former co-writer, Richard Brown, for initial conversations way back when and Michael Petersen who enjoyed further discussion in the most convivial of settings and read the first draft many thanks for that. Thanks to my friends at the Ballistic Toolkit for keeping me abreast of the latest hardware and constantly questioning the tried-and-proved; to Christine Shand, a complete inspiration as ever, for taking the best photos at Arlington National Cemetery; and Nigel Yates for his comments and observations much appreciated, dear friend, the visuals are in as requested.
Thanks also to Kramer Books & Afterwords, Connecticut Avenue, Washington DC (and Tracy Buckingham for finding the right book within seconds of entering the shop), and Second Story Books, P Street, Washington DC (and thanks to the proprietors for allowing my last-minute dash to a certain book shelf at closing time!).
An acknowledgement must also go to Abraham Zapruder for taking such a fine and complete film of the Kennedy assassination, which has given so many people just cause to prove that the murder of the 35th President of the United States was a conspiracy. I would also like to thank Tom Wilson, an incredibly talented man who I have never met, for reaching the same conclusion as me, but doing so in a systematic and mathematical way that added weight to my ballistic analysis.
Over the past 50 years many brave men and women have come forwards to speak out about the Kennedy assassination, and it does my heart good to know that strong people, who feel a need to do the right thing, exist in this world; so finally I would like to acknowledge the work of Jim Garrison, who made some ground-breaking in-roads during the 1960s when passions were still running high. Garrison was instrumental in making the Zapruder film available to the general public and contributed much to the final exposure of the truth about the Kennedy assassination.
My sincere thanks to all.
Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. This is the principle on which I bring up these children. Stick to Facts, sir!
L ee Harvey Oswald did not assassinate the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That is the fact I intend to prove in this modest book. Ballistic analysis of the original Zapruder film alone can prove that, along with back-up analysis of several other frames of lesser known private films and photographs of the exact moment of the assassination.
This same ballistic evidence gives us parallel information regarding the number of shots, where they came from, and most importantly their trajectory, which proves that the assassination bullet was not fired by Lee Harvey Oswald, but one of four other men in front of the motorcade. Four other men who are unidentifiable to this very day, and for one very important reason: they escaped unseen and have remained in darkness ever since.
Once you have read this book you will have learnt all the key facts connected with President Kennedys assassination; that is, those facts that have been obscured or altered over the years to prove the Lone Gunman theory. You will also have understood how the assassination was committed, and from where and how the shooters escaped. I will also provide relevant analysis regarding the Warren Commissions Report and reference will be made to the House Select Committee on Assassinations report, the latter concluding, in contradiction to the Warren report, that a conspiracy actually took place but did they get it right?
If we look at the filmed evidence with our eyes wide open, mentally noting the downhill curve of the road, the Triple Underpass packed with people, the detail of the Grassy Knoll, the ballistic evidence on the Presidents car and the surrounding area, and the original medical reports, we go a long way to understanding both the ease and difficulties of the Kennedy assassination. There is a logical puzzle to put together here. Was it four or five snipers, six shots or only five? Indeed, could it have been as many as seven shots? All will be revealed.
Why do we do this? With all the previous books and conspiracy TV shows, why yet another analysis? Simply because, 50 years after the event, people still think that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated the President of the United States and, frankly, he couldnt have done.
I make no apology about the amount of repetition concerning my analysis of the bullets fired and the assassination itself. There is so much information to analyse and nuances to explain, the evidence has to be built up in the readers mind slowly, logically, to provide a concrete explanation, following each specific line meticulously.
It has been commonly believed for the past 50 years that Lee Harvey Oswald took three shots from the Texas School Book Depository sixth floor in approximately six seconds (certainly not more than 8.4 seconds), hitting the President twice (one bullet passing through Governor Connally after having passed through the President!). An incredible achievement, which even a top Marine sniper would find difficult to achieve with a decent rifle, properly zeroed, today and many have tried. So what did happen; what are the facts? And how do we best rationalise those facts? This book explains. It sticks to source material, including important statements from key ear- and eyewitnesses.
The one thing I find with many Kennedy assassination books is that they stretch the subjective too much. We dont need all the details and the wider picture of conspiracy. I dont get into the nuances of David Ferrie and Operation 40, even though I believe thats where many of the final answers lie, I simply want to convince people that Oswald didnt kill anyone that day in Dallas and the sniper gauntlet in front of the motorcade was ingenious and highly efficient.
One more thing: by sticking to the facts and medical statements as laid down on 22 November 1963, we understand more about the assassination because those facts were diluted and twisted to prove the Lone Gunman theory from that night onwards; so this book homes in on a brief span of time, the afternoon of the assassination itself, not the legacy of conjecture that has built up about it ever since.
In this life, we want nothing but Facts, sir; nothing but Facts!
Craig Cabell
London, 2013
But the pressures of life are not always distributed by choice.