Contests & Awards
Contests have helped many writers over the years break into publishing and reach new levels in their writing careers. From gaining publication in previously unpublished contests to earning recognition in published book competitions, writers find a great deal of respect in writing contests. Also, theres money to be earned.
Since contests have a solid track record of helping writers along in their careers, these markets are also highly competitive. Plus, many contests require a reading or entry fee to compete for the contest prize. As a result, many writers who dont find success with contests are quick to call them scams and say writers are throwing their money away. However, contest winners have a different story to tell.
Contests are a gamble, but so is regular freelancing. In contests, the stakes are higher, but writers can be confident that their writing is being considered. Contest judges are a captive audience; its their job.
Writers wishing to hedge their bets can find and enter contests that offer some form of premium for entering. For instance, some contests offer a magazine subscription or copy of the winning book.
These Listings
Here are more than 500 listings of contests and awards. Each listing attempts to collect as much information as possible, including contact information, website, costs, accommodations, and other information.
Its strongly recommended that you contact a contesteven if just to visit their websiteto confirm the guidelines and deadlines havent changed before submitting. After all, failure to follow submission guidelines can result in a rejected entry (and sometimes your entry fee) when dealing with contests. So double check your entry before sending.
Some listings are better at keeping their information complete and up-to-date than others. However, all should at the very least provide writers with a place to learn more.
These contests are broken into the following categories:
Playwriting & Scriptwriting
Arts Councils & Fellowships
Writing for Children & Young Adults
Multiple Writing Areas
Playwriting & Scriptwriting
P.O. Box 9117, La Jolla CA 92038. (858)454-9868. E-mail: . Film, TV, New Media, and Videography awards. Next call for entry deadline: February 25, 2011. Submissions in other than English must be subtitled or include transcript. Multiple entries are allowed and each entry may be entered in multiple categories. Submit on DVD in NTSC or PAL format. Entries will not be returned. Deadline: August. Prize: Awards: Best of Show, Awards of Excellence, & Honorable Mention. Winners are eligible to receive an Accolade statuette. The Accolade statuette is a constellation of 24K gold-plated stars mounted on a piano finished base of rosewood. It has been called the most beautiful award in the industry. Judging conducted in-house. Staff is selective. Entries judged to be potential Best of Show winners may be sent to outside judges for additional review.
The Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe, LLC, 7 Avenida Vista Grand, B7-121, Santa Fe NM 87508. (866)424-1501. Fax: (505)424-8207. E-mail: . Deadline: April 25. Prize: All 5 winners receive certificates and free submission to the PAGE awards screenwriting competition. In addition, scripts are forwarded to all producers/agents/managers/executives attending The Hollywood Connection component of SCSFe.
Alliance of Women Film Festival, 1317 N. San Fernando Blvd. # 340, Burbank CA 91504. (818)749-6162. E-mail: . Deadline: October. Prize: Prizes are sponsored, and change from year to year.
Austin Film Festival, 1801 Salina St., Austin TX 78702. (512)478-4795. Fax: (512)478-6205. E-mail: . Contact: Matt Dy, Screenplay.Teleplay Competition Director. The Austin Film Festival is looking for quality screenplays which will be read by industry professionals. AFF provides Readers notes to all Second Rounders (top 10%) and higher for no charge. Two main categories: Drama Category and Comedy Category. Two optional Award Categories (additional entry of $20 per category); Latitude Productions Award and Dark Hero Studios Sci-Fi Award. Teleplay Competition: The teleplay competition is now open to pilots as well as spec scripts. Two main categories: Half-hour Sitcom and One-Hour Drama/Comedy. Deadline: May 15 (early); June 1 (late). Prize: $5,000 in Comedy and Drama; $2,500 for Sponsored Award and Sci-Fi Award.
Tips 18thAnnual Austin Film Festival: Oct. 21-28, 2011.
The Blank Theatre Co., 1301 Lucile Ave., Los Angeles CA 90026-1519. (323)662-7734. Fax: (323)661-3903. E-mail: . Offered annually for unpublished work to encourage young writers to write for the theater by presenting their work as well as through our mentoring programs. Open to all writers 19 or younger on the submission date. Deadline: March 15. Prize: Workshop of the winning plays by professional theater artists
Attic Theatre Ensemble, 5429 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90016-1112. (323)525-0600. E-mail: . Contact: Literary Manager. Offered annually for unpublished and unproduced work. Scripts should be intended for mature audiences. Length should not exceed 30 minutes. Guidelines online. Electronic submissions only. Deadline: December 31. Prize: 1st Place: $300; 2nd Place: $150.
Tips Go to websiteread guideline instructions!
Wichita State University, School of Performing Arts, 1845 Fairmount, Box 153, Wichita KS 67260-0153. (316)978-3646. Fax: (316)978-3202. E-mail: . Submit in PDF format. Please include ALL information requested for mail in scripts with your electronic submission. Deadline: January 16, 2011. Prize: Production by the Wichita State University Theatre. Winner will be announced after March 15, 2011. No entry may be withdrawn after March 1, 2011. Judging will be conducted by a panel of three or more selected from the school faculty and may also include up to three experienced, faculty approved WSU School of Performing Arts students.
Barter Theatre, Box 867, Abingdon VA 24212-0867. (276)619-3316. Fax: (276)619-3335. E-mail: . Contact: Nick Piper, associate director/director. With the annual Appalachian Festival of New Plays & Playwrights, Barter Theatre wishes to celebrate new, previously unpublished/unproduced plays by playwrights from the Appalachian region. If the playwrights are not from Appalachia, the plays themselves must be about the region. Deadline: March 31. Prize: $250, a staged reading performed at Barters Stage II theater, and some transportation compensation and housing during the time of the festival. There may be an additional award for the best staged readings.
45 W. 25th St., New York NY 10010. E-mail: . Contact: Roxanne Heinze-Bradshaw. Open to any high school students. Annual contest. Purpose of the contest: to encourage playwrights at the high school level and to ensure the future of American theater. Unpublished submissions only. Postmark deadline: January 30. Notification: May. SASE for contest rules and entry forms. No entry fee. Awards $500 to the first place playwright with publication by Bakers Plays; $250 to the second place playwright with an honorable mention; and $100 to the third place playwright with an honorable mention in the series. Judged anonymously. Plays must be accompanied by the signature of a sponsoring high school drama or English teacher, and it is recommended that the play receive a production or a public reading prior to the submission. To ensure return of manuscripts, please include SASE. Teachers must not submit students work. The winning work will be listed in the Bakers Plays Catalogue, which is distributed to 50,000 prospective producing organizations.