Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America
The Eighteenth-Century Theatre in Spain
A Bibliography of Criticism and Documentation
Phillip B. Thomason
Ceri Byrne
Hispanic Research Bibliographies
A Project funded by The Leverhulme Trust
Project Director
University of Glasgow
Research Assistants |
University of Glasgow | University of Leeds |
The present book forms part of a major Bibliography of the Hispanic Theatre currently being produced in several volumes compiled by different specialists. As such, it is one of the outputs of a still larger Project of Hispanic Research Bibliographies , which was initiated at the University of Liverpool and is being carried forward at the University of Glasgow. Without extended financial support from the Leverhulme Trust, to which the profound gratitude of all involved is due, this international team project of Hispanic Research Bibliographies might have been contemplated, but could never have been undertaken and accomplished.
Ann L. Mackenzie
(Project Director)
University of Glasgow, 2005.
Francisco de Goya
A Scene from 'El hechizado por fuerza' (1798), a comedy by Antonio de Zamora Oil on canvas 42.5cm. x 30.8cm.
Reproduced by permission of the National Gallery, London
The Eighteenth-Century Theatre in Spain
A Bibliography of Criticism and Documentation
Phillip B. Thomason
Ceri Byrne
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America
The Eighteenth-Century Theatre in Spain
A Bibliography of Criticism and Documentation
Bulletin of Spanish Studies , previously titled the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies , is published by Routledge Journals for the BSS Executive Editorial Board at the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8LS, U.K. All orders for the Bulletin of Spanish Studies (ISSN 1475-3820) should be addressed c/o Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Customer Services Dept, Sheepen Place, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3LP; Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5544, Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 5198; Email: tf.enquiries@tfinforma.com. Annual subscription rate for 2005 (8 issues per year) is E.C. 534, Rest of the world U.S. $882.
Copyright 2005 Executive Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Spanish Studies at the University of Glasgow
ISSN 1475-3820
The whole of the material appearing in this periodical is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the Editors.
Printed in the European Community by
Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow
The Eighteenth-Century Theatre in Spain
A Bibliography of Criticism and Documentation
Francisco de Goya, A Scene from El hechizado por fuerza (1798), a comedy by Antonio de Zamora |
Front cover of Ramn de la Cruz's sainete, La avaricia castigada Los segundones (Madrid, 1791) |
First page of Ramn de la Cruz's sainete, La avaricia castigada Los segundones (Madrid, 1791) |
Por [] laborioso que sea, nadie puede vanagloriarse de que en historia y bibliografa ha sabido decir la ltima palabra. [] Los primeros trabajos de una materia determinada dejan mucho que hacer a los que vienen detrs []
Manuel Jimnez Cataln, Ensayo de una bibliografa zaragozana del siglo XIX , quoted by Inocencio Ruiz Lasala, Bibliografa zaragozana del siglo XIX
(Zaragoza: Instituto Fernando el Catlico [CSIC], 1977).
The product of ten years of research and compilation, The Eighteenth-Century Theatre in Spain. A Bibliography of Criticism and Documentation has been accomplished as part of a major Project of Hispanic Research Bibliographies based at the University of Glasgow, which is being carried forward by an international team of specialists under the direction of Ann L. Mackenzie.
This present reference-volume is the second in a series of research-bibliographies on the theatre in Spain from its early medieval beginnings through to the present times. In accordance with criteria established for the series as a whole, the compilers have drawn together data on books, articles and documents relating to eighteenth-century drama in Spain both as literary and as performance genre, adding, where necessary, notes on purely factual matters. Collections and editions of dramatic texts have normally been excluded except for those that have been found to contain significant amounts of criticism or documentary information. Many studies of specific plays and playwrights are listed as well as material dealing critically and informatively with theatres, actors and stagecraft.
Both compilers have contributed equally to the work of searching out, scrutinizing and cataloguing the nearly two thousand four hundred items included. Copies of many items have been personally examined in the holdings of libraries in Britain, Spain and the United States, and in these cases their specific library locations are duly recorded. A significant number of entries concerning the more practical, technical and performance aspects of the theatre have derived from the hands-on investigations which Phillip Thomason conducted for his related project on the public theatres of Madrid in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In gathering and correlating information, particularly on the more literary-based items listed, both compilers have benefited from the websites and networks which in this electronic age have greatly facilitated their access to the major holdings of libraries around the world. Thus, Phillip Thomason has depended especially on Melvyl which indexes the University of California/California State University systems, as well as on two extensive depositories of non-circulating volumes managed by the University of California system. Ceri Byrne has utilized especially, mainly through COPAC (Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues), the online catalogues of the holdings of the British Library, London, the University of Glasgow, Scotland, the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, Madrid and the Library of Congress, Washington DC. Both compilers are likewise indebted to the invaluable databases of the Spanish public library catalogues provided through the Catlogo Colectivo de Patrimonio Bibliogrfico Espaol and to the outstanding Parnaseo theatre database located at the Universitat de Valncia.
The present compilers owe a large debt of gratitude for valuable information to previous bibliographies (all featured in this volume) whose authors have concerned themselves, in whole or in part, with cataloguing works of or about the Spanish eighteenth century. The compilers acknowledge especially their joint debt to Francisco Aguilar Pial, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, Madrid, for his numerous indispensable bibliographical researches and publications; and to the renowned British hispanists, J. E. Varey and N. D. Shergold, who, with their equally indefatigable collaborator Charles Davis, wrote and compiled so many invaluable volumes of Fuentes para la Historia del Teatro en Espaa, published through Tamesis Books Ltd/Tmesis, at London and Madrid and, currently, Woodbridge, Suffolk.