
Regarded as the greatest of the writers of courtly romance, CHRTIEN DE TROYES wrote in French in the second half of the twelfth century. Very little is known about his life. He was probably a native of Eastern Champagne and most of his active career was spent at Troyes at the court of Marie de Champagne, daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Circumstantial evidence also suggests that he spent some of his early career in England at the court of King Henry II Plantagenet. His romances are outstanding in medieval European literature for the inner meaning which he unobtrusively wove into them.
WILLIAM W. KIBLER gained an AB from the University of Notre Dame and MA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From 1969 to 2003 he taught at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was the Superior Oil-Linward Shivers Centennial Professor of Medieval Studies. He has served twice as president of the North American Branch of the Socit Rencesvals, and edited its journal, Olifant, from 1986 to 1991. He is currently vice-president and president-elect of the North American Branch of the International Arthurian Society. He has published many articles on medieval French literature and is the author of An Introduction to Old French (1984). In 1994 he edited The Lancelot-Grail Cycle: Text and Transformations, and in 1995, with Grover Zinn, published Medieval France: An Encyclopedia. He has also produced editions and translations of Guillaume de Machauts Le Jugement du Roy de Behaige and Remede de Fortune (with James I. Wimsatt, 1988), Raoul de Cambrai (1996) and Huon de Bordeaux (with Franois Suard, 2003). He has previously published facing-line translations of Chrtiens Lancelot(Le Chevalier de la Charette), Yvain(Le Chevalier au Lion) and (Perceval Le Conte du Graal).
CARLETON W. CARROLL earned his BA degree from Ohio State University and MA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin. Since 1974 he has taught at Oregon State University, where he holds the rank of Professor of French. Previous publications include editions and translations of Chrtiens Erec et Enide and Le Chevalier au Lion, translations of two large segments of the prose Lancelot, a critical edition of Olivier de La Marches allegorical poem Le Chevalier deliber, and articles on various aspects of medieval French literature. He is preparing a new critical edition of Erec et Enide.
Arthurian Romances
Translated with an Introduction and Notes by
(Erec and Enide translated by
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These translations copyright William W. Kibler, 1991, except Erec and Enide
copyright Carleton W, Carroll 1991
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Erec and Enide, The Knight of the Cart (Lancelot),
The Knight with the Lion (Yvain) and The Story of the Grail (Perceval)
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WRITING in the second half of the twelfth century, Chrtien de Troyes was the inventor of Arthurian literature as we know it. Drawing from material circulated by itinerant Breton minstrels and legitimized by Geoffrey of Monmouths pseudo-historical Historia Regum Britanni (History of the Kings of Britain, c. 113637), Chrtien fashioned a new form known today as courtly romance. To Geoffreys bellicose tales of Arthurs conquests, Chrtien added multiple love adventures and a courtly veneer of polished manners. He was the first to speak of Queen Guineveres affair with Lancelot of the Lake, the first to mention Camelot, and the first to write of the adventures of the Grail with Perceval, the mysterious procession, and the Fisher King. He may even have been the first to sing of the tragic love of Tristan and Isolde. All of these themes have become staples in the romance of King Arthur, and no treatment of the legend seems complete without some allusion to them.
Yet we know virtually nothing about this incomparable genius, the author of the five earliest Arthurian romances: Erec and Enide, Cligs, The Knight of the Cart (Lancelot), The Knight with the Lion (Yvain), and The Story of the Grail (Perceval). The few references to a Crestien or Christianus unearthed in archival documents cannot with any certainty be related to our author, so we can know him only through his own writings. And even here we are at some remove from Chrtien himself, for the manuscripts that preserve his works all date from at least a generation after the time he composed them.
The most important manuscripts containing Chrtiens romances date from the thirteenth century. All five of his Arthurian romances are found in MS Bibliothque Nationale f. fr. 794, known as the Guiot Manuscript after the scribe who copied it in the mid-thirteenth century. The romances appear there in conjunction with four other works, all set in Classical times: Athis et Profilas, Le Roman de Troie, Waces Roman de Brut, and Les Empereurs de Rome. Chrtiens five poems are also found together in Bibl. Nat. f. fr. 1450, where they are inserted into the middle of Waces Roman de Brut the French adaptation of Geoffreys Historia Regum Britanni evidently with the purpose of fleshing out the legend of Arthur recounted therein. Another key manuscript that once probably contained all of Chrtiens romances, and which would have been the earliest and best copy of them, is the so-called Annonay Manuscript. Unfortunately it was cut apart to be used as filler for book-bindings in the eighteenth century, and only fragments of Erec, Cligs, The Knight with the Lion, and The Story of the Grail have been recovered. Also fragmentary is the MS Garrett 125 (Princeton Library), one of the rare illuminated texts of Chrtiens poems, which has preserved extensive fragments of The Knight of the Cart and The Knight with the Lion. Three other manuscripts containing two or more of Chrtiens romances can be found today in the Bibliothque Nationale in Paris: Bibl. Nat. f. fr. 375
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