I have been blessed to have Judah not only as my pastor but as my friend. When I see Judah preach, or read what he writes, it is experiencing someone doing exactly what they were created to do.
Tim Tebow, speaker, activist, bestselling author
Without question, one of the greatest communicators of our generation is Judah Smith. His ability to captivate a crowd is only surpassed by his care and concern for the individual. I have proudly watched as his leadership capacity has grown and stretched amidst all the seasons of lifeincluding grief, heartache, and change. Regardless of what season you are in, there is no one I could think of more qualified and enjoyable to sit down with and answer the question Hows your soul? Enjoy finding humor, wisdom, and godly counsel within these pages.
Brian Houston, founder and global senior pastor, Hillsong Church
Judah Smith has spent his life doing soul work. In Hows Your Soul?, he shares his guidance for gaining a better understanding of whats going on inside each and every one of us. Soul work is life work.
Maria Shriver, journalist, producer, and bestselling author
Judah Smith is an exceptional writer and communicator. His ability to tell a story and at the same time make a life-changing point is second to none. In Hows Your Soul?, he is honest with his own journey, and at the same time encourages all of us to get to that place called homethat sense of peace even within the fast-paced world in which we live. You will laugh, learn, and be given practical tools as you make the journey to a healthy soul. Get this book, and get one for a friend!
Holly Wagner, pastor, Oasis Church LA; author, Find Your Brave
2016 by Judah Smith
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ISBN: 9780718039332 (eBook)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Smith, Judah, author.
Title: How's your soul? : why everything that matters starts with the inside you / Judah Smith.
Description: Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016014082 | ISBN 9780718039172
Subjects: LCSH: Contentment--Religious aspects--Christianity. | Desire--Religious aspects--Christianity. | Christianity--Psychology. | Soul.
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To my sister Wendy, whom I admire, look up to, and still want to be like
H ave you ever had someone look you deep in the soul and ask, Are you okay?
Im not talking about a casual acquaintance. I mean someone who really knows you. Someone who gets you. Someone who somehow picks up on your unspoken struggles and who cares enough to push and probe past your superficial Yeah, Im fine.
The fact the person has to ask if you are okay means you are probably not okay. Both of you know that. But the offer to dialogue about it is somehow comforting. Even healing.
Actually... no. I dont think I am okay. I mean, I will be okayIm pretty sure, anyway. Ill get through this. But right now my world is upside down. I dont understand what Im thinking or feeling.
Im here for you. If you want to talk, just let me know.
To be honest, there arent too many friends like that out there. And even when people do try to dig deeper, we tend to avoid their soul-searching questions for as long as we can. Vulnerability is scary. It feels safer to be superficial.
Me? Yeah, Im great. My job is going well... Im reaching my financial goals... I just signed with a recording studio... The kids are getting good grades... Im hitting the gym regularly... yes, Im good. Just tired, you know. No big deal. Why do you ask?
We tend to use outward indicators of success to prove how okay we are. But none of these thingsnot wealth, not fame, not family, not goals reachedmean we are healthy and happy on the inside.
This is a book about being okay on the inside. Its a book about being satisfied, stable, and healthy on a soul level.
The Are you okay? question is scary, because it has to do with the real younot with your achievements or activities, but with your emotions, your thoughts, your decisions, your values, and your desires.
For me personally, I often dont want to know the answer. Deep inside, Im afraid Im not okay. I have internal contradictions I would rather not face.
That is why this is probably the scariest book Ive written to date. I know that is an odd thing for an author to admit, but its true. Writing about inner health, emotional stability, and other soul-related topics is a vulnerable business, because before I am a writer or pastor or speaker, I am a human. How can I speak and teach on the subject when my own soul is bent and flawed?
This book is the result of wrestling with questions like these in my own life and experience. I am on a journey, just like everyone else. Im not here to tell you what to believe or how to act. Yes, Ive learned a few things along the way, and I hope they help you. But by no means am I an expert on the inside you. I dont mean to imply that I am the final word on what a soul should look like or how to fix a broken heart.
When it comes to the human soul, I dont think any of us can claim to have everything figured out. More than twenty-five hundred years ago the prophet Jeremiah gave the ancient nation of Israel a message from God: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (17:9).
Thats hardly encouraging. But Jeremiah wasnt being cynicalhe was being honest. He was simply stating the human condition. He had apparently come face-to-face with the same fears we confront: that maybe deep inside we dont have it all together; maybe our insides are not okay.