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About the Book
For those who have the intention but lack the lifetime it would take to study the entire history of spirituality, this extraordinary compendium is a great gift. Stone has gleaned the essentials from vast research as well as intuitive information and woven them into a simple and engrossing exploration of self-realization.
The Complete Ascension Manual is both practical and enlightening. It is a guidebook through the past and a how-to manual for ascension. Created to be read as an overview of the spiritual path, this book explores the worlds great religions, Great Masters, spiritual psychology and the Ascended Masters teachings with specific steps to accelerate our process of ascension.
The Complete Ascension Manual is a thorough introduction to subjects such as: The monad, soul and personality, God and the cosmic Hierarchy, Ascension, the sixth initiation, Twenty ascension techniques to build your Light quotient, Mantras, names of God and words of power, and 147 Golden Keys to achieving ascension in this lifetime.
About the Author
![Dr Joshua David Stone has a PhD in transpersonal psychology and is also a - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/124784/Image00001.jpg)
Dr. Joshua David Stone has a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology and is also a licensed marriage, family and child counselor in Los Angeles, California. He is licensed by the state of California in the practice of hypnosis and is also a minister.
He works very closely with his wife, Terri Sue Stone, who is a claraudient voice channel for the Ascended Masters, most specifically for the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, of Alice A. Bailey fame.
Joshua and Terri teach classes, workshops, and seminars in Los Angeles and around the country, disseminating the teachings and spiritual practices of the Ascended Masters.
The prime focus of their work is the path of ascension and initiation. They have recently opened a center in Los Angeles to further their work, called The Center for Ascension in the Light. Those people interested in Joshuas and Terris workshops, classes, lectures, and tapes can contact them through the publisher.
Also by Joshua David Stone, PhD
The Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path
- The Complete Ascension Manual:
How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime - Soul Psychology:
Keys to Ascension - Beyond Ascension:
How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation - Hidden Mysteries:
ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools & Ascension - The Ascended Masters Light the Way:
Beacons of Ascension - Cosmic Ascension:
Your Cosmic Map Home - A Beginners Guide to the Path of Ascension
- Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing:
Revelations of Sai Baba and the Ascended Masters - Manual for Planetary Leadership
- Your Ascension Mission:
Embracing Your Puzzle Piece - Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate
- How to Teach Ascension Classes
- Ascension and Romantic Relationships
- Complete Ascension Index
- How to Be Financially Successful:
A Spiritual Perspective
I would humbly like to dedicate this book to four wonderful spiritual beings. The first and most important is my lovely wife, Terri. She has been a constant source of love, support, and inspiration. She has had an enormous impact on my life, and I would not have written this series of books in the form they are in if it had not been for Terris help on spiritual, mental, emotional, and earthly levels. She has truly been the source of a tremendous amount of Light and love in all areas of my life.
Secondly I would humbly like to thank Rags, our cat. Rags is also known as Muffin, Sweet Pea, and Pink Belly. Rags has faithfully and devotedly kept me company on my desk and in my office during the long hours of typing and research. Her selfless devoted service, in my opinion, has earned her the right to be an Ascended Master Kitty.
The third person I would like to thank is the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, who I am honored to call my spiritual teacher, friend, and brother in the Light. His continued support, guidance, and teachings have been the true source of inspiration behind these books.
I would also like to thank Marc Norelli, who in a most selfless and dedicated manner diligently proofread the many volumes of material whenever this service was needed. I am also honored to call him my friend and fellow brother in the Light.
Lastly, I would like to dedicate this book and give a very, very special thank you to my dear friend and colleague, Raney Alexandre. Raney has, with total selflessness, dedicated herself to the task of typing on her computer all four volumes of The Complete Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path . She has helped me with graphics, editing, spiritual ideas, research books, and feedback when I have gotten off track.
Without her help these books would have been delayed years in coming to full fruition. Her dedicated, selfless service allowed me to put my full and total concentration on writing, while she did the truly hard part of putting the book together logistically. She has truly been an angel sent to me by God to free me up for the work I needed to do.
Every person who incarnates into this physical world has a particular mission or purpose in Gods plan which he is here to fulfill. The particular mission and humble gift that God has graced me with is twofold in function.
The first is the ability to consolidate vast amounts of practical, useful, and very interesting spiritual information in an easy-to-understand form. The second is the ability to garnish and harvest the essential kernels from this vast amount of spiritual information and leave the rest behind.
My mission in writing this book and the three books that follow it was, in essence, to save people time. This book is the first of a series of four books which I have collectively called The Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path .
What I have attempted to do is present to my reader four easy-to- read books that cover the entire field of spirituality and religion on Planet Earth. I realize that most people do not like to spend time reading, studying, and researching as much as I do. My service to humanity is the ability to take the information in the Alice A. Bailey books,