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Debbie Macomber - A Turn in the Road

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Debbie Macomber A Turn in the Road

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A Turn in the Road

Dear Friends,

My husband, Wayne, and I love road trips. Because we have two homes, one in Washington State and the other in Florida, we drive back and forth twice a year. In case youre interested, thats 3,323 miles, door to door. Wayne plans the route and weve visited nearly every state between Washington and Florida. Perhaps because of that, Ive always wanted to write a book that involved a cross-country drive.

Since I first wrote A Good Yarn, which introduced the character Bethanne Hamlin, shes been on my mind. When her husband left her and their family for a younger woman, Bethanne was devastated and eventually joined a knitting class as a kind of therapy. The friends she made in Lydias yarn store helped her deal with the abrupt change in her life.

The idea for Bethannes party business actually came from my daughter, Jenny Adele, who held a wonderfully creative party for our oldest grandson when he turned eight. They were living on a one-family income, so money was tight. Using her imagination and playing on Camerons interest in the army, she mailed out draft notices as party invitations. Then my son-in-law designed an obstacle course on their property. Adding to the fun, my oldest son, Ted, a former Army Ranger, provided camouflage makeup and MREs. The boys had the time of their lives and the entire party cost little more than a cake mix and a few stamps.

I was proud of Bethanne and the success of her business and I wanted to do more with this character. I didnt like Grant, her ex-husband, the first time around, but when he reappeared in A Turn in the Road he was much more sympathetic. Hes recognized his mistake and wants his family back. This is a difficult decision for Bethanne. As it happens, she has an opportunity to travel across the country with her daughter and her ex-mother-in-law. Three generations of women each facinga turn in the road. By the way, if youre a committed film buff, you may notice that Ive moved the release date of the Breakfast at Tiffanys forward by a few months. I took this liberty becausewell, frankly, it worked for the story.

As always, Im eager to hear from my readers. You can reach me in two ways: Either by logging on to my website at www.DebbieMacomber.com and signing the guestbook, or by contacting me at P.O. Box 1458. Port Orchard, WA 98366.


DEBBIE MACOMBER A Turn in the Road With heartfelt appreciation to Nancy - photo 1

A Turn in the Road

Picture 2

With heartfelt appreciation to Nancy Berland
who has helped me navigate every turn in the road in my publishing career.


I think Dad wants to get back together. Bethannes daughter, Annie, spoke with studied nonchalance. He still loves you, Mom.

Bethannes spoon hovered over her bowl of soup as they sat at a window table in their favorite caf. This wasnt actually news and shouldnt have come as any surprise. Didnt come as any surprise. Shed seen the signs, as recently as this morning. These days Grant was inventing excuses to call her.

Six years ago her world had imploded when her husband confessed that hed fallen in love with another woman. With barely a backward glance, Grant had walked outout of their home, their marriage, their lives. And now he wanted back in.

Dont you have anything to say? Annie asked, toying with her fork. She watched her mother intently.

Not really. She swallowed the soup and lowered her spoon for another taste.

Annie, it seemed, had forgotten. But not Bethanne.

The morning Grant told her he wanted a divorce would stay in her mind forever. He couldnt seem to get away from her fast enough. Hed retained a lawyer and advised her to do the same, then coldly informed her that all future communication would be through their lawyers. The less contact with her and their children, the better, hed said. A clean break was best.

Grants decision had struck Bethanne with the force and unpredictability of a hurricane. Shed stumbled blindly through the next few months, trying to hold her family together, clinging to the semblance of normality while her world disintegrated around her. You really dont have anything to say? Annie prodded.

No, Bethanne said shortly. She swallowed another spoonful of soup and reached for the herb scone. What disturbs me is that your father would let you do his talking for him.

Annie had the grace to look chastened, but she pushed her food away as if shed suddenly lost her appetite.

At one time Bethanne had dreamed Grant would regret what hed done, that hed seek her forgiveness and come crawling back to her. Shed wanted him to suffer for the way hed treated her, for the hurt hed inflicted when hed turned his back on their children.

But in the years since the divorce, Bethanne had gradually found her footing and, in the process, discovered a self she didnt know existeda stronger, independent Bethanne, a woman forged in the fire of despair. Now her two children were on their own; her oldest, Andrew, was engaged to be married in a few weeks, following his graduation from law school. As for her daughter, Annie was a year from obtaining her MBA. She worked part-time with Bethanne on the creative end of the party business Bethanne had established in the wake of her divorce.

During her twenty years of marriage, Bethanne had become known for her lavish and inventive parties. Shed taken pride in making Grant look good by hosting unforgettable events for clients and potential clientsan invitation to Grants home became a sought-after privilege in certain circles. Her birthday parties for Andrew and Annie were legendary. But never once had she dreamed that her party-giving skills would eventually be parlayed into such a success.

Shed started the business, which she called simply Parties, as a way of making enough money to continue living in their family home, although shed had to take out a substantial second mortgage to get Parties off the ground. Grant had paid the required support, but depending on that wouldve meant moving to a smaller house in a different neighborhood. If ever her children needed stability, she knew, it was in the period after the divorce. Shed since paid off both mortgages.

To Bethannes astonishment, the business had taken off immediately. Shed started small, with themed birthday parties for children. The Alice in Wonderland Tea Party had been the most popular of the dozens of concepts shed created. With busy schedules, parents were looking for an easy, economical way to make birthday parties special. Bethannes company had filled that need.

Currently, there were five Parties stores in the Seattle area, including the original location, and she was considerating a deal that offered national franchising opportunities. The key was to keep the ideas fresh and the prices reasonable. This past winter shed added a birthday party in a boxmore scaled-down, do-it-yourself versions of her trademarked theme parties.

A year earlier Bethanne had hired Julia Hayden as her corporate operations manager. Julia was efficient, dedicated and gifted. She loved the job and had begun overseeing the companys day-today activities, freeing Bethanne to focus on creative development. Annie worked with her, and the two of them had recently developed birthday party ideas for cats and dogs, which was now a popular trend, especially among childless, affluent professionals. Theyd expanded into other types of parties, tooanniversary and retirement celebrations, Christmas and even Halloween events.

Bethanne signaled for the check, and they went their separate ways with a quick hug and a wave. Annie was walking back to the office, while Bethanne headed for Blossom Street and A Good Yarn. Knitting had become one of her favourite activities. When she needed to think, nothing helped more than sitting down with a knitting project. She felt a sense of happy anticipation as she parked in front of the yarn store, which was owned by her dear friend Lydia Goetz.

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