Table of Contents
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Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Labrecque, Ellen, author.
Title: Patricia Bath and laser surgery / by Ellen Labrecque.
Description: Ann Arbor, MI : Cherry Lake Publishing, [2017] | Series: 21st century junior library. Women innovators | Audience: K to
grade 3. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016030055| ISBN 9781634721806 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781634723121 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781634722469 (pdf) |
ISBN 9781634723787 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Bath, Patricia, 1942Juvenile literature. | OphthalmologistsBiographyJuvenile literature. |
Women inventorsBiographyJuvenile literature. | EyeSurgeryJuvenile literature. | Lasers in surgeryHistory
Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC RE36.B2855 L33 2017 | DDC 617.7092 [B]dc23
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ISBN-13 978-1-68444-506-6 (ebook)
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It is important to have your eyes examined regularly.
A Woman
Imagine if the world looked fuzzy. Or you
couldnt see anything at all. You would want to
visit a doctor. You would want to find out if you
could do something to improve your vision.
Thanks to Patricia Bath, more people
around the world have access to eye care.
This includes eye exams, eyeglasses,
and a very important surgery that Bath
invented. Her invention helps people see!
As a woman and an African American, Bath had to
overcome sexism and racism to achieve her goals.
Patricia Bath was born on November 4,
1942, in Harlem, New York. Her dad worked
for the New York City Subway. He was also
a newspaper writer. Her mom was a
homemaker and housekeeper. Her parents
thought school was important. Patricia
studied hard and got good grades.
When Patricia was growing up, most girls were not
encouraged to study math and science.
Patricia was especially smart in math
and science. Her mother gave her a
chemistry kit when she was young. She
loved playing with it. She also loved to
read. She graduated from high school in
just two years. (Most students graduate
from high school in four years.)
Pretend you could create a new magic potion using a chemistry
set. What would you invent? Would you invent a liquid that made
you invisible? How about one that could make you fly?
The brain is the only human organ more complex than the eye.
Bath went to medical school. Then, she
studied ophthalmology . She wanted to
become an eye doctor.
Bath noticed that poor African Americans
had more eye problems than other people.
They did not have good access to eye care.
Their eye problems went untreated. They
were more likely to go blind .
Look at this drawing of an eyeball. Study the parts of the eye.
How do you think these parts help you see? Try to find more
information about the eye on the Internet.
Bath wanted to make sure everyone had access to eye care.
An Idea
Bath created a new field of medicine
called community ophthalmology . In this
field, volunteers provide basic eye exams to
poor communities. They help people get
glasses, test for diseases, and prevent
blindness. Bath also started a group called
the American Institute for the Prevention of
Blindness. She wanted to help people
around the world see.
Cataracts are spots on peoples eyes that make it hard for them to see.
In 1988, Bath invented the Laserphaco
Probe. It is a device that is inserted into