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Felipe Fernández-Armesto - The European Opportunity

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Felipe Fernández-Armesto The European Opportunity

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An Expanding World Volume 2
The European Opportunity
An Expanding World The European Impact On World History 14501800
General Editor: A.J.R. Russell-Wood
with the assistance of Mark Steele
Expansion, Interaction, Encounters
  1. The Global Opportunity Felipe Fernndez-Armesto
  2. The European Opportunity Felipe Fernndez-Armesto
  3. The Globe Encircled - The World Revealed Ursula Lamb
  4. Historiography of Europeans in Africa and Asia, 1415-1800 Anthony Disney
  5. Establishing Exceptionalism: Historiography of the Colonial Americas Amy Turner Bushnell
Technology and Science
  1. Scientific Aspects of European Expansion William Storey
  2. Technology and European Overseas Enterprise Michael Adas
Trade and Commodities
  • Merchant Networks in the Early Modern World, 1450-1800 Sanjay Subrahmanyam
  • The Atlantic Staple Trade (Parts I & II) Susan Socolow
  • European Commercial Expansion in Early Modern Asia Om Prakash
  • Spices M.N. Pearson
  • Textiles and Cloth Maureen Mazzaoui
  • The Personality of Commerce Pieter Emmer and Femme Gaastra
  • Slave Trades, 1500-1800: Globalization of Forced Labour Patrick Manning
  • Human Exploitation Colin Palmer
  • Agricultural, Resource Exploitation, and Environmental Change Helen Wheatley
  • Plantation Complex Judy Bieber
  • Extractive Industries Peter Bakewell
Government and Empire
  • Theories of Empire David Armitage
  • Government of Empires A.J.R. Russell-Wood
  • Imperial Administrators Mark Burkholder
  • Cities of Empire A.J.R. Russell-Wood
  • Warfare and Empires Douglas M. Peers
Society and Culture
  • Settlement Patterns in Early Modern Colonization Joyce Lorimer
  • Biological Consequences of the European Expansion, 1450-1800 Kenneth Kiple
  • Society (Parts I & II) Robert Forster
  • Christianity and Missions, 1450-1800 J.S. Cummins
  • Family and Household Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva
  • Mores: Africa, The Americas and Asia Murdo MacLeod and Evelyn Rawski
  • Intellectual Life of Europeans Beyond Europe George Winius
The World and Europe
  • Facing Each Other: The world's Perception of Europe and Europe's Perception of the World (Parts I & II) Anthony Pagden
An Expanding World The European Impact on World History 1450-1800
Volume 2
The European Opportunity
edited by
Felipe Fernndez-Armesto
First published 1995 by Variorum Ashgate Publishing Published 2017 by - photo 1
First published 1995 by Variorum, Ashgate Publishing
Published 2017 by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
This edition copyright 1995 by Variorum, Taylor & Francis, and Felipe Fernndez-Armesto. For copyright of individual articles refer to the Acknowledgements.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.
British Library CIP data
European Opportunity, (Expanding World Series; vol. 2) I. Fernndez-Armesto, Felipe II. Series
US Library of Congress CIP data
The European Opportunity / [edited by] Felipe Fernndez-Armesto.
p. cm. (An Expanding World: vol. 2)
Includes three articles in French. Collection of previously published material, 1960-92. Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-86078-501-7
1. Discoveries in geographyAsian. I. Fernndez-Armesto, Felipe II. Series.
G400.E97 1995
941.085'092dc20 [B]
ISBN 13: 978-0-86078-501-9 (hbk)
Thomas Goldstein
Paul Adam
Richard W. Unger
Jacques Heers
Charles Verlinden
P.E. Russell
Guy Beaujouan
Andrew M. Watson
C.F. Beckingham
Pauline Moffitt Watts
Charles Verlinden
Charles Julian Bishko
Felipe Fernndez-Armesto
Robert S. Lopez
Rees Davies
The chapters in this volume are taken from the sources listed below. The editor and publishers wish to thank their authors, original publishers or other copyright holders for permission to use their material, as follows:
: Thomas Goldstein, 'Geography in Fifteenth-Century Florence', Merchants and Scholars, ed. J. Parker (Minneapolis, 1965), pp. 11-32. Copyright 1965 by the University of Minnesota.
: Paul Adam, 'Navigation primitive et navigation astronomique', Les aspects internationaux de la dcouverte ocanique au quinzime et seizime sicles: Actes du cinquime Colloque international d'histoire maritime, ed. M. Mollat and P. Adam (Paris, 1960), pp. 61-85. 1960 SEVPEN, Paris.
: Richard W. Unger, 'Portuguese Shipbuilding and the Early Voyages to the Guinea Coast', Vice-Almirante A. Teixeira Da Mota In Memoriam I (Lisbon: Academia da Marinha e Instituto de Investigao Cientfico Tropical, 1987), pp. 229-49.
: J. Heers, 'La rle des capitaux internationaux dans les voyages de dcouvertes au quinzime et seizime sicles', Les aspects internationaux de la dcouverte ocanique au quinzime et seizime sicles: Actes du cinquime Colloque international d'histoire maritime, ed. M. Mollatt and P. Adam (Paris, 1960), pp. 273-93. 1960 SEVPEN, Paris.
: Charles Verlinden, 'Italian Influences in Iberian Colonization', Hispanic American Historical Review XXXIII (New York, 1953), pp. 199-211. By Permission of Duke University.
: P.E. Russell, 'Prince Henry the Navigator', Diamante XI (London: The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Council, 1960), pp. 3-30
: Guy Beaujouan, 'Fernand Colomb et le trait d'astrologie d'Henri le Navigateur', Romania LXXXII (Paris: Cassirer, 1961), pp. 96-105.
: Andrew M. Watson, 'Back to Gold - and Silver', Economic History Review XX (Oxford: Blackwell, 1967), pp. 1-34.
: C.F. Beckingham, 'The Quest for Prester John', Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester LXII (Manchester, 1980), pp. 291-310. Reproduced by courtesy of the Director and University Librarian, the John Rylands University Library of Manchester.
: Pauline Moffitt Watts, 'Prophecy and Discovery: On the Spiritual Origins of Christopher Columbus's Enterprise in the Indies', American Historical Review XC (Washington, D.C., 1985), pp. 73-102.
: Charles Verlinden, 'The Transfer of Colonial Techniques from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic', The Beginnings of Modern Colonisation: Eleven Essays with an Introduction, ed. C. Verlinden, tr. Yvonne Freccero (Ithaca and London, 1970), pp. 3-32. Copyright 1970 by Cornell University. Used by permission of the publisher, Cornell University Press.
: C.J. Bishko, 'The Castilian as Plainsman: The Medieval Ranching Frontier in La Mancha and Extremadura', reprinted from The New World Looks at its History, edited by Archibald R. Lewis and Thomas F. McGann, pp. 47-69. Copyright 1963. By permission of the University of Texas Press.
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