







Text 2009 Kathy Bell
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The characters and eventsportrayed in this book are fictitious, any similarity to realpersons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Northern Sanctum Press, Ontario,Canada
Bell, Kathy, 1971
Regression / Kathy Bell. 1st Smashwords edition
ISBN 978-0-9812896-1-8
Print ISBN 978-0-9812896-0-1
Northern Sanctum Press, 2009
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Table ofContents

Journal of Doctor Nicholas Weaver
July 27, 98 Post Impact
To perform theregression requires almost 70 exajoules. The amount of powerconsumed by humans during one year when we were at the peak of ourcivilization. Such incredible discharges of energy are virtuallyimpossible to achieve. Meteor impacts, megathrust earthquakes, or ablast of 17 gigatons of TNT might approximate the power. Not simpleto orchestrate. It is both to my horror and to my advantage such aninstance occurs November 11, 2011, providing thirty times the forcerequired. The phenomenon precipitates the need for the regressionwhile also providing the means to complete it. What tragicirony.
No, Daddy. Want Mommy.
Daniel Davies shook his head,grimacing at his wife as she reached for the strugglingtoddler.
Adya smiled. Poor Daddy. Shewinked over the head of the little blonde girl. You just dontmeasure up.
Ouch. He buckled thelast of their children into the van before rounding to the driversside window. Ill see you in a bit; Jim wants me to help him putthe equipment away. Leaning in, he kissed her, and then strodetoward the ivy-covered stone building still surrounded by people inuniforms.
Bye, honey. Adyaturned and smiled over the seatback at the young ones. You wereall very well behaved for the memorial service; thank you. Singingin chorus to One Tin Soldier on the radio with a clear, sweetvoice, she drove toward her mothers house.
Twelve year old Serina leanedforward from the middle passenger seat. Why do we have to sitthrough that each year?
Yourgreat-grandfathers fought in both wars. We owe it to their memoriesand to
Blah, blah, blah,youve said it all before.
Serina, dontinterrupt me. Its a sign of respect to attend the Remembrance Dayactivities at the cenotaph. People sacrificed their lives to allowus to be there today.
Suitably chastised, the childchanged the subject. So if grandmas turning sixty today how oldwas she when she had you?
Im forty; you do themath.
Will, fifteen, spoke up, She wasnineteen, then. Thats really young, isnt it?
Not back then. Peopleused to have kids a lot younger than they do now. I had yourbrother when I was twenty-four.
Is that when youdecided to stay home with us?
Sort of. I didresearch part time on my Masters Degree, so I was still inschool. Adya glanced at her oldest daughter and smiled. You guyswere too cute to leave.
Do you miss it,working?
I didnt give upworking, just chose a different way of doing it. I think I wouldhave stayed in school anyway and the experience of having you kidsactually inspired quite a bit of my research. My thesis about oldersiblings setting the precedent for younger ones
Luke rolled his eyes as only aseven-year-old could. Mom, youre doing it again.
She pulled the minivan into a gasstation flying flags at half mast. What?
Talking biguselanguage we understand, not your shrink words.
With an exasperated sigh shereplied, Sorry, Luke. Anyway, you were my lab rats. Serinasnorted in laughter and Luke began to squeak like a rat. Two yearold Jessica squealed in feigned terror. The gas attendantapproached the vehicle as Adya lowered the window.
Hows the familytoday, Doctor Davies?
Theyre justwonderful, John. How are your little granddaughters?
Couldnt be better,and theyd love to come visit again any time you want to studythem. They thought it was a real hoot. He peeked into the van.Sounds like you have a zoo in there. Whats with all the animals?The children laughed even harder while making new, louder animalsounds.
I told the kids theywere my lab rats, just like your girls were. Could you fill it up,please?
Yes, maam. Johnquickly topped up the tank.
You know, I hope youdont close up this station; there arent many full serve placesleft. She grinned as she passed him the payment.
I dont knowmy sondoesnt really want to take over the place. But, folks like youkeep coming, Ill keep pumping. The old man limped back to hislittle booth. She drove on through a residential neighbourhood, topull into the driveway of her mothers house. The children piledout the sliding doors while their mother unbuckled the infant.Grandmother Samantha approached from the front porch where she hadbeen waiting, grey hair in a long braid down her back. She stoppedto toss a fallen branch from the driveway before reaching thevan.
Happy birthday,Mom.
Thanks, honey. I sawyou at the service, but didnt see Daniel. Is he joiningus?
Yes, he got caught upwith something at the university so wont be here till later.Wheres Dad?
Out back in his shop,putting the finishing touches on Hopes chest. She peered into thevan. You dont have room to take it with you today.
Adya shuffled bags inside thevehicle before looking helplessly at her mother. Shoot. I forgotthe diaper bag and your gifts. Do you mind if I drive back to pickthem up? Ill take Hope, is it okay if I leave the othershere?
These monkeys? Idont know but, I do have a new game for them to play inside.Cmon guys, come see grandmas new video game. The children rushedinto the house as their mother slipped back into the drivers seat.Adya reversed out of the laneway and turned the corner. Thering-shaped birthmark on her right hand began to throb, distractingher as she rubbed at it.
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