Netaji And The CPI
Netaji And The CPI
Sita Ram Goel
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Sita Ram Goe!
Publishers :
Society for Defence of Freedom in Asia
12, Chowringhee Square,
January, 1955 Price : -/6/
Print gps :
Swastik Mudranalaya
27/1-B, Cornwallis Street; CALCUTTA-6
Sita Ram Goel
Pdf: 2015.
I. | The Indian Scene | |
II. | The Russian Background | |
III. | The Peoples War | |
IV. | Slander Against Netaji | |
V. | The Aftermath | |
This pamphlet is mainly an inventory of abuses and calumnies heaped by the Communist Party of India and Moscow on one of the most illustrious sons of Mother India. The readers may ask a question : Why should I dig up the past and rake up all this mud which was, perhaps, thrown about in the heat of a world war when passions ran high and the stakes were inestimable? I may assure them that the past has absolutely no interest for me if I find that the present has irrevocably turned away from it. But what I have depicted in this pamphlet does not really belong to the past.
The other day, Moscow shocked the Indian people by heaping abuse on the Father of the Nation in the pages of the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. Sometime earlier, a newspaper in China had described Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as the running dog of American imperialism. The Soviet weekly New Times dated January 1, 1950 wrote an article on Sri Jai Prakash Narain calling him An Indian Agent of Transport House who is in charge of the Indian branch of the British Labour Party and who slavishly apes the manners and methods of his London bosses . New Times dated January 24, 1950 attacked Sri Pattabhi Sitararnayya, then President of the Indian National Congress, as a notorious person and a big-time profiteer who exploiting his high station made a good thing out of several carloads of goods which he bought in the state of Bikaner and resold at jacked-up prices in Pakistan . New Times dated July 19, 1950 attacked Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, the leader of the so-called Socialist Party of India, as an Indian
pseudo-socialist now endeavouring to smuggle through Washingtons schemes under the flag of Socialism and whose program for this third camp shows that the latter is in fact nothing other than the aggressive Pacific Pact which the American imperialists have so long been trying to engineer Moscow did not spare even the head of the Indian Republic, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Commenting on Events in Nepal, New Times dated November 22, 1950 observed : Speaking on November 14, at the opening of Parliament, Indias President, Rajendra Prasad, stressed his solidarity which the king of Nepal who is staying in Delhi as a guest of honour. He took the occasion to make the hypocritical assertion that the Indian Government respects the independence of Nepal although the facts show that it is interfering in Nepals affairs and helping to consolidate Anglo-American control in that country. At the same time he had the effrontery to denounce the Government of the Chinese Peoples Republic for liberating Tibet.
It would be folly to dismiss all this abuse and slander as a mere outcome of bad polemical habits which the communists have inherited from Marx and Lenin. Its intent and purpose can be grasped only if we undertake a thorough and serious study of communist scriptures and, thereby, acquire a knowledge of Indias place and role in the strategy of world communismthe ideological label under which Russian Imperialism stalks the world today. The road which Russian armies must follow in order to reach Paris still passes through Calcutta. The Russian war-lords are still maintaining a big corps of sappers and miners, the Communist Party of India, for clearing that road. So long as these sappers and miners find a place in this country, Moscow will never cease conspiring against our sovereign independence, our democratic way of life, our cultural heritagein short, against our nationhood. If we allow the CPI to exist and grow in this country, we may sign any number of Panchsilas and exchange any number of cultural missions with Moscow
and Peking, our defeat and destruction is inevitable. The signing of non-aggression pacts did not save Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and China from becoming victims of Russian aggression. All these countries except Linland are today helpless satellites of Moscow. Only Linland escaped that fate because she had never allowed the communist trojan horse to plant its feet on her native soil.
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