Combatants of Muslim Origin in European Armies in the Twentieth Century
![Contents Figures Tirailleurs marocains in Amiens preparing roast mutton - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/247383/images/title.jpg)
Tirailleurs marocains in Amiens preparing roast mutton, 1914. Postcard, private collection.
Hindus at La Barasse near Marseille preparing dough for chappattis Postcard, private collection.
Young girl offering champagne to tirailleurs algriens on their way to the frontier, 1914. Postcard, private collection.
Royal Indian Navy ethnic and regional composition
Xavier Bougarel is Research Fellow at the Centre dtudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques in Paris. His research is focused on Islam in the Balkans, the Second World War in the Balkans and the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. Amongst his publications: Survivre aux empires. Islam, identit nationale et allgeances politiques en Bosnie-Herzgovine (2015); Les musulmans de lEurope du Sud-Est (with Nathalie Clayer, 2013); Investigating Srebrenica. Facts, Responsibilities, Institutions (with Isabelle Delpla and Jean-Louis Fournel, 2012); The New Bosnian Mosaic. Identities, Memories and Moral Claims in a Post-War Society (with Elissa Helms and Ger Duijzings, 2007); and Bosnie, anatomie dun conflit (1996).
Raphalle Branche is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Rouen, and Researcher at the Groupe de Recherche dHistoire (EA 3831). She is the editor in chief of the journal Vingtime sicle. Revue dhistoire. Her work focuses on the Algerian war of independence, the French Army in colonial wars, colonial violence and gender issues. Amongst her publications: Prisonniers du FLN (2014); Lembuscade de Palestro, Algrie 1956 (2010); La Guerre dAlgrie: une histoire apaise? (2005); and La Torture et larme pendant la guerre dAlgrie, 19541962 (2001).
Tanja Bhrer is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Rostock. Before that, she has been Visiting Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), the Oxford Centre for Global History, the German Historical Institute London (GHIL), and at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Amongst her publications: Die KaiserlicheSchutztruppe fr Deutsch-Ostafrika. Koloniale Sicherheitspolitik und transkulturelle Kriegfhrung 1885 bis 1918 (2011); and Imperialkriege von 1500 bis heute. Strukturen Akteure Lernprozesse (with Christian Stachelbeck and Dierk Walter, 2011).
Emmanuelle Cronier is Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Picardie in Amiens. Her research to date has focused on the social and cultural history of the First World War. She has published on fighters on leave and on the urban experience of war. She is currently doing research on food issues during the Great War in a comparative approach. Amongst her publications: Permissionnaires dans la Grande Guerre (2013).
Clo Drieu is Research Fellow at Centre dtudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques in Paris. She specializes in the political and social history of Central Asia. Since 2014, she has carried out lengthy fieldworks in the archives in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia and she is now working on Central Asia during the First World War through the revolt of 1916. Amongst her publications: Fictions nationales. Cinma, empire et nation en Ouzbkistan (19241937) (2013); and Ecrans dOrient, Propagande, innovation et rsistances dans les cinmas de Turquie, dIran et dAsie Centrale (18971945) (edited volume, 2013).
Kiril Feferman is Research Fellow at the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research in Los Angeles, Senior Lecturer at Ariel University in Israel, and Associate Researcher at the Centre dtude des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-europen in Paris. He previously taught at the Russian State University and the Russian State University for Humanities in Moscow. Amongst his publications: The Holocaust in the Crimea and the North Caucasus (2015).
Salavat M. Iskhakov is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He specializes in the social and political history of the Muslim population of the Russian Empire and the USSR during the twentieth century. Among his publications: Grazhdanskaia Voina v Rossii i Musulmane. Dokumenty i materialy [Civil war in Russia and the Muslim Populations, Documents] (2014); Pervaia Russkaia Revoliutsiia i Musulmane Rossisskoi imperii [The First Russian Revolution and the Muslims of the Russian Empire] (2007); and Rossiskie Musulmane i Revoliutsiia (19171919) [The Muslims of Russia and Revolution (19171919)] (2004).
Julie Le Gac is a graduate of the cole Normale Suprieure de Cachan and a Postdoctoral Fellow in Modern History at the University of Paris IV Sorbonne (LabEx EHNE UMR Sirice). Her research explores the intersections of military history, colonial history, gender history and the history of medicine. She is currently researching the history of war psychiatry from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Amongst her publications: Vaincre sans gloire. Le corps expditionnaire franais en Italie (novembre 1942-juillet 1944) (2013).
Gilbert Meynier has served on the faculty of Constantine University (19681970) and Nancy II University (19712000). His research focuses on Algeria and the Arab world. Among his publications: LAlgrie rvle (1981); Lmir Khaled, premier zam? (with Ahmed Koulakssis, 1987); Histoire de la France colonialeTome II (19141990) (with Jacques Thobie, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch and Charles-Robert Ageron, 1990); Histoire intrieure du FLN (2002); Le FLN, documents et histoire (with Mohammed Harbi, 2004); LAlgrie des origines. De la prhistoire lavnement de lislam (2007); and LAlgrie, cur du Maghreb classique. De louverture islamo-arabe au repli (6981518) (2010).
Claire Miot is Associate Researcher at the Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique at the cole Normale Suprieure de Cachan. Amongst her publications: Larme de lEmpire ou larme de la Nation? Front et arrires pendant la seconde campagne de France (19441945), Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, no. 259 (2015), 3956; and Le retrait des tirailleurs sngalais de la Premire Arme franaise en 1944. Hrsie stratgique, bricolage politique ou conservatisme colonial ?, Vingtime sicle. Revue dhistoire, no. 125 (2015), 7789.
Daniel Owen Spence is Senior Lecturer in the University of the Free States International Studies Group, Research Affiliate with the University of Sydney, and Fellow of Leiden Universitys African Studies Centre Community. Amongst his publications: Colonial Naval Culture and British Imperialism, 19221967 (2015); and A History of the Royal Navy: Empire and Imperialism (2015).
This book grew out of the conference Far from Jihad: Combatants of Muslim Origin in European Armies in the 20th Century, held on 22nd and 23rd May 2014 at the Cit Nationale pour lHistoire de lImmigration (CNHI) in Paris. We are very grateful to the CNHI for hosting this event. We would also like to thank the Labex TEPSIS, the Centre dtudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (CETOBAC), the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, the Institut dtudes de lIslam et des Socits du Monde Musulman (IISMM), University of Paris I, the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), the cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and the Centre dHistoire Sociale du XXe Sicle for making this conference possible. During the event, we benefited from comments and clarifications from Annette Becker, Robert Johnson and Pierre-Jean Luizard. We wish to thank Christopher Mobley for translating the contributions of Xavier Bougarel and Gilbert Meynier and the introduction, and Ian Appleby for translating Salavat Iskhakovs text. Our gratitude goes to Julie Le Gac for helping us find the cover illustration. While preparing this book, we were helped by many other colleagues. It would be impossible to name them all, but we would like to extend special thanks to Richard Fogarty and the two anonymous reviewers for their remarks and encouragement. Any errors or oversights in this book are, of course, our own responsibility.