First Canadian Army and the Battles for the Channel Ports
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Douglas & McIntyre
Copyright 2017 Mark Zuehlke
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Douglas and Mcintyre (2013) Ltd.
P.O. Box 219, Madeira Park, BC , V0N 2H0
Editing by Kathy Vanderlinden
Dust jacket typesetting by Shed Simas/Ona Design
Jacket photographs: Authors collection
Maps by C. Stuart Daniel/Starshell Maps
Photos used by permission of Library and Archives Canada
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Douglas and McIntyre (2013) Ltd. acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $ 153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. We also gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Government of Canada and from the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Zuehlke, Mark, author
Cinderella campaign : First Canadian Army and the battles for the Channel
ports / Mark Zuehlke.
(Canadian battle series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-77162-089-5 (hardcover). --ISBN 978-1-77162-090-1 ( HTML )
1. Canada. Canadian Army. Army, First. 2. World War, 1939-1945 --
Campaigns -- France, Northern. 3. World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental
histories -- Canada. I . Title. II . Series: Canadian battle series
D 768.153 Z 84 2017 940.542142 C 2017-905466 -X
C 2017-905467-8
The Canadian Battle Series*
Forgotten Victory: First Canadian Army and the Cruel Winter of 194445
Tragedy at Dieppe: Operation Jubilee, August 19, 1942
Breakout from Juno: First Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign, July 4August 21, 1944
On to Victory: The Canadian Liberation of the Netherlands, March 23May 5, 1945
Operation Husky: The Canadian Invasion of Sicily, July 10August 7, 1943
Terrible Victory: First Canadian Army and the Scheldt Estuary Campaign, September 13November 6, 1944
Holding Juno: Canadas Heroic Defence of the D-Day Beaches, June 712, 1944
Juno Beach: Canadas D-Day Victory: June 6, 1944
The Gothic Line: Canadas Month of Hell in World War II Italy
The Liri Valley: Canadas World War II Breakthrough to Rome
Ortona: Canadas Epic World War II Battle
A Canadian Battle Series Companion*
Through Blood and Sweat: A Remembrance Trek Across Sicilys World War II Battlegrounds
Other Military History Books By Mark Zuehlke
The Canadian Military Atlas: Four Centuries of Conflict from New France to Kosovo (with C. Stuart Daniel)*
Brave Battalion: The Remarkable Saga of the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) in the First World War
The Gallant Cause: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War, 19361939
For Honours Sake: The War of 1812 and the Brokering of an Uneasy Peace
Ortona Street Fight
Assault on Juno
*Available from Douglas & McIntyre
During September, while the main Allied forces were driving for the German frontier, General Crerars First Canadian Army was the Cinderella of Eisenhowers forces.
Chester Wilmot, Australian correspondent
The further east you go, the less important death becomes. The Japanese have no fear of death at all, and the Russians have almost none. In England and America life is very precious, and everything is done in wartime to preserve it and prevent its needless waste. We Germans stand in the middle.
Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim, Commandant Fortress Boulogne
War narrows a persons horizon and the most important person in a soldiers scope of vision is himself. One does not think too much about another persons sacrifices, although one realizes that the next person is sacrificing as much [as] or more than yourself.
Captain Joseph Greenblatt, Medical Officer, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, September 18, 1944
In 2006, I completed a two-volume set about D-Day and the six pivotal days that followed, wherein the Juno beachhead and the success of the Normandy invasion itself were secured by the Canadian soldiers who, on June 6, 1944, had landed on that thin strip of sand. I recognized at the time that the fighting described in Juno Beach and Holding Juno constituted what is generally considered the turning point in World War II and was therefore the part of this great conflict best known by Canadians and most other Western readers. Canadas army had, of course, fought in scores of other battles in the Northwest Europe Campaign, but many of these were largely forgotten by all but a few specialists.
While researching the two Normandy titles, because of flight scheduling I had landed in Amsterdam, rented a car, and driven south to Juno Beach. The route took me through the Scheldt Estuarythe heartland of a forgotten campaign. I paused here for several days to tour this fascinating battlefield, which had cost so many Canadian lives and been so important to the Allied effort. That initial tour hooked me. I drove toward Normandy knowing that when the two books I was researching there were completed, the Scheldt Estuary Campaign would be the subject of the next Canadian Battle Series volume.
And so it was. But in researching and writing Terrible Victory, I was haunted for much of the time by the problem of how to treat a closely aligned part of the storywhat is generally called the Channel Ports Campaign. In September 1944, the Allies desperately needed a port in either northern France or Belgium to resolve the growing problem of supplying the rapidly advancing troops still getting supplies from the Normandy beachheads. Separated from the sea by the Scheldt Estuary, Antwerp was the largest such port and the most desired. Opening that port to Allied shipping led to First Canadian Armys hard-fought battles from September 13 to November 6, which became the focus of