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Thom Hartmann - The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment

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Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment
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    The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment
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Thom Hartmann, the most popular progressive radio host in America and a New York Times bestselling author, looks at the real history of guns in America and what we can do to limit both their lethal impact and the power of the gun lobby.
Taking his typically in-depth, historically informed view, Thom Hartmann examines how guns have played important roles throughout American history, from early European settlement to the Revolutionary War and Manifest Destiny, through the use of Slave Patrols in the Deep South (which became the well-regulated militias so debated in 1787), to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and recent school massacres.
Looking at the present, Hartmann documents how inequality in America and the number of people killed in mass shootings have grown together over the last fifty years. Finally, he identifies a handful of common-sense and powerful solutions that would address the issue at different levels: from getting money out of politics to get the National Rifle Association out of lobbying, to passing laws that would treat gun ownership like car ownership (title, license, insurance), to addressing the social despair and economic inequality that drive violent crime and mass shootings.
34,000 REASONS TO READ THIS BOOK: Thats the number of gun-related deaths annually in America.
Norman Lear
No one does a better job of rolling out the Constitution, opening up the historical records, and separating fact from fiction than Thom Hartmann. This book is brilliant. So brilliant that if every American were to read it and take its message to heart, the lies that are used to divide could lose their power. And we might just find the common ground that so frequently eludes us.
John Nichols, National Affairs Correspondent, The Natio

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Praise for The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment

If every American were to read this book and take its message to heart, the lies that are used to divide could lose their power. And we might just find the common ground that so frequently eludes us.

John Nichols, National Affairs Correspondent, The Nation

America, with 5 percent of the population, ended up with 50 percent of all the guns, worldwide, in civilian hands.

Medea Benjamin, author and cofounder of CODEPINK

Thom is the professor America needs. If people knew what he knows, wed have a vastly different country.

Cenk Uygur, Host, The Young Turks, and CEO, TYT Network

Hartmann unravels the anemic underpinnings of the deafening claims by gun rights advocates for constitutional sanction while showing how gun rights ideology, born from slavery, is rooted in racial hatred and tribalism manipulated by economic demands of racketeering gun manufacturers and their corporate and political allies.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

When Thom Hartmann talks, I listen. This book about the history of guns in America is important, mind-opening, and profoundly helpful.

Marianne Williamson

Thom tells us what we can do right now to move forward.

Larry Cohen, Chair, Our Revolution; Past President, Communications Workers of America; and Founding Chair, Democracy Initiative

Thom Hartmann adroitly links the relationship of guns to slavery from Columbus through Reconstruction to racism in present-day America. This book should be required reading for every legislator.

Earl Katz, political ethicist and Emmy-nominated documentary producer

A powerful stepping-stone to a new understanding about and approach to gun reform in the Wild West of nations.

Mark Karlin, founder of BuzzFlash.com and former Chairman and President, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

This profoundly personal yet insightful historical work so wonderfully encapsulates the pulse of our time and the sea change the Parkland kids and others have made in our national, and deadly, struggle with guns in America.

Stephanie Miller, national radio host

Political sloganeering aside, guns do in fact kill people. Its a national plague directly traceable to a handful of corporate profiteers, gun lobby extremists, and gutless politicians. In this liberating book, Thom Hartmann exposes their scam and proposes a path to gun sanity.

Jim Hightower, populist radio commentator, syndicated columnist, and editor of the monthly newsletter The Hightower Lowdown

There is a widely accepted false choice that either we protect the lives of our schoolchildren or we protect our freedom to own guns, but we cant do both. This book explains how weve come to think in such black-and-white terms and how the debate over guns has become so polarized as to seem intractable.

John Robbins, bestselling author and cofounder and President, Food Revolution Network

The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment Copyright 2019 by Thom - photo 3

The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment

Copyright 2019 by Thom Hartmann

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First Edition

Paperback print edition ISBN 978-1-5230-8599-6

PDF e-book ISBN 978-1-5230-8600-9

IDPF e-book ISBN 978-1-5230-8601-6

Digital audio ISBN 978-1-5230-8603-0


Book production: Linda Jupiter Productions; Editor: Elissa Rabellino; Cover design: Wes Youssi, M.80 Design; Text design: Morning Hullinger, The Color Mill; Proofread: Mary Kanable; Index: Paula C. Durbin-Westby

To the memory of my friend Clark Stinson


By Mike Farrell

Years ago, probably the late 70s, I went to a fund-raising event in Los Angeles to hear Rev. George Regas, one of the founders of the Interfaith Center to Reverse the Arms Race. I remember being struck by a unique part of his fund-raising pitch that day. He said that our societys priorities are upside down: human existence is being endangered by the makers of war, so in a rational society those working for peace should be funded by the government while the Pentagon has bake sales to raise its budget.

He said it better than that, but the idea stuck with me. And when I think about it, so many of the things we do in this country tell me hes right. The official policies are too often counterproductive in a society that claims to respect the dignity of each individual, in a state that claims to believe in equality and says it intends to promote the general welfare. The general welfare means, roughly, taking care of the needs of the common citizen. And thats us, folks.

But take a look at poverty, climate change, health care, racial and gender equity, the proliferation of guns; name your issue. Whatever it is, we clearly seem to have gone pretty far off track in a lot of areas in a lot of ways and find ourselves wondering why were stuck in opposition to one another.

When that happens, Ive found it helpful to look for thoughtful, clear-eyed people who are capable of taking a dispassionate look at a troubling issue or situation and parse it, take it apart logically, and in so doing provide a better understanding of not only the issue itself but its history, the factors or elements that have led us to a place that is so obviously deeply wrong but somehow seems too overwhelmingly complicated to ever get right.

Happily, there are such people in our world. They are leaders, but not necessarily part of formal leadership. Think of them as thought leaders. One of the best of them, I believe, is Thom Hartmann, the author of this book.

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