The following lists are restricted to materials used in the preparation of the present volume, though many items have not been cited directly in the text. A number of obviously important titles have been added, though they were not accessible to me.
Bouthol, Gaston, LInvention (Paris, 1930).
Centre International de Synthse, Neuvime Semaine Internationale de Synthse, LInvention (Paris, 1938).
Dumas, Georges, ed., Trait de psychologie, 2 vols. (Paris, 19231924).
Epstein, R. C., Industrial Invention, Heroic, or Systematic? Quarterly Journal of Economics 40 (1926), 426476.
Gilfillan, S. C., Inventing the Ship (Chicago: Follett, 1935).
The Sociology of Invention (Chicago: Follett, 1935).
Hadamard, Jacques, The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1945).
Harrison, H. S., The Evolution of the Domestic Arts , Handbook of the Horniman Museum, Part I (London,1925).
Evolution in Material Culture, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report of the 98th Meeting , 1930 (London, 1931), ), pp. 137159.
Inventions; Obtrusive, Directional, and Independent, Man 26 (1926), 117121.
Opportunism and the Factors of Invention, American Anthropologist 32 (1926), 106125.
Variations and Mutations in Invention, Man 26 (1926), 154158.
HatBeld.H.S., The Inventor and His World (London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1948).
Helson, Harry, The Fundamental Propositions of Gestalt Psychology, Psychological Review 40 (1933), 1332.
The Psychology of Gestalt, American Journal of Psychology 36 (1925), 342370, 494526; 37 (1926), 2662, 189223.
Koehler, Wolfgang, The Mentality of Apes (translated by Ella Winter; London: Harcourt, Brace, 1926).
Koestler, Arthur, Insight and Outlook. An Inquiry into the Common Foundations of Science , Art, and Social Ethics (New York: Macmillan, 1949).
Koffka, Kurt, The Growth of the Mind (translated by R. M. Ogden; New York, 1926).
Principles of Gestalt Psychology (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1935).
Mason, O. T., Origins of Invention (London, 1895).
Montmasson, J. M., Invention and the Unconscious (translated by H. S. Hatfield; New York,1932).
Ogburn, W. F., and Dorothy Thomas, Are Inventions Inevitable? Political Science Quarterly 37 (1922), 8398.
Ogden, R. M., Psychology and Education (New York, 1926).
Porterfield, A. L., Creative Factors in Scientific Research (Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1941).
Smuts, J. C., Holism and Evolution (New York, 1926).
Souriau, Paul, La Rverie esthtique (Paris, 1906).
Thorie de lnvention (Paris, 1888).
Varendonck, Julian, The Evolution of the Conscious Faculties (New York, 1924).
The Psychology of Day Dreams (New York, 1921 ).
Brunet, Pierre, and Aldo Mieli, Histoire des sciences : Antiquit (Paris: Payot, 1935).
Clagett, Marshall, Giovanni Marliani and late Medieval Physics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1941).
Cohen, M. R., and I. E. Drabkin, A Source Book in Greek Science (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948).
Datta, Bibhutibhusan, and A. N. Singh, History of Hindu Mathematics (Lahore: Motilal Banarsi Das, 1935).
Diels, Hermann, Ueber das physikalische System des Stratons, Sitzungsberichte der Koniglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaflen (Berlin, 1893), pp. 101127.
Duhem, Pierre, Essai sur le notion de Thorie Physique de Platon Galile (Paris, 1908).
Etudes sur Leonardo da Vinci (Paris, 1906, 1909, 1913).
Les Origines de la Statique (Paris, 1906).
Le Systme du monde. Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon Copernic (Paris, 19131917).
Jouguet, Emile, Lectures de mecanique (Paris, 1924).
Hart, I. B., The Mechanical Investigations of Leonardo da Vinci (London, 1925).
Heidel, W. A., The Heroic Age of Science (Baltimore: Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1933).
Mach, Ernst, The Science of Mechanics (first German edition, 1883; fifth, 1923; first English edition, London, 1893; second, Chicago, 1902; fourth, 1919). The first two English editions have the same plates in the text; references are to them.
Neugebauer, O. E., Ueber Vorgrieschische Mathematik, Hamburger Mathematische Einzelschriften, Vol. 8 (Leipzig, 1929).
Vorlesungen ber Geschichte der Antiken Mathematische Wissenschaften. I. Vorgrieschiche Mathematik (Berlin: Springer, 1934).
Exact Science in Antiquity (University of Pennsylvania Studies in Civilization; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941).
OLeary, De Lacey, How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949).
Ray, D. H., The Development of the Science of Mechanics (Lancaster, Pa., 1908).
Raymond, Arnold, Histoire des sciences exactes et naturelle s (Paris, 1924).
de Rochas dAiglun, Albert, La Science dans lantiquit (Paris, 1883).
Sarton, George, An Introduction to the History of Science (Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1927,1931,1945,1948).
Schuster, Fritz, Zr Mechanik Leonardo da Vincis (Erlangen, 1915).
Singer, Charles, ed., Studies in the History and Method of Science , 2 vols. (Oxford, 1921 ).
Thorndike, Lynn, A History of Magic and Experimental Science (New York: Columbia University Press, 19231941).
Vierendael, Arthur, Esquisse dune histoire de la technique (Brussels, Paris, 1921).
Albright, W. F., The Archeology of Palestine (London: Penguin Books, 1949).
Barnes, H. E., Howard Becker, and Frances Bennett Becker, Contemporary Social Theory (New York: Appleton, 1940).
Childe, V. G., Man Makes Himself (London, 1936); revised under the title What Happened In History? (New York: Penguin Books, 1946).
Diringer, David, The Alphabet : A Key to the History of Mankind (New York: Philosophical Library, 1948).
Goldenweiser, Alexander, Anthropology (New York: Crofts, 1937).
Herskovits, M.J., Man and His Works (New York: Knopf, 1948).
Kroeber, A. L., Anthropology: Race, Language, Culture, Psychology , Pre-history (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1923, 1948).
Configurations of Culture Growth (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944).
Morley, S. G., The Ancient Maya (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1946).
Ogburn, W. F., Social Change, with Respect to Culture and Original Nature (New York, 1922).
Sociology (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1940).
Technological Trends and National Policy (Washington: U. S. National Resources Committee, 1937).
Peake, Harold, Early Steps in Human Progress (London and Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1933).
Yinger, J. M., Religion in the Struggle for Power (Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1946).
384322 B.C. Aristotle, Mechanica, in W. D. Ross, The Works of Aristotle , translated into English (Oxford, 1913), vol. 6, Opuscula.
Third century B.C. Euclid. Treatises ascribed to Euclid by Arabic writers were probably the work of later hands, though possibly anterior to Archimedes:
(a) The book of Euclid on the balance;
(b) The book of Euclid on heavy and light bodies.
287212 B.C. Archimedes, Works , ed. by T. L. Heath (Cambridge, 1897).
c. 270200 B.C. Philo of Byzantium.
( a) H. Diels and E. Schramm, Philons Belopoiika, Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin : Philosophisches-Historisches Klasse (1919) 12 (1921), 16.