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Steves - Rick Steves Spain 2016

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Steves Rick Steves Spain 2016
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    Rick Steves Spain 2016
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Rick Steves Spain 2016: summary, description and annotation

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You can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling in Spain.
In this guide, youll find an inviting mix of exciting cities and cozy towns. Explore the lively cities of Madrid, Barcelona, and Sevilla, and follow the Route of the White Hill Towns in Andalucas sun-drenched countryside. Experience the works of the great mastersfrom El Greco to Picasso to Daland learn how to avoid the lines at the most popular museums. Self-guided walks lead you through the castles, cathedrals, and villages of this ancient but modern land. End your day with a glass of Rioja wine and a plate of tapasthen join the locals for an evening of flamenco.
Ricks candid, humorous advice will guide you to good-value hotels and restaurants. Hell help you plan where to go and what to see, depending on the length of your trip. Youll get up-to-date recommendations about what is worth your time and money. More than just reviews and...

Steves: author's other books

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Rick Steves Spain 2016 - photo 1
Rick Steves Spain 2016 - photo 2
Rick Steves Spain 2016 - photo 3
Rick Steves Spain 2016 - photo 4
Rick Steves Spain 2016 - photo 5
Emergency Needs - photo 6
Emergency Needs Police Spaintel 091 Moroccotel 190 Ambulance or Any - photo 7
Emergency Needs Police Spaintel 091 Moroccotel 190 Ambulance or Any - photo 8
Emergency Needs

Police: Spaintel. 091, Moroccotel. 190

Ambulance or Any Emergency: Spaintel. 112, Moroccotel. 150

Embassies and Consulates

US Embassy in Madrid, Spain: Tel. 915-872-240, after-hours emergency tel. 915-872-200 (Calle Serrano 75, madrid.usembassy.gov)

US Consulate in Barcelona, Spain: Tel. 932-802-227, after-hours emergency tel. 915-872-200 (Paseo Reina Elisenda de Montcada 23, barcelona.usconsulate.gov)

US Embassy in Gibraltar: Call the US Embassy in Madrid.

US Consulate General in Casablanca, Morocco: Tel. 0522-267-151, after-hours emergency tel. 0661-131-939 (Boulevard Moulay Youssef 8, morocco.usembassy.gov)

Canadian Embassy in Madrid, Spain: Tel. 913-828-400 (Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana 259D, in Torre Espacio skyscraper, www.espana.gc.ca)

Canadian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco: Tel. 0537-544-949 (66 Mehdi Ben Barka Avenue, www.morocco.gc.ca)

Directory Assistance

In Spain, dial 11811 (0.40/min) or 11818 (0.55/call from private numbers, free from phone booths).

This list includes selected festivals in major cities plus national holidays - photo 9

This list includes selected festivals in major cities, plus national holidays observed throughout Spain. Many sights and banks close on national holidayskeep this in mind when planning your itinerary. Before planning a trip around a festival, verify its dates by checking the festivals website or TI sites (www.spain.info).

Be prepared for big crowds during these holiday periods: Holy Week (Semana Santa) and Easter weekend, especially in Sevilla; April Fair in Sevilla; the San Isidro festival in Madrid; Labor Day; Dos de Mayo, Madrid; Ascension; Pentecost weekend; Assumption weekend; Spanish National Day; Constitution Day, followed closely by the Feast of the Immaculate Conceptionboth the previous and following weekends may be busy; and Christmas and New Years. Look out for any local holiday that falls on a Tuesday or Thursdaythe Spanish will often take Monday or Friday off as well to have a four-day weekend.

Jan 1New Years Day
Jan 6Epiphany
Early FebLa Candelaria (religious festival), Madrid
Feb 28Day of Andaluca (some closures), Andaluca
March 20-27Holy Week
March 27Easter
March 28Easter Monday
April 12-17April Fair (Feria de Abril), Sevilla
April 23Sant Jordi (flowers and books), Barcelona
May 1Labor Day (closures)
May 2Dos de Mayo, Madrid
May 3Fiesta de las Cruces (religious festival), Granada and Crdoba
Early MayFeria del Caballo (horse pageantry), Jerez
May 5Ascension
May 15San Isidro (religious festival), Madrid and Nerja
May 15-16Pentecost and Whit Monday
Late May-Early JuneLa Patum (religious festival), Berga (near Barcelona)
May 26Corpus Christi
June 24Festival of St. John the Baptist (bonfires and fireworks)
June-JulyInternational Festival of Music and Dance, Granada
July 6-14Running of the Bulls (Fiesta de San Fermn), Pamplona
July 25Feast Day of St. James, Santiago de Compostela
AugGrcia Festival, Barcelona
Mid-AugVerbena de la Paloma (folk festival), Madrid
Aug 15Assumption of Mary (religious festival)
SeptAutumn Festival (flamenco, bullfights), Jerez
Late SeptLa Merc (parade), Barcelona
Late SeptFeria de San Miguel (bullfights), Sevilla
Late SeptLittle San Fermn (concerts, parades), Pamplona
Oct 12Spanish National Day
Late Oct-NovInternational Jazz Festival, Madrid
Nov 1All Saints Day
Nov 9Virgen de la Almudena, Madrid
Dec 6Constitution Day
Dec 8Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Dec 13Feast of Santa Luca
Dec 25Christmas
Dec 31New Years Eve

Spain is overwhelmingly rich in history, art, and culture. To learn more about Spains past and present, check out a few of these books or films.


Barcelona (Robert Hughes, 1992). This is an opinionated journey through the citys tumultuous history, with a focus on art and architecture. Barcelona: The Great Enchantress (2004) is a condensed version of Hughes love song to his favorite city.

Barcelona: A Thousand Years of the Citys Past (Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, 1992). A historical and artistic perspective on Barcelona, this book also details the tensions between the city and the rest of Spain.

The Basque History of the World (Mark Kurlansky, 2001). This is an essential history for understanding the Basque region (the area between Spain and France).

The Battle for Spain (Antony Beevor, 2006). A prize-winning account of the disintegration of Spain in the 1930s, Beevors work is the best overall history of the bloody civil war.

Discovering Spain: An Uncommon Guide

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